Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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• fill out questionnaires with a view to identifying the mostsuitable insurance coverage;• view his/her financial situation;• complete current account transactions and monitor theperformance of securities.In addition, customers can take advantage of additionalservices that are not directly related to its insurance andfinancial positions, such as the ability to:• access calendars that allow the user to enter thedesired deadlines;• estimate blood-alcohol limits by entering certainphysical data and the number of drinks consumed;• measure the fuel consumption of the user’s vehicle andrecord the position of the same via geolocation.In 2012 the ePolizza application in Italy was enhancedwith new features for calculating pensions with a view tofamiliarising users with supplementary pension schemes.The tablet version of the application was also optimised.Assicurazioni Generali launched an application allowingstakeholders to follow the Group’s financial results andGenertel teamed up with Europ Assistance to develop anapplication for travel insurance policies. Banca Generalienhanced its app already available to financial advisorswith a second one for clients to transfer self-caringactivities on digital media. In Germany, Dialog developedan application for broker consulting activities, which canbe downloaded from the company website.Information and insurance/financial literacyprogrammes have been implemented by the majorityof Group companies by issuing newsletters andinformation leaflets to clients and consumers to make iteasier to understand terminology related to the industry,primary insurance cover, basic financial instruments andnew regulations. The glossary and FAQ sections ofthe company websites provide timely and up-todateinformation on policies, the most common risks,financial matters and regulatory requirements in clear,understandable language. Moreover, some companieshave created dedicated microsites and online videoswhich, in a spirit of edutainment (education andentertainment), explain the benefits of insurancecoverage in all lines of business and offer tips on how tosafely deal with everyday life.In 2012, a campaign was launched among the agenciesin Italy to raise awareness on the issue of micro-injuriesand potential related fraud activities, which are partlyresponsible for increases in insurance premiums. InGermany, CosmosDirekt published 50 Versicherungstipps(insurance tips) to provide clients and consumers withgeneral information on certain types of insurance and themost common risks that can be covered by an insurancepolicy. Furthermore, in partnership with the onlineadvice portal, the company launched achat service to answer questions on specific insurancerelatedtopics. Generali Investments has collaboratedwith Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management(the German association for investment and assetmanagement) on a campaign aimed at improving thefinancial knowledge of the community and to explainthe advantages of mutual funds. In the Czech Republic,Česká Pojišt'ovna launched a special financial educationprogramme in secondary schools, delivered by thecompany’s financial advisors.In recent years, there has been a profound change inthe composition of the client base, which is becomingincreasingly diverse in terms of origin and culture. This hasled some Group companies to translate their companyliterature into the languages of some communities whichhave an important presence in the country concerned.In some cases, the call centre advisory staff speak themain foreign languages.Corporate identity activities and sponsorship initiativesrespect the Group’s fundamental ethical values whilemaintaining the veracity of its contents and repudiatingthe use of coarse or offensive messages, in keepingwith the provisions in the Generali Group Code ofConduct and the directives issued by the relevantsupervisory authorities. The graphics and content ofadvertising material produced by the marketing or salesdepartments are examined by the Corporate Identityfunction in order to identify any statements that couldlead to misunderstandings regarding the characteristicsof the product or service. The advertising material is thenvalidated by the legal department, which assesses thecompliance of the commercial message with existinglegislation, the rules dictated by the supervisory board,the basic principles enshrined in the Code of Conductand the provisions of other self-regulatory codes.Apple and Lemon, Serbia92 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

The following should be noted in this regard: the ParentCompany and several other important Italian companies(Alleanza Toro, Fata, INA Assitalia) adhere to the Codicedi Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria (Advertising Self-regulatoryCode); Česká Pojišt'ovna participates in Rada pro reklamu,the Czech Committee for the regulation of advertising;Group companies in Spain adhere to the Code ofAdvertising Self-discipline and Advertising Practiceand the Transparency Code, and Group companiesin Switzerland adhere to the Swiss Directmarketing-Verband-Ehrenkodex (Advertising Self-Regulation Codeof the Swiss direct marketing association).CUSTOMER CENTRICITYINITIATIVESCustomer centricity is one of Generali Group’s mainbusiness strategies. The creation of value for customers asa precondition for the creation of value for the company isthe basis of a number of existing projects and initiativesthat aim to facilitate the sharing of expertise between Groupcompanies with a view to implementing products andservices that satisfy the spoken and unspoken needs ofcustomers.In this context, the Customer as an asset programme,launched in 2010 and constantly developed since then, aimsto guide the Group companies towards a customer-drivenapproach with a view to increasing customer loyalty andimproving satisfaction. The Group’s eight main countriesof operation participating in the programme are: Italy(through Assicurazioni Generali), Austria, France, Germany,Portugal, the Czech Republic, Spain and Switzerland. Theprogramme has four main objectives:• to create an active network of senior managers andprofessionals in each country with a view to measuringand monitoring activities related to the creation of valuefor the client and the company, identifying new initiatives,coordinating activities related to the programme’sobjectives and facilitating the exchange of informationwith regard to experiences, methodologies and resultsachieved with other team members in order to fosterthe exchange of knowledge and best practices betweenGroup companies;• to prepare a manual (updated on an annual basis)containing the latest versions of all of the levers for actionidentified within the different aspects of value creation. Theidentification of a common methodology for conductingcustomer satisfaction surveys also falls within this remit;• based on the manual, to identify actions aimed at increasingthe strategic expectations of all Group companies;• to constantly monitor performance using the most relevantperiodic measurement indicators.Innovation projectsAs mentioned in the chapter The Group, the CentralInnovation Team is responsible for facilitating collaborationand expertise sharing, providing ongoing theoretical andpractical advice and managing innovation projects bysystematically adopting a customer-centric approach.These activities form the basis of Generali InnovationInfrastructure, an approach developed at Group levelto operate with a common, shared working method thatis flexible with regard to specific local requirements andis based on existing processes, resulting in the seamlessmanagement of innovation projects.Once the ideas with the potential to generate insurancesolutions that would meet the needs of customersor specific markets in an innovative way have beenidentified, the individuals who will participate in thedesign phase are identified. Through regular meetingsand online platforms, team members from differentareas of the Group exchange information and discussthe opportunities and issues of real cases compared tothe target market. The customer is involved from theoutset of the project, initially through surveys to identifythe areas of greatest interest, then in the co-creation ofthe product or service, and finally to understand if thecustomer’s needs have been fully satisfied.Vacanze al Museo (Holydays at the Museum), SwitzerlandThe most significant innovation projects include thefollowing:• Emotions and pension planning: mistrust and lackof knowledge regarding supplementary pensionswere the starting point for the working group thatexamined customer expertise in relation to pensions,doubts regarding pension products, methods ofcommunication and payment systems. This analysisallowed Generali to highlight the barriers to listeningrelated to a topic that is perceived as complex andthe difficulties in understanding the effectivenessCLIENTS | 93

The following should be noted in this regard: the ParentCompany and several other important Italian companies(Alleanza Toro, Fata, INA Assitalia) adhere to the Codicedi Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria (Advertising Self-regulatoryCode); Česká Pojišt'ovna participates in Rada pro reklamu,the Czech Committee for the regulation of advertising;Group companies in Spain adhere to the Code ofAdvertising Self-discipline and Advertising Practiceand the Transparency Code, and Group companiesin Switzerland adhere to the Swiss Directmarketing-Verband-Ehrenkodex (Advertising Self-Regulation Codeof the Swiss direct marketing association).CUSTOMER CENTRICITYINITIATIVESCustomer centricity is one of <strong>Generali</strong> Group’s mainbusiness strategies. The creation of value for customers asa precondition for the creation of value for the company isthe basis of a number of existing projects and initiativesthat aim to facilitate the sharing of expertise between Groupcompanies with a view to implementing products andservices that satisfy the spoken and unspoken needs ofcustomers.In this context, the Customer as an asset programme,launched in 2010 and constantly developed since then, aimsto guide the Group companies towards a customer-drivenapproach with a view to increasing customer loyalty andimproving satisfaction. The Group’s eight main countriesof operation participating in the programme are: Italy(through Assicurazioni <strong>Generali</strong>), Austria, France, Germany,Portugal, the Czech Republic, Spain and Switzerland. Theprogramme has four main objectives:• to create an active network of senior managers andprofessionals in each country with a view to measuringand monitoring activities related to the creation of valuefor the client and the company, identifying new initiatives,coordinating activities related to the programme’sobjectives and facilitating the exchange of informationwith regard to experiences, methodologies and resultsachieved with other team members in order to fosterthe exchange of knowledge and best practices betweenGroup companies;• to prepare a manual (updated on an annual basis)containing the latest versions of all of the levers for actionidentified within the different aspects of value creation. Theidentification of a common methodology for conductingcustomer satisfaction surveys also falls within this remit;• based on the manual, to identify actions aimed at increasingthe strategic expectations of all Group companies;• to constantly monitor performance using the most relevantperiodic measurement indicators.Innovation projectsAs mentioned in the chapter The Group, the CentralInnovation Team is responsible for facilitating collaborationand expertise sharing, providing ongoing theoretical andpractical advice and managing innovation projects bysystematically adopting a customer-centric approach.These activities form the basis of <strong>Generali</strong> InnovationInfrastructure, an approach developed at Group levelto operate with a common, shared working method thatis flexible with regard to specific local requirements andis based on existing processes, resulting in the seamlessmanagement of innovation projects.Once the ideas with the potential to generate insurancesolutions that would meet the needs of customersor specific markets in an innovative way have beenidentified, the individuals who will participate in thedesign phase are identified. Through regular meetingsand online platforms, team members from differentareas of the Group exchange information and discussthe opportunities and issues of real cases compared tothe target market. The customer is involved from theoutset of the project, initially through surveys to identifythe areas of greatest interest, then in the co-creation ofthe product or service, and finally to understand if thecustomer’s needs have been fully satisfied.Vacanze al Museo (Holydays at the Museum), SwitzerlandThe most significant innovation projects include thefollowing:• Emotions and pension planning: mistrust and lackof knowledge regarding supplementary pensionswere the starting point for the working group thatexamined customer expertise in relation to pensions,doubts regarding pension products, methods ofcommunication and payment systems. This analysisallowed <strong>Generali</strong> to highlight the barriers to listeningrelated to a topic that is perceived as complex andthe difficulties in understanding the effectivenessCLIENTS | 93

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