Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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Surveys on servicesGERMANYOnline surveys of clients andconsumers were conducted toidentify areas of the company’swebsite that require improvementfrom a navigation perspective.SWITZERLANDSurveys conducted among 464internet users made it possibleto identify and deepen ourunderstanding of consumerexpectations in relation to newtechnologies in the motor segment.ITALYA survey was conducted on530 customers to understandconsumer preferences withregard to the various contactchannels made available bythe company and, also with aview to improving the servicesoffered, 600 clients weresurveyed whose claims hadbeen settled to identify theirpreferred payment methods. Inaddition, Genertel conductedan analysis of the functionalityof the smartphone andtablet applications involvingrespondents that travel on aregular basis.AUSTRIAAbout 1,200 consumersparticipated in a survey toidentify their service needsin relation to the use andpurchase of a vehicle, theuse of electric vehicles andthe installation of securitysystems.In 2012, a number of surveys were conducted that specifically aimed at understanding the needs, desires andbehaviours of specific groups of clients/consumers in order to develop new products and services with thesegroups in mind. Of particular importance is the survey conducted in France on the needs and expectations ofwomen in terms of life insurance policies and their related benefits, involving 403 women aged between 18 and65 years. The survey revealed important considerations for health insurance programmes. In Switzerland, a paperbasedquestionnaire was prepared for clients and consumers in the 50+ age bracket to assess their difficulties inunderstanding pension products in order to make them easily accessible to everyone and to improve communication.96 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

GENERALI GROUP BUSINESS SECTORSThe total number of clients in the Sustainability Report area is estimated at almost 44 million, including 41.7 millioninsurance clients and over 1.5 million banking clients.Insurance businessInsurance clients (thousand)5040302010010,500 10,3504,050 4,1505,900 5,80013,600 13,600ITALY AUSTRIA FRANCE GERMANY CZECHREPUBLIC2011 20124,500 4,400 2,200 2,250 1,050 1,15041,800 41,700SPAINSWITZERLANDTOTALIn 2012, the number of clients remained generally stable, decreasing in Italy (-1.4%), France (-1.7%) and the Czech Republic (-2.2%) andincreasing in Austria (2.5%), Spain (2.3%) and especially in Switzerland (9.5%).The share of Group insurance clients that are medium to large companies remained stable at 3.9%, with a higher incidence in Switzerland(6.9%) and Italy (6.5%) and negligible values in France and Spain.Number of clients by line of businessCountry Life Health Motor Other non-life lines2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012Italy 3,800,619 3,783,604 249,904 225,596 4,757,939 4,642,799 3,680,841 3,605,700Austria 738,237 782,890 409,399 438,207 722,961 746,855 2,974,297 3,073,265Czech Republic 1,909,557 1,817,183 361,554 318,496 1,410,289 1,382,882 2,292,591 2,297,935France 1,284,863 1,298,732 541,054 536,682 1,775,083 1,714,295 2,832,930 2,749,518Germany 6,954,994 7,082,314 2,356,582 2,332,072 2,019,335 2,061,812 6,588,036 6,503,829Spain 596,870 699,712 72,196 76,733 832,347 946,065 1,239,768 1,341,655Switzerland 462,831 472,511 9,343 9,702 308,823 305,693 447,735 458,800TOTAL 15,747,971 15,936,946 4,000,032 3,937,488 11,826,777 11,800,401 20,056,198 20,030,702incidence % 30.5% 30.8% 7.7% 7.6% 22.9% 22.8% 38.8% 38.7%The total number of clients by line of business (LoB) is greater than the total number of clients, as some clients may have taken outmultiple policies with Group companies to cover different risks.The life LoB remains the highest in terms of client numbers, growing by 1.2% in 2012. The number of clients in the health LoB decreasedoverall (-1.6%) despite good growth in Austria (+7%), Spain (+6.3%) and Switzerland (+3.8%), while numbers in the motor and non-lifeLoB remained substantially stable.Client numbers increased mainly in Spain, in all LoB and with particularly high peaks in the life (+17.2%) and motor (+13.7%) LoB, andin Austria, especially in the life (+6%) and health (+7%) LoB. Conversely, client numbers fell in the Czech Republic, especially in the life(-4.8%) and health (-11.9%) LoB, and to a lesser extent in Italy, with a peak of 9.7% in the health LoB.CLIENTS | 97

GENERALI GROUP BUSINESS SECTORSThe total number of clients in the <strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Report</strong> area is estimated at almost 44 million, including 41.7 millioninsurance clients and over 1.5 million banking clients.Insurance businessInsurance clients (thousand)5040302010010,500 10,3504,050 4,1505,900 5,80013,600 13,600ITALY AUSTRIA FRANCE GERMANY CZECHREPUBLIC2011 <strong>2012</strong>4,500 4,400 2,200 2,250 1,050 1,15041,800 41,700SPAINSWITZERLANDTOTALIn <strong>2012</strong>, the number of clients remained generally stable, decreasing in Italy (-1.4%), France (-1.7%) and the Czech Republic (-2.2%) andincreasing in Austria (2.5%), Spain (2.3%) and especially in Switzerland (9.5%).The share of Group insurance clients that are medium to large companies remained stable at 3.9%, with a higher incidence in Switzerland(6.9%) and Italy (6.5%) and negligible values in France and Spain.Number of clients by line of businessCountry Life Health Motor Other non-life lines2011 <strong>2012</strong> 2011 <strong>2012</strong> 2011 <strong>2012</strong> 2011 <strong>2012</strong>Italy 3,800,619 3,783,604 249,904 225,596 4,757,939 4,642,799 3,680,841 3,605,700Austria 738,237 782,890 409,399 438,207 722,961 746,855 2,974,297 3,073,265Czech Republic 1,909,557 1,817,183 361,554 318,496 1,410,289 1,382,882 2,292,591 2,297,935France 1,284,863 1,298,732 541,054 536,682 1,775,083 1,714,295 2,832,930 2,749,518Germany 6,954,994 7,082,314 2,356,582 2,332,072 2,019,335 2,061,812 6,588,036 6,503,829Spain 596,870 699,712 72,196 76,733 832,347 946,065 1,239,768 1,341,655Switzerland 462,831 472,511 9,343 9,702 308,823 305,693 447,735 458,800TOTAL 15,747,971 15,936,946 4,000,032 3,937,488 11,826,777 11,800,401 20,056,198 20,030,702incidence % 30.5% 30.8% 7.7% 7.6% 22.9% 22.8% 38.8% 38.7%The total number of clients by line of business (LoB) is greater than the total number of clients, as some clients may have taken outmultiple policies with Group companies to cover different risks.The life LoB remains the highest in terms of client numbers, growing by 1.2% in <strong>2012</strong>. The number of clients in the health LoB decreasedoverall (-1.6%) despite good growth in Austria (+7%), Spain (+6.3%) and Switzerland (+3.8%), while numbers in the motor and non-lifeLoB remained substantially stable.Client numbers increased mainly in Spain, in all LoB and with particularly high peaks in the life (+17.2%) and motor (+13.7%) LoB, andin Austria, especially in the life (+6%) and health (+7%) LoB. Conversely, client numbers fell in the Czech Republic, especially in the life(-4.8%) and health (-11.9%) LoB, and to a lesser extent in Italy, with a peak of 9.7% in the health LoB.CLIENTS | 97

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