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uuuTO THE KIDSThis book teaches you how to write programs for the Commodore 64 computer.^^You will learn how to make your own action games, board games and word games. Youmay entertain your friends with challenging games and provide some silly moments at [^jyour parties with short games you invent.Perhaps your record collection or your paper route needs the organization your specialprograms can provide. If you are working on the school yearbook, maybe a program to ^handle the finances or records would be useful.^jYou may help your younger sisters and brothers by writing drill programs for arithmetic ^Jfacts or spelling. Even your own schoolwork in history or foreign language may be madeeasier by programs you write.^How to Use This Book: Do all the examples. Try all the assignments. If you get stuck,first go back and re-read the lesson carefully from the top. You may have overlooked some \^jdetail. After trying hard to get unstuck by yourself, you may go ask a parent or teacherfor help.There are review questions for each lesson. Be sure you can answer them before ^announcing that you have finished the lesson!

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