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LESSON 21COLOR GRAPHICSADJUST YOUR COLOR TV OR MONITORPut all the colors on the screen like this:First press CTRL and RVS ON. (Now "space" will be a colored spot.)Press CTRL and the RED key. Then hold down the SPACE BAR to make a redstrip on the screen.Repeat with the rest of the color keys.Press CTRL and RVS OFF.Now you have six colored stripes on the screen. Adjust the color controls on the TV ormonitor until each color looks correct.COLOR SCREENRemember that the box numbered 53281 holds a number from 0 to 15 which picks anumber for the screen background color.There is a another memory box which tells the computer what colors to show on theborder of the screen.Its number is 53280.Run:10 REM COMBINATIONS20 SBOX = 53281 :REM SCREEN BOX21 BBOX = 53280:REM BORDER BOX25 PRINT "clrdndndn"30 INPUT "WHAT COLOR SCREEN ";SC37 POKE SBOX.SC38 PRINT "clrdndndn"40 INPUT "WHAT COLOR BORDER ";BC50 POKE BBOX.BC90 GO TO 25121

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