Short CV, including publication list 2010-01-12 Johannes Persson ...

Short CV, including publication list 2010-01-12 Johannes Persson ...

Short CV, including publication list 2010-01-12 Johannes Persson ...


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<strong>Short</strong> <strong>CV</strong>, <strong>including</strong> <strong>publication</strong> <strong>list</strong><strong>2<strong>01</strong>0</strong>‐<strong>01</strong>‐<strong>12</strong><strong>Johannes</strong> <strong>Persson</strong>Born 1968_____________________________________________Filosofiska institutionen (Department of Philosophy),Lund UniversityKungshuset, LundagårdSE‐222 22 LundPhone: +46 (0)46 222 09 24, Fax: +46 (0)46 222 44 24,e‐mail: johannes.persson@fil.lu.se web page: http://www.fil.lu.seAcademic degrees“Docent” (Associate professor) in theoretical philosophy at Lund University 2002.”Filosofie doktor” (Ph.D) in theoretical philosophy at Lund University 1997.”Filosofie kandidat” (B.A.) in theoretical philosophy, practical philosophy, andmathematics at Lund University 1990.Academic and administrative appointmentsCurrent appointments and commissions of trust:1. “Universitetslektor” (senior lecturer), Lund University, from 2003.2. Member of the steering committee of LUCID, Lund University Centre of Excellencefor Integration of Social and Natural Dimensions of Sustainability, a Linnaeusprogramme (http://www.lucid.lu.se/)3. Member of the steering committee of Lund University Post Doctoral Program,luPOD, (http://www.lu.se/lupod)4. Member of “Lunds universitets ledningsgrupp för jämställdhetsarbete”, from 2008.5. Member of the election committee for the faculties of Humanities and Theology),

Lund University, from 2009.6. Member of the board of LUCRAM, Lund University Centre for Risk Analysis andManagement, from 2005 (http://www.lucram.lu.se/)7. Member of the steering committee of LEP, Lund University Initiative on LegalEmpowerment of the Poor (http://www.lucsus.lu.se/lep/)8. Chairman, Hans Larsson Samfundet, from 2008.9. Member of “HT‐områdets högskolepedagogiska referensgrupp”, since many years.Previous appointments and commissions of trust:* Visiting fellow, Center for philosophy of science, University of Pittsburgh, spring2007.* Prefekt (Chairman of the philosophy department at Lund University) 20<strong>01</strong>‐2007* “Ordförande för HT‐områdets valberedning” (Chairman of the election committee forthe faculties of Humanities and Theology), Lund University, 2007‐2008.* Forskare (researcher), financed by Vetenskapsrådet (and FRN), the Swedish ResearchCouncil 2002‐2004, and the faculty of humanities and theology, Lund University, 2002– 2003 (the financing lasted until 2007 but since the end of 2003 my position is seniorlecturer).* Forskare (researcher), financed by Bank of Sweden, 2000 ‐ 2002* Forskarassistent/forskare (researcher), primarily financed by FRN, the SwedishCouncil for Planning and Coordination of Research, 1997 – 1999* Doktorandtjänst (Ph.D position), Lund University 1993 ‐ 1997* Ledamot i HT‐områdets grundutbildningsnämnd (member of the board of educationfor the faculties of Humanities and Theology), Lund University, 2006‐2008.

Scientific merits ‐ <strong>publication</strong>sMonographs1. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2007). Risker i kunskapens mellanrum. Nora: Bokförlaget Nya Doxa.2. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (1997). Causal facts (doktorsavhandling). In Library of Theoria no 22.Stockholm: Thales.Articles and book chapters[In press/online first:]* <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (<strong>2<strong>01</strong>0</strong>, online first). Misconceptions of positivism and five unnecessaryscience theoretic mistakes they bring in their train: a discussion paperInternational Journal of Nursing Studies.DOI: 10.1<strong>01</strong>6/j.ijnurstu.2009.<strong>12</strong>.009* Vareman, N. and <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (<strong>2<strong>01</strong>0</strong>, in press). Why separate risk assessors and riskmanagers? Further external values affecting the risk assessor qua risk assessor. Journalof Risk Research. DOI: 10.1080/13669871003660759[Published:]3. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (<strong>2<strong>01</strong>0</strong>). Activity‐based accounts of mechanism and the threat of polygeniceffects. Erkenntnis 72(1): 135‐149. DOI: 10.1007/s10670‐009‐9195‐5. Open access4. Sahlin, N.‐E., Wallin, A. and J. <strong>Persson</strong>. (<strong>2<strong>01</strong>0</strong>). Decision Science: From Ramsey toDual Process Theories. Synthese 172(1): <strong>12</strong>9‐143. DOI: 10.1007/s1<strong>12</strong>29‐009‐9472‐5.5. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (<strong>2<strong>01</strong>0</strong>). Mechanisms: Are activities up to the job? EPSA 07 Epistemology andMethodology of Science: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association. (Eds.)Suárez, M., Dorato, M., and Rédei, M. Springer: 2<strong>01</strong>‐209. DOI 10.1007/978‐90‐481‐3263‐817.6. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2009). Semmelweis’s methodology from the modern stand‐point:intervention studies and causal ontology. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biologicaland Biomedical Sciences 40(3): 204‐209. [Available at DOI: 10.1<strong>01</strong>6/j.shpsc.2009.06.003]7. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. and N.‐E. Sahlin. (2009). A philosophical account of interventions and

causal representation in nursing research: a discussion paper. International Journal ofNursing Studies 46: 547‐556.8. Blennow, K. and J. <strong>Persson</strong>. (2009). Climate change: Motivation for taking measure toadapt. Global Environmental Change 19: 100‐104.9. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2008). Risk, fara och riskobjekt. In <strong>Persson</strong> and Sahlin (eds.), Risk & Risici,Bokförlaget Nya Doxa: 221‐230.10. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2007). IBE and EBI ‐ On explanation before inference. In <strong>Persson</strong> andYlikoski (eds.) Rethinking Explanation. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science vol252. Springer: 137‐148.11. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2007). Filosofins möte med andra vetenskaper och filosofens hårda skal.Insikt och handling 22: 157‐165.<strong>12</strong>. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2006). Compartment causation. Synthese 149(3): 535‐550.13. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2006). Levi on the reality of dispositions. In Olsson, Erik (ed.), Knowledgeand inquiry ‐‐ essays on the pragmatism of Isaac Levi. Cambridge University Press: 313‐326.14. Blennow, K., J. Bergh, T. Lämås, U. Nilsson, J. <strong>Persson</strong> and O. Sallnäs.(2006). ”Modul 1 Skogsbruk”. Klimatet och skogen – underlag för nationellforskning. Kungl. Skogs‐ och Lantbruksakademiens tidskrift 145(9): 13‐18.15. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2005). Tropes as mechanisms. Foundations of science 10(4): 371‐393.16. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2005). The lawsʹ properties. In Faye, Scheffler, and Urchs (eds.), Natureʹsprinciples, Springer: 239‐25417. Vareman, N. and <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2005). Kan riskbedömare och riskhanterare levaåtskilda. In Brinck, Halldén, Maurin, and <strong>Persson</strong> (eds.). Risk och det levande mänskliga.Nya Doxa: 181‐210.18. Wahlberg, L. and <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2005). Nya perspektiv på robusthet. In Brinck,Halldén, Maurin, and <strong>Persson</strong> (eds.). Risk och det levande mänskliga. Nya Doxa: 211‐233.19. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2004). Riskkommunikation och tillit. Miljö och hållbar utveckling:samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv från en lundahorisont. (Eds.) Wickenberg, P., Nilsson, A.och Steneroth Sillén, M. Studentlitteratur: 65‐84.20. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2003). Objektiva risker? Filosofisk tidskrift 4/03.21. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2002). Cause, effect, and fake causation. Synthese 131: <strong>12</strong>8–14322. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2002). De förbisedda objektsaspekterna av risk. In Boholm, Hansson,

<strong>Persson</strong>, and Peterson (eds.): Osäkerhetens horisonter. Nya Doxa.23. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2002). Myran, spindeln och den personligt erövrade kunskapen. InFranck, Olof (ed): Unga filosofer. Texter för gymnasiet. Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur,Stockholm.24. Maurin, A.‐S. and <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (20<strong>01</strong>). Rea<strong>list</strong>ic metaphysics: An interview with D. H.Mellor. Theoria, LXVII(2): 96–113. (Also available athttp://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/3482).25. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2000). Examining the facts. Things, events and facts. Poznan studies in thephilosophy of the sciences and the humanities, 76. (Eds) Faye, J. et al. Rodopi: 87–107.26. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2000). Tiden, skenet och verkligheten, Har du tid? – NFRs årsbok 2000:1<strong>01</strong>–1<strong>12</strong>.27. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2000). Om komplexa egenskaper. Filosofisk Tidskrift 4/00: 33–42.28. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (1999). The determinables of explanatory mechanisms. Synthese, <strong>12</strong>0. 1:77–87.29. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (1998). Den engelska och den franska hjärnan – Duhem om tvåkunskapsstrategier. Filosofisk Tidskrift 4/98.30. Sahlin, N.‐E. & <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (1994). Epistemic risk: The significance of knowing whatone does not know. In Brehmer and Sahlin (eds.). Future risks and risk management.Technology, risk, and society, vol 9: 37–62. Dordrecht: Kluwer.Edited books and special issues of philosophy journals31. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. and N.‐E. Sahlin. (Eds.). (2008). Risk & Risici. Nora: Bokförlaget NyaDoxa.32. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. and Ylikoski, P. (Eds.). (2007). Rethinking explanation. Boston Studies inthe Philosophy of Science vol 252, Springer. (Available as ebook 2008)33. Egonsson, D., Maurin, A.‐S., and <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (Eds.). (2007). Insikt och handling 22:Temanummer om filosofins nytta. Hans Larsson Samfundet.34. Bird, A. and <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (Guest eds.). (2006). Synthese 149(3) “Metaphysics inscience”.35. Brinck, I., Halldén, S., Maurin, A.‐S., and <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (Eds.). (2005). Risk och detlevande mänskliga. Nora: Nya Doxa.

36. Boholm, Å., Hansson, S. O., Peterson, M., and <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (Eds.). (2002). Osäkerhetenshorisonter. Nora: Nya Doxa.37. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (Guest ed.). Synthese <strong>12</strong>0.1. (1999). Special issue on Lund conference onexplanation.38. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (Guest ed.) Filosofisk tidskrift 4/00. (2000). Special issue on currentphilosophy in Lund.Electronic festschrift contributions, reviews and introductions39. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2007). The best swimmers drown – mechanisms and epistemic risks: aconstructive critique of Elster. Hommage a Wlodek,http://www.fil.lu.se/hommageawlodek/.40. Egonsson, D., Maurin, A.‐S. and <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2007). Förord. Insikt & Handling 22: 7‐10.41. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. and Ylikoski, P. (2007). Preface. In <strong>Persson</strong> and Ylikoski (eds.) RethinkingExplanation. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science vol 252. Springer: xi‐xiv.42. Bird, A. and <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2006). Guest editors’ Introduction. Synthese 149(3): 445‐450.43. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2005) En kort presentation av boken och dess författare. In Brinck,Halldén, Maurin, and <strong>Persson</strong> (eds.) Risk och det levande mänskliga. Nya Doxa: 247‐254.44. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2003). Review of Max Kistler’s Causalité et lois de la nature. Mind 1<strong>12</strong>: 741‐746.45. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (20<strong>01</strong>). What is explanatory asymmetry? Explanatory Connections ‐Electronic essays dedicated to Matti Sintonen, http://www.valt.helsinki.fi/kfil/matti/.46. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. and Sahlin, N.‐E. (1999). A fundamental problem of causation (with nosolution). Spinning ideas – Electronic essays dedicated to Peter Gärdenfors on his 50 thbirthday, http://www.lucs.lu.se/spinning/. )47. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (1994). Review of David Owens: Causes and Coincidences. Theoria, LX. 2:164–167.48. <strong>Persson</strong>, J. (2009). Three conceptions of explaining how possibly—and onereductive account. In [2009] EPSA09: 2nd Conference of the European Philosophy ofScience Association (Amsterdam, 21‐24 October, 2009): EPSA 2009 Contributed Papers.

http://philsci‐archive.pitt.edu/archive/00004936/Scientific merits ‐ editorial tasksAssociate editor Theoria <strong>01</strong>02<strong>01</strong> ‐ 08<strong>01</strong><strong>01</strong>Referee for British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Erkenntnis, Synthese, andInternational Studies in the Philosophy of Science.Scientific merits ‐ externally financed research projects[Curruntly running:]a) LUCID, http://www.lucid.lu.se (coordinator Lennart Olsson).b) “The ontology and epistemology of mechanisms”, The Swedish Research Council,2007‐2270. (Mekanismers ontologi och epistemologi, Vetenskapsrådet, Humanistisksamhällsvetenskapligforskning 2007‐2270).c) Mekanismers ontologi och epistemologi – en pilotstudie, Einar Philip‐Sörensen.d) (with Nils‐Eric Sahlin, medical ethics): ”Intervention studies: philsophy of science,decision, and risk”, The Vårdal foundation. (”Interventionsforskning: vetenskapsteori,beslut och risk”, Vårdalstiftelsen).[Finished:]a) Forskare (researcher) in Bengt Hansson’s ”Risker och komplexa system”; financedby FRN, the Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research, Lund 1997‐1999.b) Forskare (researcher), Bank of Sweden, Lund 2000‐20<strong>01</strong>c) From 2002 forskare (researcher) in Matti Sintonen’s and Bengt Hansson’s ”Theory ofexplanation”; financed by NOS‐H, Helsinki 20<strong>01</strong>‐2003 .d) From 2002 forskare (researcher) in Åsa Boholm’s ”Risks and rationalities”; FRN, theSwedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research, Gothenburg 20<strong>01</strong>‐2003.

Scientific merits ‐ guest lectures and international conferencesInstitutionen för vetenskapsteori i Göteborg, ”Bristfällig kunskap”, 1996.FRN, ”Riskerna kring rotsnurr”, 1996.Filosofiska institutionen i Stockholm, ”Causal Facts”, 1998.New Directions for Studies of Explanation, Lund, ”The determinables of explanatorymechanisms”, 1998.FRN, Trust and the White Male Effect, Stockholm, ”Comment on Paul Slovic”, 1998.The 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science,Krakow, ”‘Negative’ causation and causal explanation”, 1999.Filosofiska institutionen, Helsinki, ”Why fake causation?”, 1999.The roles of risk and trust in modern environmental regulation, Harvard Center forRisk Analysis, Boston, 1999.The Copenhagen backwards causation colloqium, ”Asymmetry and singularistcausation”, 1999.A nordic network on the theory of explanation, ”Causal asymmetry for explanatorypurposes?”, Lund 2000; ”Unscrambling nomological machines”, Oslo 2000,”Explanation and hypothesis”, Iceland 20<strong>01</strong>.Isaac Levis 70‐årsdag, ”Levi on explanation”, Lund 2000.The 5th Baltic Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Science, ”On the abstract and theconcrete as a guide to scientific properties”, Copenhagen 20<strong>01</strong>.Causation and explanation in natural and social sciences, “Explanation andhypothesis”, Ghent 2002.ECAP4, “The mere correlation between explanation and hypothesis”, Lund 2002.Meeting of Institut Jean Nicod, Paris, and the department of philosophy, LundUniversity, “Component causation—another hybrid view?”, Lund 2002.“The whys and hows of limnological explanation”, Tampere 2003.“Two ways of sharing a property”, Athens 2003.ʺMasking dispositionsʺ, PPP 2004.

ʺOm riskforskningens vetenskapsteori och de förbisedda riskobjektenʺ. Department ofPhilosophy, Göteborg 2004.ʺVåra begrepp om risk och kontrollʺ, Bortom kontroll ‐‐ risk och lärande efterTsunamin. SWEDISH SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES NETWORK, Lund 2005(http://www.sasnet.lu.se/tsunamisemref.html).(with Gunnar Broberg and Kristiina Savin) "Begrepp och historia", Temadagar: Vad äroch hur skriver man filosofihistoria?, Idé- och lärdomshistoria, Lund 2005."From risk management to risk understanding – an illustration from forestry in the 80s"Unceratinty and Active Risk Management in Agriculture and Forestry, Alnarp 2005"Masking Mechanisms", 5th Metaphysics of Science Workshop, Ghent 2005,http://logica.ugent.be/MSG/index.html"Going half-Finnish (first with risk and then with causation)", workshop on consilience,Esbo 2005."From risk management to the nature of causation?", ECAP 5, Lisbon 2005."Agency and risk", Social cognition and action, IJN, Paris 2006.“Confounding causal roles”, PPP, June 2006.“Vad lockar med Kuhn idag?”, 50 år efter Kuhn, Florens 2006.”Explanation and metaphysics”, Metametaphysics, Lund 2006.“Overconfidence and epistemic risk”, Helsinki 2006.“Explanation and causation: the metaphysical arguments”, Pittsburgh 2007.“Teorier om mekanismer – allt större inflytande, allt större problem?” Filosofidagarna2007, Umeå (invited speaker).” Activity-as-mechanism and the threat of polygenic effects”. International workshopon mechanisms. TINT, Helsinki 2007.”Activity-as-mechanism and the threat of polygenic effects” EPSA 2007, Madrid(conference paper: philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00003679/)“Decision science: From Ramsey to Dual Process Theories” Arne Ryde Workshop,Lund 2008 (with Annika Wallin and Nils-Eric Sahlin (presenter)).“Normative man in Dual Process Theories” PSA 2008, Pittsburgh (with Nils-EricSahlin and Annika Wallin (presenter)).“Three conceptions of explaining how possibly” Metaphysics of Science 2009,Nottingham.

Scientific merits ‐ organizer of international conferences and workshopsNew directions for studies of explanation, Lund 1998 (together with RebeccaSchweder). I edited the proceedings of this workshop, which was published in Synthese<strong>12</strong>0(1), 1999. The contributors were Alexander Bird, Robert Callergård, Ilpo Halonen,Jaakko Hintikka, Henrik Hållsten, Jan Faye, <strong>Johannes</strong> <strong>Persson</strong>, Marcel Quarfood, GerhardSchurz, Rebecca Schweder, Matti Sintonen, and Max Urchs.This conference was, moreover, the starting point for the NOS-HS financed researchproject "Theories of Explanation" with two nodes in Helsinki and Lund and with MattiSintonen and Bengt Hansson as senior researchers. The project ran for three years from20<strong>01</strong>. During this time we arranged a series of meetings in Finland, Sweden andNorway (and a graduate course in Iceland). The meetings were often in the form ofworkshops with invited participants from the project’s outer network: John Dupré,Alexander Bird, Stathis Psillos, Olav Gjelsvik, and Jan Faye. Petri Ylikoski and I haverecently edited an anthology collecting some of the papers presented during thesemeetings. The book, Rethinking Explanation, was published by Springer 2007 in theseries Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science vol 252. The contributing authors areAlexander Bird (University of Bristol), Jan Faye (University of Copenhagen), OlavGjelsvik (University of Oslo), Bengt Hansson (Lund University), Henrik Hållsten(Stockholm University), Mika Kiikeri (University of Tampere), Tomi Kokkonen(University of Helsinki), Jaakko Kuorikoski (University of Helsinki), <strong>Johannes</strong> <strong>Persson</strong>(Lund University), Stathis Psillos (University of Athens), Rebecca Schweder (LundUniversity), Robin Stenwall (Lund University), Jeroen Van Bouwel (Ghent University),Annika Wallin (SCAS and Lund University), Erik Weber (Ghent University), and PetriYlikoski (University of Helsinki).Forthcoming results in theoretical philosophy, Lund 2002 (together with Ann Tobin).This workshop was the starting point for the British Academy financed network"Metaphysics of Science", which has met in Edinburgh, in 2002 (organised byAlexander Bird); Athens, in 2003 (organised by Stathis Psillos); Reading, in 2004(organised by Alice Drewery); Ghent, in 2005 (organised by Rob Vanderbeeken andErik Weber); and in Birmingham, in 2006 (organised by Helen Beebee). In addition tothose mentioned, the group’s membership includes Anna-Sofia Maurin, James

Ladyman, AnnikaWallin, Paul Noordhof, Rebecca Schweder, Katherine Hawley,Joanna Odrowaz-Sypniewska, Samir Okasha, Emma Tobin, and Stephen Mumford. Forfurther information, see http://logica.ugent.be/MSG/ . I have edited a special issue ofSynthese 2006 together with Alexander Bird. It collects a few of the papers from thesemeetings. The first major <strong>publication</strong>s of the philosophers involved are also justappearing (Mumford’s Laws in Nature, Routledge 2004; Bird’s Nature’s Metaphysics:Dispositions, Laws, and Properties, Oxford UP 2007).Mechanisms, December, Lund 2005. Among the participants were Jon Elster, UskaliMäki, and Carl Craver. This project is to be continued within the project onmechanisms, financed by The Swedish Research Council starting 2008-<strong>01</strong>-<strong>01</strong>.Metaphysics of Science (7 th meeting), Lund 2007. (see http://logica.ugent.be/MSG/ )Speakers: Andreas Hüttemann, Erik Weber, Joanna Odrowaz-Sypniewska, StephenMumford, Paul Noordhof, Anna-Sofia Maurin, Robin Stenwall, Samir Okasha,Alexander Bird, Jan Hauska, Markus Schrenk, Rani Lill AnjumSeveral Danish-Swedish risk meetings, "Dansk-svenskt riskmöte" (together with Nils-Eric Sahlin). I arranged the first meeting in Lund in 20<strong>01</strong>. The latest meeting took placein Lund 2006 with talks by Nils-Eric Sahlin (Lund), Erik <strong>Persson</strong> (Lund), Karsten KlintJensen (Copenhagen), Kristina Blennow (Alnarp), Gitte Meyer (CeBRA), <strong>Johannes</strong><strong>Persson</strong> (Lund), Birgitte Wandall (KTH), Jonas Clausen (KTH), Rikard Levin (KTH).I have also initiated and been in charge of the Department of philosophy’s Pufendorflectures, with Margaret Boden, David Armstrong, Philip Pettit, John Searle, and PatriciaChurchland as lecturers.I was for many years a member of the Philosophical Society (Filosofiska föreningen) inLund. During this period I invited a number of good philosophers to Lund. Inretrospect I especially remember the talk by D. Hugh Mellor on time travels andAlexander Bird on Inference to the best explanation.

Pedagogical merits ‐ teaching and supervisingI have supervised a number of B.A‐ and M.Sc‐ theses. Some of these can be foundunder <strong>publication</strong>s on www.fil.lu.se.I am the assistant supervisor of one PhD project (current) in philosophy and the law.I am supervisor of one PhD project (current) in theoretical philosophy.I acquired my basic training as a teacher between 1992 and 2003, when I lectured 1300hours primarily in Lund University, Växjö University, and in SLU Alnarp. Moredetailed information about my current experience together with suitable contactpersons are <strong>list</strong>ed below. Several of these courses are initiated, (co‐)planned anddeveloped by me.In spring 2009, I taught the following courses: FILL IN!In autumn 2008, I taught the following courses: FILL IN!In spring 2008, I taught the following courses:‐ (med Nils‐Eric Sahlin). Vetenskapsteoretiska perspektiv på vård ochomsorgsforskning. Forskarutbildningskurs. 5p. Vårdalinstitutet. (Kursansvarig:Marianne Gustafsson, Vårdalinstitutet, Göteborgs universitet)- (med Erik Olsson och Bengt Hansson). VETENSKAPLIGAFÖRKLARINGAR/SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONS. FTEM10: Teoretisk filosofi,påbyggnadskurs, delkurs om 7,5 hp på avancerad nivå.I also gave lectures on the following courses:‐ BIO 790, Conservation biology (Course leader Ola Olsson 046 ‐ 222 47 16)‐ BIO 782, Aquatic ecology (Course leader Anders Nilsson 046 ‐ 222 83 65)‐ Introductory course for PhD students in biology (Course leader Christer Brönmark046 ‐ 222 37 02)‐ Verktygskurs, Campus Helsingborg (Course Leader Anders Nilsson)In fall 2007, I taught the following courses:

‐ (with Anna‐Sofia Maurin and Robin Stenwall) METAPHYSICS AND SCIENCE:FROM LAWS OF NATURE TO DISPOSITIONS,FTEM10, teoretisk filosofi,påbyggnadskurs.‐ (with Nils‐Eric Sahlin) Vetenskapsteori och forskningsmetodik, 3 poäng, förforskarstuderande (Theory of science and methodology of research), LTH.‐ (with Kristina Blennow) Vetenskapsteori, 2p, för doktorander på SLU (Philosophy ofscience, for PhD‐students), SLU Alnarp.‐ (with Anders Nilsson and Johan Brännmark): BIO S<strong>01</strong> Philosophy of Science. (Coursecoordinator Anders Nilsson, Limnology, LU)I also gave lectures on the following courses:‐ Examensarbeteskurs för trädgårdsingenjörsstudenter, Alnarp 2007 (Course LeaderHåkan Asp 040-41 53 26)‐ GEO B05, geology, Planeten Jorden ‐‐ en syntes (Course leader Vivi Vajda)‐ Vetenskapsteori för doktorander, SoL (Course leader Sven Strömqvist)In fall 2006, I taught the following courses:‐ (with Nils‐Eric Sahlin) Vetenskapsteori och forskningsmetodik, 3 poäng, förforskarstuderande (Theory of science and methodology of research), LTH.I also gave lectures on the following courses:‐ BIO 740, Marinbiologi – en kurs på djupet, Campus Helsingborg (Course Leader PerCarlsson 042-35 65 64)‐ Examensarbeteskurs för trädgårdsingenjörsstudenter, Alnarp 2006 (Course LeaderHåkan Asp 040-41 53 26)‐ GEL 306, geology, Planeten Jorden ‐‐ en syntes (Course leaders Lena Adrielsson andLeif Johansson)‐ Block Risk 2 ‐ Samhälle och riskbild i ständig förändring, Säkerhet och Samhälle,Räddningsverket, Revinge. (Course leader Gabriella Westheim 046 ‐ 233725)In spring 2006, I taught the following courses:‐ (with Anna‐Sofia Maurin), theoretcial philosophy, FTE 603, c‐level, 41‐60.‐ (with Lena Wahlberg), theoretical philosophy, FTE 702:3, Vetenskapsteori

(Philosophy of science), department of philosophy.I also gave lectures and took part in the seminars on the following courses:‐ BIO 790, Conservation biology (Course leader Ola Olsson 046 ‐ 222 47 16)‐ BIO 644, Ecotoxicology 1 (Course leader Olof Berglund 046 ‐ 222 37 50)‐ BIO 782, Aquatic ecology (Course leader Anders Nilsson 046 ‐ 222 83 65)‐ Introductory course for PhD students in biology (Course leader Christer Brönmark046 ‐ 222 37 02)‐ Teknik, risk och forskningsetik 3p, för forskarstuderande (Technology, risk andresearch ethics), LTH.‐ Block Risk 2 ‐ Samhälle och riskbild i ständig förändring, Säkerhet och Samhälle,Räddningsverket, Revinge. (Course leader Gabriella Westheim 046 ‐ 233725)In fall 2005, I taught the following courses:‐ (with Anna‐Sofia Maurin), theoretical philosophy FTE 603, c‐level, 41‐60.‐ (with Torkel Welander) Vetenskapsteori, 2p, för doktorander på SLU (Philosophy ofscience, for PhD‐students), SLU Alnarp. (Course coordinator Kristina Blennow, SLUAlnarp)‐ (with Nils‐Eric Sahlin) Vetenskapsteori och forskningsmetodik, 3 poäng, förforskarstuderande (Theory of science and methodology of research), LTH.I also gave lectures on the following courses:‐ GEL 306, geology, Planeten Jorden ‐‐ en syntes (Course leaders Lena Adrielsson andLeif Johansson)‐ Block Risk 2 ‐ Samhälle och riskbild i ständig förändring, Säkerhet och Samhälle,Räddningsverket, Revinge. (Course leader Gabriella Westheim 046 ‐ 233725)In spring 2005, I taught the following courses:‐ (With Lena Wahlberg), theoretical philosophy FTE 702:3, Vetenskapsteori(Philosophy of Science), department of philosophy.I also gave lectures and took part in the seminars on the following courses:‐ BIO 790, Conservation biology (Course leader Ola Olsson 046 ‐ 222 47 16)‐ BIO 644, Ecotoxicology 1 (Course leader Olof Berglund 046 ‐ 222 37 50)

‐ BIO 782, Aquatic ecology (Course leader Anders Nilsson 046 ‐ 222 83 65)‐ Introductory course for PhD students in biology (Course leader Christer Brönmark046 ‐ 222 37 02)‐ Teknik, risk och forskningsetik 3p, för forskarstuderande (Technology, risk andresearch ethics), LTH.‐ Block Risk 2 ‐ Samhälle och riskbild i ständig förändring, Säkerhet och Samhälle,Räddningsverket, Revinge. (Course leader Gabriella Westheim 046 ‐ 233725)In fall 2004, I taught the following courses:‐ (with Lena Wahlberg), theoretical philosophy, FTE 702:3, Vetenskapsteori(Philosophy of Science), department of philosophy.‐ (with Nils‐Eric Sahlin): Vetenskapsteori och forskningsmetodik, 3 poäng, förforskarstuderande (Theory of science and methodology of research), LTH.I also gave lectures on the following courses:‐ environmental science, MVE 1<strong>01</strong>, Miljövetenskap: En introduktion, energi och glocalaprocesser‐ geology, GEL 306, Planeten Jorden – en syntes‐ Risk, Osäkerhet och Försiktighet. Tvärvetenskaplig doktorandkurs, i samarbetemellan LUCRAM och MICLU.Pedagogical merits ‐ information about ongoing researcha) As chairman of the department I and others have created a few rather successfulmeeting places for information about ongoing research. The following are the primaryachievments: ʺThe Pufendorf lecturesʺ (http://www.pufendorf.se/) 2003‐2005,ʺInstitutionsföreläsningarnaʺ (http://www.fil.lu.se/index.html) 2005, and ʺÖppet husʺ,April 2005, November 2005. During this period we have also developed thedepartmentʹs webpage. In August 2005, a participant based system for presentingresearch at the department was launched (see Forskningsredogörelse 2004 andonwards).b) I have frequently participated in ”humanistdagarna”, Lund: ”Tänker vi med känslaneller förnuftet – om David Humes syn på känslor”; ”Tyst filosofi”; ”Den engelska och

den franska hjärnan – Duhem om två kunskapsstrategier”; ”Tillit som kunskapskälla –om närsynt och avlägset vetande”, ʺOm en bild av Georg Henrik von Wrightʺ,”Uppbrott och utbrott och andra skäl att skilja mellan att ta och löpa risker”, 1994, 96,98, 00, 04, and 06. I have also given many talks on risk to non‐philosophers.c) I have arranged several symposia and conferences both for philosophers and nonphilosophers.To mention three: ”Kunskap och risk” (Alnarp 1995), ”New Directionsfor Studies of explanation” (Lund 1998), and “Forthcoming results in theoreticalphilosophy (Lund 2002).Pedagogical merits ‐ administrative and pedagogical courses, etc.As a resource person:I am a member of the reference group for educational development in the Humanities.I and others have also initiated a monthly pedagogical seminar at the department. Itstarted in spring, 2005, with Maria Larsson as the coordinator. I was in the planningcommittee for the first joint conference on educational development at LundUniversity: Utvecklingskonferens LU 2007 ”Att tänka om ‐ ett kvalificerat akademisktlärarskap”. I co‐arranged the first series of “HT‐områdets pedagogiska konferens” in2008.I am a member of the steering committee of luPOD, http://www.lu.se/lupod.I have several times participated as a resource person in courses at Lund University forstaff with administrative and organizational responsibility: ʺPrefekten i rollen somledare och chef för personalenʺ in Introduktion för nya i ledningsfunktion, Lund 2005and 2006 (Course leader: Essie Kjällquist), in ”Framgångsrik akademisk ledare – Hurblir man det?” in Academic Traineeship, Lund 2006 (Course leader: Essie Kjällquist).As a student:Introduktionskurs för nya prefekter mfl, Lund 20<strong>01</strong>Kurs i utvecklingssamtal, Lund 2002Högskolepedagogisk introduktionskurs, Lund 2003

Konflikthantering och svåra samtal, Lund 2003Högskolepedagogisk fortsättningskurs, Lund 2004Behörighetsgivande handledarutbildning, Lund 2004Akademisk lederskapsutveckling, Lund 2004‐2005Högskolepedagogisk fördjupningskurs, Lund 2006 runs now.

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