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WHAT DOES "NOT" MEAN?NOT changes FALSE to TRUE and TRUE to FALSE. Try this:10 REM DOUBLE NEGATIVE20 N=-130 PRINT "N"; TAB(10); N40 PRINT "NOT N"; TAB(10); NOT N50 PRINT "NOT NOT N "; TAB(10); NOT (NOT N)60 REM THE COMPUTER KNOWS THAT "I DON'T HAVE NO..."61 REM MEANS "I DO HAVE ...."Save to tape or disk.I'AINQTNOrFRLIINGCAREFUL!andNOT (TRUE) = FALSENOT (FALSE) = TRUEworks only for real TRUE, the one whereTRUE = -1It doesn't work for the little white lies whereTRUE = any number except zero.Try this. Put N=3 in the above program and see that (NOT 3) doesn't give 0.144

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