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Here - 1000 BiT Here - 1000 BiT


UABOUT THE BOOKThe book is arranged into 33 lessons, each with notes to the instructor and eachcontaining assignments and review questions.For instructors who feel themselves weak in BASIC or are beginners, the student'slessons form a good introduction to BASIC. The lessons and notes differ in style. Thelessons are pragmatic and holistic, the notes and GLOSSARY are detailed andexplanatory.The book starts with a bare bones introduction to programming, leading quickly to thepoint where interesting programs can be written. See the notes for Lesson 6, THEINPUT COMMAND, for an explanation. The central part of the book emphasizes moreadvanced and powerful commands. The final part of the book continues this, but alsodeals with broader aspects of the art of programming such as editing, debugging, anduser friendly programming.The assignments involve writing programs, usually short ones. Of course, many differentprograms are satisfactory "solutions" to these assignments. In the back of the book Ihave included solutions for assigned programs, some of them written by children whohave used the book.Lesson 14 SAVING TO TAPE, can be studied anytime after Lesson 3.uu12

nn INSTRUCTOR NOTES 1 NEW, PRINT, REM AND RUN^ This lesson is an introduction to the computer. There are many small questions yourstudent may have at the start, so you should pull up a chair and help in the familiarization.^ If something goes wrong and all else fails, tell your student to turn off the computer, thenturn it on and start again.r\The light blue writing on a dark blue background may be hard to read. Instructions are^ given for making white letters. If these are still hard to read, then the instructions toPOKE 53281,0 to get a black background may be followed.^The contents of the lesson:1. Turning on the computer.O 2. Typing versus entering commands or lines. RETURN key.3. The computer understands only a limited number of commands.^ 4. REM puts remarks in the program.^ 5. What is a program. Numbered lines.6. Clearing the screen.^ 7. White letters on a black background.8. Memory can be cleared with NEW.O 9. What is seen on the screen and what is in memory are different. This may be a hardconcept for the student to understand at first.^ 10. RUN makes the computer go to memory, look at the commands in the lines (in order)^nand perform the commands.11. One can skip numbers in choosing line numbers, and why one may want to do so.nQUESTIONS:^ 1. Write a program which will print your name.2. Make the program disappear from the TV screen but stay in memory.n3. Run it.4. Erase the program from memory.~. 5. Clear the screen and write a program which prints HELLO.?**) 6. Make it run.^ 7. Erase it from memory but leave it on the screen.^ 8. How do you make the letters nice and white?nn13

UABOUT THE BOOKThe book is arranged into 33 lessons, each with notes to the instructor and eachcontaining assignments and review questions.For instructors who feel themselves weak in BASIC or are beginners, the student'slessons form a good introduction to BASIC. The lessons and notes differ in style. Thelessons are pragmatic and holistic, the notes and GLOSSARY are detailed andexplanatory.The book starts with a bare bones introduction to programming, leading quickly to thepoint where interesting programs can be written. See the notes for Lesson 6, THEINPUT COMMAND, for an explanation. The central part of the book emphasizes moreadvanced and powerful commands. The final part of the book continues this, but alsodeals with broader aspects of the art of programming such as editing, debugging, anduser friendly programming.The assignments involve writing programs, usually short ones. Of course, many differentprograms are satisfactory "solutions" to these assignments. In the back of the book Ihave included solutions for assigned programs, some of them written by children whohave used the book.Lesson 14 SAVING TO TAPE, can be studied anytime after Lesson 3.uu12

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