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uTO THE TEACHERThis book is designed for students in about the 7th grade. It teaches BASIC and thefeatures of the Commodore 64.The lessons contain explanations (including cartoons), examples, exercises and reviewquestions. Notes for the instructor which accompany each lesson summarize the material,provide helpful hints and give good review questions.The book is intended for self study, but may also be used in a classroom setting.I view this book as teaching programming in the broadest sense, using the BASIClanguange, rather than teaching "BASIC." Seymour Papert has pointed out inMINDSTORMS that programming can teach powerful ideas. Among these is the ideathat procedures are entities in themselves. They can be named, broken down intoelementary parts and debugged. Some other concepts include these: "chunking" ideasinto "mind sized bites," organizing such modules in a hierarchial system, looping torepeat modules and conditional testing (the IF...THEN statement).Each concept is tied to everyday experiences of the student through choice of languageto express the idea, through choice of examples and through cartoons. Thus metaphor isutilized in making the "new" material familiar to the student. {Juu10u

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