Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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Dividend policy2009 2010 2011 2012701545311 3110.35 0.450.20 0.20Shareholders by type45403530252029.043.038.828.0 29.7 million Euros)Dividend per share(Euro)1510SIZE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THESHAREHOLDERSAs at 31 December 2012, the share capital of AssicurazioniGenerali S.p.A., amounted to 1,556,873,283 euros, dividedinto the same number of ordinary shares with a nominalvalue of 1 euro each, of which 15,996,870 held by the ParentCompany and the other Group companies.Shareholders of the Parent Company amount toapproximately 280,000, of which 73.4% are Italian. Groupemployees hold a total stake of 0.35% (5,474,936 shares);Italian employees hold the majority stake, equal to 0.29%.Only six shareholders have a direct and/or indirect (heldthrough a third party, trustees or subsidiaries) stake equalto or more than 2%. Known as the major shareholders, theyhold a combined 27.53% interest in the share capital.Major Shareholders as at 29.03.201372.47■ Other2.15■ Effetti S.p.A.(33,489,587 share)2.23■ GruppoCaltagirone(34,750,000 share)%13.24■ Mediobanca(206,095,114 share)4.48■ CDP*(69,777,535 share)3.0■ LeonardoDel Vecchio(46,653,584 share)2.43■ B&DHolding Group(37,890,000 share)502009 2010 2011 2012■ Main shareholders■ Other institutionalinvestors■ PrivateshareholdersThe decrease in the share held by major shareholders in 2012can be attributed to the changes in the composition of theseshareholders.The shareholders of the Company also includeinvestors who adopt ethical criteria for investment.The main one is the Norwegian GovernmentPension Fund - Global, which alone holds 1.79%of the share capital of Assicurazioni Generaliwith 27,414,308 shares, followed by StichtingPensioenfonds ABP, the Dutch pension fundfor employees in the government, public andeducation sectors, which holds 1,570,363 shares(approximately 0.10% of shares issued). There arealso other institutional investors (pension funds andmutual funds) oriented toward a socially responsibleinvestment policy, which invest in the Generali sharetotalling about 1.20% of the share capital (updatedas of October 2012).The geographical breakdown of “ethical” investors inGenerali is as follows: Norway 58%, the Netherlands16%, USA 12%, France 5%, Sweden 4%, the restof Europe 2%, the rest of the world 3%.* Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (through Fondo strategico Italiano).The breakdown of major shareholders has changed comparedto 2011: these no longer include the Blackrock Group, whileBank of Italy’s stake was sold to Fondo Strategico Italiano, asubsidiary of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. This latter transaction wasconducted in order to prevent any potential conflict of interestswhich could derive from the governance of the new supervisorybody for insurance (IVASS), in which the Top Management of theBank of Italy participates.78 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

FINANCIAL AND SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCEThe following charts present and describe the main financial benchmarks for the results obtained by the Group, comparedwith the performance of the financial markets. Information is also provided concerning Assicurazioni Generali’s inclusionin leading ethical indices, and the rating obtained from several SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) rating agenciesspecialising in the analysis of environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of companies in order to assesswhether the share meets social responsibility requirements.Financial performance2009 2010 2011 2012 Change2012/2011Average change2012/2009Shareholders' equity* (in million Euros) 16,652 17,490 15,486 19,828 28.0% 6.0%Stock market capitalization(in million Euros)29,300 22,123 18,106 21,391 18.1% -10.0%Price of Generali shares (Euro)** 18.82 14.21 11.63 13.74 18.1% -10.0%Dividend yield 1.9% 3.2% 1.7% 1.5%* Shareholders' equity attributable to the Group, including the related result of the period.** Adjusted to account for the free increases of capital.Market capitalisation as at 31 December 2012 was 21,391 million euros, confirming Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. as one of the majorEuropean insurers by market capitalisation. The market capitalisation, which is the market value of a listed company, is calculated bymultiplying the number of shares by their market price.The dividend yield, i.e. the ratio of final unit cash dividend to final share price, decreased in 2012 (1.5%), due to the increase in the valueof the share on which it is calculated during the year. This is a return indicator that allows the dividend to be compared with that of otherstocks.Performance of Generali share compared with the main stock exchange indices in 201213012011010090807001.01.201201.02.201201.03.201201.04.201201.05.201201.06.201201.07.201201.08.201201.09.201201.10.201201.11.201201.12.201201.01.2013GENERALI DJ EUROSTOXX Insurance Ftse MIB DJ EUROSTOXX 50In 2012, Generali’s share price fluctuated between a low of 8.22 euros (on 31 May 2012) and a high of 13.82 euros (on 21 December2012), amounting to 13.74 euros at year-end, appreciating by 18.1% on the end of 2011.The performance of the Generali share at the end of 2012 (+18.1%), mainly the result of a significant recovery in the second half of theyear, outperformed the Borsa Italiana FTSE MIB index (+7.8%) and the Eurozone blue-chip index DJ Eurostoxx 50 (+13.8%) while itunderperformed the Eurozone insurance index DJ Eurostoxx Insurance (+32.9%).The Generali share is listed on 61 stock market indices, including the most important: Euro Stoxx 50, Stoxx Europe 600, FTSE MIB, EuroStoxx, MCSI Euro and Euro Stoxx Insurance.FINANCIAL COMMUNITY | 79

Dividend policy2009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong>701545311 3110.35 0.450.20 0.20Shareholders by type45403530252029.043.038.828.0 29.7 million Euros)Dividend per share(Euro)1510SIZE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THESHAREHOLDERSAs at 31 December <strong>2012</strong>, the share capital of Assicurazioni<strong>Generali</strong> S.p.A., amounted to 1,556,873,283 euros, dividedinto the same number of ordinary shares with a nominalvalue of 1 euro each, of which 15,996,870 held by the ParentCompany and the other Group companies.Shareholders of the Parent Company amount toapproximately 280,000, of which 73.4% are Italian. Groupemployees hold a total stake of 0.35% (5,474,936 shares);Italian employees hold the majority stake, equal to 0.29%.Only six shareholders have a direct and/or indirect (heldthrough a third party, trustees or subsidiaries) stake equalto or more than 2%. Known as the major shareholders, theyhold a combined 27.53% interest in the share capital.Major Shareholders as at 29.03.201372.47■ Other2.15■ Effetti S.p.A.(33,489,587 share)2.23■ GruppoCaltagirone(34,750,000 share)%13.24■ Mediobanca(206,095,114 share)4.48■ CDP*(69,777,535 share)3.0■ LeonardoDel Vecchio(46,653,584 share)2.43■ B&DHolding Group(37,890,000 share)502009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong>■ Main shareholders■ Other institutionalinvestors■ PrivateshareholdersThe decrease in the share held by major shareholders in <strong>2012</strong>can be attributed to the changes in the composition of theseshareholders.The shareholders of the Company also includeinvestors who adopt ethical criteria for investment.The main one is the Norwegian GovernmentPension Fund - Global, which alone holds 1.79%of the share capital of Assicurazioni <strong>Generali</strong>with 27,414,308 shares, followed by StichtingPensioenfonds ABP, the Dutch pension fundfor employees in the government, public andeducation sectors, which holds 1,570,363 shares(approximately 0.10% of shares issued). There arealso other institutional investors (pension funds andmutual funds) oriented toward a socially responsibleinvestment policy, which invest in the <strong>Generali</strong> sharetotalling about 1.20% of the share capital (updatedas of October <strong>2012</strong>).The geographical breakdown of “ethical” investors in<strong>Generali</strong> is as follows: Norway 58%, the Netherlands16%, USA 12%, France 5%, Sweden 4%, the restof Europe 2%, the rest of the world 3%.* Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (through Fondo strategico Italiano).The breakdown of major shareholders has changed comparedto 2011: these no longer include the Blackrock Group, whileBank of Italy’s stake was sold to Fondo Strategico Italiano, asubsidiary of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. This latter transaction wasconducted in order to prevent any potential conflict of interestswhich could derive from the governance of the new supervisorybody for insurance (IVASS), in which the Top Management of theBank of Italy participates.78 | Assicurazioni <strong>Generali</strong> - <strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

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