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THE EDIT MODE AND THE RUN MODEThe computer is in the EDIT MODE when you first turn it on. You know this becauseyou seeREADY,and a flashing cursor.In the EDIT MODE, the computer is almost "asleep," waiting for you to type somethingand press the RETURN key. The flashing cursor is like the computer "snoring."ftfAtrWhen you command RUN, the computer enters the RUN MODE. It executes theprogram which is in its memory. When done, it goes back to the EDIT MODE.THE LINE BUFFERWhen you are in the EDIT MODE and enter a line, one of two things can happen:Enter this: 99 G=G+1: PR I NT GThe computer adds this line to the program in memory.Enter this:G=17*1 BrPRINT GThe computer prints the answer right away.118

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