reliability assessment of offshore jacket structures in niger delta

reliability assessment of offshore jacket structures in niger delta reliability assessment of offshore jacket structures in niger delta


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M.A. Salau, D.E. Esezobor, M. F. Omotoso/Petroleum & Coal 53 (4) 291-301, 2011 29912BAAB+ 4.00MWLOMAMWL+ 4.00OMB1DB+ 4.00MWLOM11D19.4+ 4.00MWLOM29.61D1EL (-) 7.002MAEL (-) 7.002MB9.6EL (-) 7.002M13D19.6EL (-) 7.002M2L04L03L013DBL02L019.1L04L013D2L03EL (-)18.3018.254MA9.458.1018.11EL (-) 18.3012.74MB52B3MB51B11.618.5EL (-) 18.3018.64M118.2EL (-)18.3018.115BA3MB4M2Tabl5D418.5218.611.953B5CA12.5EL (-) 32.006M1EL (-)32.006MAEL (-) 32.006MBEL (-)32.006M2B12M1Row- A2MB2MD2MH2MG2MF 2ME22M2BRow- B14ME4M14MF4MG4MB4MC4MD24M2Row-1B11B9.44M16M112.04ME9.04MF6ME4MGRow-2226MB4MB9.14MD6MC4M26M24MC6MDRow-Row-A2MAAAPlan at Level (–) 7.00Plan at Level (–) 18.30APlan at 6MA Level (–) 18.3011Figure 7 Jacket Platform Elevations and SectionsPlan at Level (– ) 32.00

M.A. Salau, D.E. Esezobor, M. F. Omotoso/Petroleum & Coal 53 (4) 291-301, 2011 29912BAAB+ 4.00MWLOMAMWL+ 4.00OMB1DB+ 4.00MWLOM11D19.4+ 4.00MWLOM29.61D1EL (-) 7.002MAEL (-) 7.002MB9.6EL (-) 7.002M13D19.6EL (-) 7.002M2L04L03L013DBL02L019.1L04L013D2L03EL (-)18.3018.254MA9.458.1018.11EL (-) 18.3012.74MB52B3MB51B11.618.5EL (-) 18.3018.64M118.2EL (-)18.3018.115BA3MB4M2Tabl5D418.5218.611.953B5CA12.5EL (-) 32.006M1EL (-)32.006MAEL (-) 32.006MBEL (-)32.006M2B12M1Row- A2MB2MD2MH2MG2MF 2ME22M2BRow- B14ME4M14MF4MG4MB4MC4MD24M2Row-1B11B9.44M16M112.04ME9.04MF6ME4MGRow-2226MB4MB9.14MD6MC4M26M24MC6MDRow-Row-A2MAAAPlan at Level (–) 7.00Plan at Level (–) 18.30APlan at 6MA Level (–) 18.3011Figure 7 Jacket Platform Elevations and SectionsPlan at Level (– ) 32.00

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