Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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Over the last few years, various road traffic initiativeshave also been carried out within the Generali Group.In Italy, in order to act on the behavioural patterns ofyoung drivers, the Associazione Nazionale ImpreseAssicuratrici (ANIA), the Traffic Police and consumergroups signed the Patto per i giovani initiative, supportedby Group companies which provide discounted ratesfor young people in certain age brackets who agreeto comply with the code of conduct established in thepolicy. The Italian Group companies are also part of theFondazione per la Sicurezza Stradale (FSS) - establishedwithin ANIA on a voluntary basis by insurance companies -which carries out traffic risk prevention activities, promotingthe education of responsible driving. To this end, the includes a driving simulator withvirtual routes which teaches users how to anticipate thedangers of the road. At the end of 2012, the Foundationlaunched Pensaci, a new social communication campaignthat sends reminders about the responsibility of drivers. It isan invitation to reflect on the fact that dangerous behaviourcan lead to accidents affecting both the driver and others.In Germany, Generali Versicherung, the industryassociation Gesamtverband der DeutschenVersicherungswirtschaft (GDV) and thecommittee of the German road safety DeutscherVerkehrssicherheitsrat e.V., work together oninitiatives to raise awareness about traffic risks.In Spain, the Group participates in a project run by thenational trade association Unión Española de EntidadesAseguradoras y Reaseguradoras es la AsociaciónEmpresarial del Seguro (UNESPA) to provide clear productinformation. The Group also works with the associationby supporting road safety campaigns and participating inresearch programmes sponsored by the Centro Zaragoza,UNESPA’s research institute for vehicle repair and safety.SERVICE POLICIESGenerali Group’s commitment to increasing customersatisfaction levels is also reflected in the continuousdevelopment of solutions and initiatives to improve the servicesit provides. The Group continuously checks the initiativesimplemented by analysing processes and monitoring activitiesin order to identify the areas for improvement.In order to consistently maintain a high quality service that isattentive to the needs of the customer, the Group provides:• simplified access to products and services;• clear and transparent information on the services itprovides, in accordance with professional ethics;• appropriate and comprehensive advice throughout thevarious stages of the contractual relationship;• timely responses to any anomaly reports.In recent years, the Group’s range of traditionalcommunication tools has been expanded to include theinternet and contact centres, allowing a greater numberof users to be reached and making it easier communicate.All Group companies have created and are constantlyupdating their own websites which, depending onthe type of products, offer different functionality andapplications.The websites of the main Group companies provide:• search tools to identify the agencies and settlementoffices by area, bank branches and details of the maincontact channels for the customer;• information on products, cover and operations;• glossary, contractual terms with explanatory notesand a section dedicated to frequently asked questions(FAQs);• latest stock prices and the performance of shares,managed funds and indices.In addition, the websites of some companies also offer:• information on claims handling procedures;• specific applications for submitting claim reports withphotographs and useful information on local authorizedbody shops;• estimate calculators and simulations of supplementarypension products;• online payment of insurance policies;• insurance and/or legal advisory services;• possibility to download apps for smartphones andtablets that allow clients to integrate the servicesoffered by the website with the functionality accessiblethrough these mobile devices;• member areas where clients can manage their owninsurance or banking details. The absolute securityand confidentiality of data and transactions is ensuredby an access system with a user ID and personalisedpassword.In 2012, in Italy, Assicurazioni Generali’s Web Project,in addition to carrying out a complete graphical andfunctional redesign of the website,developed a joint initiative with 643 agencies, focusingon the following objectives: to give direct online visibilityto all agencies, each of which will have their ownpersonalised member area; to improve the provision ofadvice and assistance by the sales staff; to increasecustomer loyalty by means of immediate access torelevant information and new services offered and; toprovide useful support tools to agencies to facilitateadministrative tasks. In Germany, the CosmosDirektwebsite has been updated to include a dedicatednavigation technical support section and Centralintroduced a section including a search tool to identifypharmacies in the local area. In the Czech Republic,Cˇeská Pojišt'ovna has enhanced its members area90 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

with new features that include the payment of policypremiums and claims reporting. Finally, in Spain,functionality has been added to allow the direct onlinepayment of premiums by credit card.In the banking sector, in 2012 Banca Generali inItaly enhanced the members area of its website withfunctionality aimed at protecting investments throughconditional orders that allow investors to limit their losses.The company also introduced the Secure Call service,which uses the latest and best technologies availableto combat computer fraud in the banking sector. InAustria, Generali Bank completely redesigned its websiteto make it more suited to the needs of its clients and,in Switzerland, BSI introduced a financial newsletter forclients.Alerta Vial (road warning), ArgentinaMost of the websites’ pages have been designed inaccordance with the main World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) accessibility guidelines.In the majority of the Group companies, the servicesavailable to clients are supplemented by an additionalmeans of contact: the call centre. This telephoneservice provides the client with remote support andextended opening hours, which may also be extendedthrough the night.The call centres provide the following:• information and assistance on products and theconditions applied;• insurance and financial advisory services;• information on after-sales services;• company website navigation support;• timely responses to reports of poor service.In addition, through this channel, some companies alsooffer:• estimates and/or quotation simulations;• assistance in completing the claim report and relateddocumentation;• provisions on current accounts and requests relating tocredit cards and debit cards;• securities trading.In 2012, in Italy, Genertel further expanded its rangeof services with the establishment of contact centresand the activation of the Easy Quote system, attachedto a database which, based on the date of birth of thepolicyholder and the licence plate of the vehicle, providesthe requestor with his/her insurance history and technicaldata relating to the vehicle. Finally, Genertel introducedthe Virtual Hold system, which reduces waiting timesfor customers calling from mobile phones by booking asubsequent consultation within a time window estimatedby the system and automatically communicated to thecustomer. Genertellife activated the following: an onlineinsurance chat facility, providing direct insurance adviceand ensuring visual recognition of the customer viaSkype, a communication method that reduces the timerequired to complete investment procedures requiredby anti-money laundering standards. In Germany,CosmosDirekt extended its co-browsing service, i.e.the support provided by simultaneous navigation, alsoin the meinCosmosDirekt platform, created to allow theclient to maintain their insurance profile autonomouslyand independently. In the Czech Republic, GeneraliPojišt'ovna implemented a telephone line supplementedby an email service which is dedicated to requestsfrom brokers. In Switzerland, BSI expanded its servicesoffered to clients by improving its portfolio and paymentoperations.In recent years, the changing needs of customers andcontinuous developments in mobile technology haveencouraged the Generali Group companies to developIT projects focused on making communication withcustomers more immediate and offering a servicethat is readily accessible in terms of space, time andfunctionality. In order to provide new contact toolsand to facilitate the operations of the sales networks,certain Group companies have developed applicationsfor smartphones and tablets that allow the user toperform certain insurance or bank-related tasks from amobile device.Using this method, the customer is able to:• report claims and submit the related documentation,including photographs;• locate the nearest authorized body shop;• request roadside assistance;• obtain useful information and updates on legislation;CLIENTS | 91

with new features that include the payment of policypremiums and claims reporting. Finally, in Spain,functionality has been added to allow the direct onlinepayment of premiums by credit card.In the banking sector, in <strong>2012</strong> Banca <strong>Generali</strong> inItaly enhanced the members area of its website withfunctionality aimed at protecting investments throughconditional orders that allow investors to limit their losses.The company also introduced the Secure Call service,which uses the latest and best technologies availableto combat computer fraud in the banking sector. InAustria, <strong>Generali</strong> Bank completely redesigned its websiteto make it more suited to the needs of its clients and,in Switzerland, BSI introduced a financial newsletter forclients.Alerta Vial (road warning), ArgentinaMost of the websites’ pages have been designed inaccordance with the main World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) accessibility guidelines.In the majority of the Group companies, the servicesavailable to clients are supplemented by an additionalmeans of contact: the call centre. This telephoneservice provides the client with remote support andextended opening hours, which may also be extendedthrough the night.The call centres provide the following:• information and assistance on products and theconditions applied;• insurance and financial advisory services;• information on after-sales services;• company website navigation support;• timely responses to reports of poor service.In addition, through this channel, some companies alsooffer:• estimates and/or quotation simulations;• assistance in completing the claim report and relateddocumentation;• provisions on current accounts and requests relating tocredit cards and debit cards;• securities trading.In <strong>2012</strong>, in Italy, Genertel further expanded its rangeof services with the establishment of contact centresand the activation of the Easy Quote system, attachedto a database which, based on the date of birth of thepolicyholder and the licence plate of the vehicle, providesthe requestor with his/her insurance history and technicaldata relating to the vehicle. Finally, Genertel introducedthe Virtual Hold system, which reduces waiting timesfor customers calling from mobile phones by booking asubsequent consultation within a time window estimatedby the system and automatically communicated to thecustomer. Genertellife activated the following: an onlineinsurance chat facility, providing direct insurance adviceand ensuring visual recognition of the customer viaSkype, a communication method that reduces the timerequired to complete investment procedures requiredby anti-money laundering standards. In Germany,CosmosDirekt extended its co-browsing service, i.e.the support provided by simultaneous navigation, alsoin the meinCosmosDirekt platform, created to allow theclient to maintain their insurance profile autonomouslyand independently. In the Czech Republic, <strong>Generali</strong>Pojišt'ovna implemented a telephone line supplementedby an email service which is dedicated to requestsfrom brokers. In Switzerland, BSI expanded its servicesoffered to clients by improving its portfolio and paymentoperations.In recent years, the changing needs of customers andcontinuous developments in mobile technology haveencouraged the <strong>Generali</strong> Group companies to developIT projects focused on making communication withcustomers more immediate and offering a servicethat is readily accessible in terms of space, time andfunctionality. In order to provide new contact toolsand to facilitate the operations of the sales networks,certain Group companies have developed applicationsfor smartphones and tablets that allow the user toperform certain insurance or bank-related tasks from amobile device.Using this method, the customer is able to:• report claims and submit the related documentation,including photographs;• locate the nearest authorized body shop;• request roadside assistance;• obtain useful information and updates on legislation;CLIENTS | 91

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