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INSTRUCTOR NOTES 21COLOR GRAPHICSThis lesson demonstrates most of the color features of the C-64. , .The next lesson finishes with the POKE commands which put graphics characters on thescreen in color.^jThe lesson starts with a procedure for systematically adjusting the color controls on theTV or monitor.^Screen border and background color are controlled by POKEs to the memory addresses53280 and 53281. ^jThe color of characters currently being PRINTed by the computer is stored in memory ^Jbox 646.Great care must be used in POKEing because a wrong address may put junk into some .jvital part of memory, making the system crash. Of course, this doesn't hurt the computerphysically, just makes it necessary to do a "cold start" (i.e., turn the computer off, then ^on). As a result, the program in memory is lost.If you are writing a program which has POKEs, it is wise to save it to tape or diskFIRST, before running it. Then if you have a computer crash, you can cold start, load theprogram and be exactly at the point before the crash. «.QUESTIONS:1. How many different colors can the border have?2. How many colors for the screen background? ^3. How many colors for the printing? ^J4. What does memory box number 646 control? ^5. What box do you POKE to change the screen background color?6. What box do you POKE to change the screen border color?7. What happens if you press the COMMODORE FLAG key and a color key?8. What danger is there in using POKE? ^120

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