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Jabiru Aircraft Pty LtdInstruction & Maintenance ManualJabiru 2200 Aircraft EngineHydraulic Valve Lifter ModelsNo. Operation Tools Required23 Start and inspect for leaks -24 Test FlyNote: First flight is a test flight so flyconservatively25 Remove Cowls and inspect for anything loose,rubbing or leaking.--26 Check Head bolt tensions torqued to 20 ft. lb. -27 At25 hours inspect engine installation. Changeoil and filter. Cut filter open and inspect. Checkengine leak down28 If oil consumption is stable fill with W100 (W80in cold conditions and W120 in very hotconditions). If it is still using oil remain on runin oil or seek advice from Jabiru Aircraft or localauthorized representative--7.7 Prop Strike InspectionAfter ground contact with the propeller, check the crankshaft and prop flange for run outas shown below.Figure 38 Dial Indicator Position for Crankshaft & Prop Flange Run OutRemove one spark plug from each head.This document is controlled while it remains on the Jabiru server. Once this no longer applies the document becomes uncontrolled.REVISION 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dated : June 2010 Issued By: DPS Page: 76 of 116L:\files\Manuals_For_Products\Engine_Manuals\Transition\JEM2204-9_I&M_unsigned.docx

Jabiru Aircraft Pty LtdInstruction & Maintenance ManualJabiru 2200 Aircraft EngineHydraulic Valve Lifter ModelsCarefully sand off paint on crank diameter and prop flange where dial indicator willbe located.Position dial indicator onto crank as shown above and eliminate main bearingclearance by bearing down on crank when rotating. Rotate crankshaft to measurecrankshaft run out, normally expect to see 0.01 - 0.03 mm, but if run out exceeds of0.08 mm the crankshaft must be replaced.Position dial indicator onto prop flange as shown above, eliminate end float byeither pulling or pushing flange when rotating. Rotate prop flange to measure theface run out, normally expect to see 0.02 - 0.06 mm, but if run out exceeds 0.08mm then replace the prop flange.Note:- If the crankshaft run-out exceeds the above limit the engine has to be stripped andthe crankshaft replaced.- The flywheel retaining cap screws (6) need to be replaced after any prop strike.Even if the above run out requirements are met and depending on the severity of the propstrike, it could be prudent that an engine strip be performed and the crankshaft MPItested, as internal damage may have occurred and can only be revealed by stripping theengine.The decision to run an engine after a prop strike and after carrying out the above run outchecks, rests with the owner. If you have any doubt about the action to take, then consultthe Jabiru factory or your Authorised Jabiru dealer for advice.Engines running a non-Jabiru propeller (especially composite propellers), must check thetension of the 6 flywheel cap screws at each service to determine that the cap screwsmeet the torque requirement, if not, then replace the cap screws and apply Loctite to thescrews on assembly.If an engine stoppage due to force is not recorded in the logbook andnot advised to Jabiru, the liability for all subsequent and consequentialdamage will remain with the owner.This applies to both prior to and after engine overhaul. If a crankshaft has been severelystressed but measurements and MPI testing indicate a sound item it is Jabiru policy to notre-use, but replace with a new crankshaft.7.8 Starter Motor Overhaul7.8.1 Starter motor disassembly and inspection Remove clutch housing from starter housing Remove clutch and bendix gear assembly To disassemble the starter housing from the drive motor you need to remove the 2 longAN3 bolts. These bolts are loctited on assembly and will require heating with a hot airThis document is controlled while it remains on the Jabiru server. Once this no longer applies the document becomes uncontrolled.REVISION 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dated : June 2010 Issued By: DPS Page: 77 of 116L:\files\Manuals_For_Products\Engine_Manuals\Transition\JEM2204-9_I&M_unsigned.docx

Jabiru Aircraft Pty LtdInstruction & Maintenance ManualJabiru <strong>2200</strong> Aircraft EngineHydraulic Valve Lifter ModelsCarefully sand off paint on crank diameter and prop flange where dial indicator willbe located.Position dial indicator onto crank as shown above and eliminate main bearingclearance by bearing down on crank when rotating. Rotate crankshaft to measurecrankshaft run out, normally expect to see 0.01 - 0.03 mm, but if run out exceeds of0.08 mm the crankshaft must be replaced.Position dial indicator onto prop flange as shown above, eliminate end float byeither pulling or pushing flange when rotating. Rotate prop flange to measure theface run out, normally expect to see 0.02 - 0.06 mm, but if run out exceeds 0.08mm then replace the prop flange.Note:- If the crankshaft run-out exceeds the above limit the engine has to be stripped andthe crankshaft replaced.- The flywheel retaining cap screws (6) need to be replaced after any prop strike.Even if the above run out requirements are met and depending on the severity of the propstrike, it could be prudent that an engine strip be performed and the crankshaft MPItested, as internal damage may have occurred and can only be revealed by stripping theengine.The decision to run an engine after a prop strike and after carrying out the above run outchecks, rests with the owner. If you have any doubt about the action to take, then consultthe Jabiru factory or your Authorised Jabiru dealer for advice.Engines running a non-Jabiru propeller (especially composite propellers), must check thetension of the 6 flywheel cap screws at each service to determine that the cap screwsmeet the torque requirement, if not, then replace the cap screws and apply Loctite to thescrews on assembly.If an engine stoppage due to force is not recorded in the logbook andnot advised to Jabiru, the liability for all subsequent and consequentialdamage will remain with the owner.This applies to both prior to and after engine overhaul. If a crankshaft has been severelystressed but measurements and MPI testing indicate a sound item it is Jabiru policy to notre-use, but replace with a new crankshaft.7.8 Starter Motor Overhaul7.8.1 Starter motor disassembly and inspection Remove clutch housing from starter housing Remove clutch and bendix gear assembly To disassemble the starter housing from the drive motor you need to remove the 2 longAN3 bolts. These bolts are loctited on assembly and will require heating with a hot airThis document is controlled while it remains on the Jabiru server. Once this no longer applies the document becomes uncontrolled.REVISION 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dated : June 2010 Issued By: DPS Page: 77 of 116L:\files\Manuals_For_Products\Engine_Manuals\Transition\JEM2204-9_I&M_unsigned.docx

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