Fall 2010 - Association of Ontario Midwives

Fall 2010 - Association of Ontario Midwives

Fall 2010 - Association of Ontario Midwives

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Consumer ResourcesNew breastfeedingbook, postersThe Womanly Art <strong>of</strong> Breastfeedingis a staple in manymidwifery clinics’ client lendinglibraries.First published over 50 yearsago as a booklet, the publicationhas grown with La LecheLeague International to be one<strong>of</strong> the world’s leading authoritieson breastfeeding.A brand-new edition is nowavailable. Written by Canadianauthor and breastfeedingexpert Teresa Pitman, the <strong>2010</strong>version includes technical informationalong with mothers’stories and handy tear-sheets.<strong>Ontario</strong> government introduces expanded online newbornregistration serviceWith just a few clicks, <strong>Ontario</strong> parentscan now apply online for child benefitprograms, including the <strong>Ontario</strong> ChildBenefit, when they register theirnewborns.In partnership with the Canada RevenueAgency and Service Canada, theService<strong>Ontario</strong> website has expandedits Newborn Registration Serviceapplication. This online service nowprovides a quick, easy and secure way forparents to register their newborn, applyfor a birth certificate, a Social InsuranceNumber Card and Canada Child Benefits.This expanded service lets parentscombine four separate applications intoone easy-to-use online process from thecomfort <strong>of</strong> their home. No waiting inline and faster processing times makesit easier for busy new parents to crossanother thing <strong>of</strong>f their to-do list.Ligue La Leche, the Quebecdivision, has a new series <strong>of</strong>breastfeeding posters for salein English and French.Order here: www.allaitement.ca/produits/affiches.phpCanadian PaediatricSociety calls for milk banksPasteurized human milk is arecommended alternative forhospitalized sick newborns when theirown mother’s milk is not available,according to a new statement by theCanadian Paediatric Society. Thestatement, published in the Novemberissue <strong>of</strong> Paediatrics & Child Health,says that human milk banking inCanada should be encouraged andpromoted.“The most vulnerable babies shouldreceive human milk,” said Dr.Sharon Unger, principal author <strong>of</strong>the statement and member <strong>of</strong> theCPS Nutrition and GastroenterologyCommittee. “Only about half <strong>of</strong> themothers <strong>of</strong> these babies will have anadequate milk supply, sometimesbecause they are sick themselves, ordue to the stress <strong>of</strong> having a very sickbaby or from being separated fromtheir baby.”Yet the supply <strong>of</strong> donor breastmilk in Canada is limited. The onlyhuman milk bank in Canada, based inVancouver, can’t meet the needs <strong>of</strong> allbabies who could benefit.The statement recommends strictcontrols on how and when humandonor milk should be used. It alsorecommends continued research intothe benefits <strong>of</strong> banked human breastmilk for preterm infants in the NICU.To access the full statement, visit:www.cps.ca8 ontario midwife • <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2010</strong>

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