Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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Remuneration, incentives, assessmentThe Group's remuneration strategy is inextricably linked toits mission, values, governance and sustainability strategy,which prioritises the pursuit of sustainable growth overtime and the growth of the workforce. In turn, this entailsacknowledging individual contributions to the Group'ssuccess, also through appropriate remuneration. At thesame time, this remuneration policy supports the Group'smission, values, governance and sustainability, resulting inan inextricable relationship that constantly improves theremuneration practices adopted whilst consolidating theaforementioned issues.The Group's remuneration policy aims to rewardsustainable performances with appropriate remuneration.To this end, it is based on the following key principles:internal equality, competitiveness, consistency andmeritocracy.The application of these principles also makes it possibleto strengthen the motivation and loyalty of the workforce,particularly those in strategic roles or those regardedas having strong potential, so Generali can continue toconsolidate its reputation as a best employer capable ofattracting the brightest talent, both in Italy and abroad.As regards the CEO and the Group management, the toolscurrently in use are the Balanced Scorecard for short-termvariable remuneration and the Long-Term Incentive Plan forlong-term variable remuneration.More detailed information on the Group’sTop Management remuneration policiescan be found in the Remuneration Reportavailable on the allocation of a score to managers and some middlemanagers, based on the Hay method, enables the Groupto define remuneration policies that take account of theneed for internal equality and competitiveness. Incentivesystems award results achieved in the short- and mid-longterm. Performances are evaluated through a multitemporaland multidimensional approach that takes account - inaccordance with the category of the population and thetimeframe under consideration - of the results achieved byindividuals, the departments in which they operate and,as regards the Top Management, the overall results ofthe company/Group as well as those of competitors, whoconstitute the peer panel of reference. More specifically,the systems are based on the attainment of annual goals(attributed through the Balanced Scorecard) and threeyeargoals (attributed through the Long Term IncentivePlan).The basic salary of most employees in non-managerialpositions is linked to National Collective BargainingAgreements and complementary agreements in force inthe individual countries, where applicable.The remuneration package consists of a fixed sum, avariable sum and a series of benefits, which include asupplementary pension scheme, a welfare package andother benefits for employees and their families, althoughthere are differences from company to company.Generally speaking, as part of the workforce assessmentsystems in the various countries managers periodicallyevaluate the results attained by employees according tothe following parameters: working performance (in termsof quality and quantity of work, commitment, punctualityand conduct); development of knowledge and skills;professional development, also collecting comments andsuggestions with a view to defining professional goals andfuture training plans.In 2012, in the area considered by the SustainabilityReport, an average of 83.5% of Group employees weresubject to performance and career-developmentassessments. This percentage is close to 100% inthe Czech Republic, Switzerland, Germany and Austria,but is below average in France (73.4%) and Italy (60.5%).More specifically, 94.6% of managers, 82% of middlemanagers, 75.8% of office workers and 99.9% of thesales force on the payroll in the Group were subject toperformance and career-development assessments.There was no discrimination against the female workforcein the assessments: this is demonstrated by the fact that,Generali Survival, Czech Republic48 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

Reliability. In addition, the slogan of the overarchingsystem is “Values and competencies generatingsustainable value” for stakeholders.Managers and middle managers are also periodicallyinvolved in assessment and managerial skill developmentprocesses.International Meeting, Berlin, Germanyon average, 82.2% of women underwent performanceand career development assessment.Below we outline the individual performanceassessment systems and relative performance indicatorsused for each category of worker at the Generali Group inItaly, although the same approach is adopted in all of themain countries under consideration:• Managers: in terms of the management of resources thefocus for the Group is a system of values and skills thatplaces the emphasis on generating value for stakeholders(shareholders and the market, clients, employees and thelocal community). This comprises of 4 values (Reliability,Pride of belonging, Commitment to constant improvement,Professional responsibility) and 5 managerial competencies(Strategy execution, Change management, Decisionmakingresponsibility, Organisational integration, Peopledevelopment). The system outlines a straightforward andconsistent series of successful behavioural approachesthat must be adopted by Group managers accordingto a logic of integration and common goals, andwhich seek to consolidate a distinctive Generali Style.Therefore, as part of the annual Balanced Scorecardsystems there is also a managerial performanceindicator which, through the analysis of behaviouralindicators, evaluates the adherence to, dissemination andenhancement of Group values and skills.The Group values make explicit reference to the issueof sustainability, particularly in terms of the concept of• Middle managers: the Performance and DevelopmentDialogue is a performance management system basedon the assessment of qualitative/quantitative results andcompliance with the company’s values which, in turn, arelinked to Group managerial competencies. It is an annualprocess with 3 instances of dialogue between managersand employees: definition and setting of targets, interimreview and goals assessment.In order to boost performances there is an annualdevelopment plan that is updated when the goals areset and which seeks to consolidate technical knowledgeand managerial skills and encourage the adoption ofconduct that is consistent with the Group’s social andenvironmental commitment.The development plan aims to consolidate the resultsand does not contribute to the overall assessment ofthe performance indicator. This process involves thecreation of a calibration committee in both the objectiveidentification and results assessment phases. In 2012,around 700 middle managers from companies in theItalian insurance sector and Head Office were involvedand the system is expected to be extended further in2013.• Office workers: a qualitative system that involves theannual assessment of basic behavioural skills with regardto performance and compliance with the Group’s valuesis active in some Group companies and will be extendedto other companies in the next few years. The systemalso involves the updating of the annual developmentplan designed to boost performances.• Sales force on payroll: a series of qualitative andquantitative checks is envisioned for the purpose ofassessing results and skills, recognising merit anddetermining avenues of professional growth. For theannual assessments, a system is used that takesaccount of the ability to meet production goals andevaluates performances on the basis of commercialbusiness indicators (life and non-life), technical knowhow(knowledge of products and standards, workorganisation) and behavioural skills (fundamental groupskills defined according to clients, sales planning, focuson results, customer orientation and problem-solvingskills).In Italy, both the Balanced Scorecard system and thePerformance and development dialogue (for the partrelating to the development plan) involve the attainmentof a social/environmental goal. In Germany, incentivesconnected with the attainment of environmental targetswere introduced for managers in 2011.EMPLOYEES | 49

Remuneration, incentives, assessmentThe Group's remuneration strategy is inextricably linked toits mission, values, governance and sustainability strategy,which prioritises the pursuit of sustainable growth overtime and the growth of the workforce. In turn, this entailsacknowledging individual contributions to the Group'ssuccess, also through appropriate remuneration. At thesame time, this remuneration policy supports the Group'smission, values, governance and sustainability, resulting inan inextricable relationship that constantly improves theremuneration practices adopted whilst consolidating theaforementioned issues.The Group's remuneration policy aims to rewardsustainable performances with appropriate remuneration.To this end, it is based on the following key principles:internal equality, competitiveness, consistency andmeritocracy.The application of these principles also makes it possibleto strengthen the motivation and loyalty of the workforce,particularly those in strategic roles or those regardedas having strong potential, so <strong>Generali</strong> can continue toconsolidate its reputation as a best employer capable ofattracting the brightest talent, both in Italy and abroad.As regards the CEO and the Group management, the toolscurrently in use are the Balanced Scorecard for short-termvariable remuneration and the Long-Term Incentive Plan forlong-term variable remuneration.More detailed information on the Group’sTop Management remuneration policiescan be found in the Remuneration <strong>Report</strong>available on the allocation of a score to managers and some middlemanagers, based on the Hay method, enables the Groupto define remuneration policies that take account of theneed for internal equality and competitiveness. Incentivesystems award results achieved in the short- and mid-longterm. Performances are evaluated through a multitemporaland multidimensional approach that takes account - inaccordance with the category of the population and thetimeframe under consideration - of the results achieved byindividuals, the departments in which they operate and,as regards the Top Management, the overall results ofthe company/Group as well as those of competitors, whoconstitute the peer panel of reference. More specifically,the systems are based on the attainment of annual goals(attributed through the Balanced Scorecard) and threeyeargoals (attributed through the Long Term IncentivePlan).The basic salary of most employees in non-managerialpositions is linked to National Collective BargainingAgreements and complementary agreements in force inthe individual countries, where applicable.The remuneration package consists of a fixed sum, avariable sum and a series of benefits, which include asupplementary pension scheme, a welfare package andother benefits for employees and their families, althoughthere are differences from company to company.Generally speaking, as part of the workforce assessmentsystems in the various countries managers periodicallyevaluate the results attained by employees according tothe following parameters: working performance (in termsof quality and quantity of work, commitment, punctualityand conduct); development of knowledge and skills;professional development, also collecting comments andsuggestions with a view to defining professional goals andfuture training plans.In <strong>2012</strong>, in the area considered by the <strong>Sustainability</strong><strong>Report</strong>, an average of 83.5% of Group employees weresubject to performance and career-developmentassessments. This percentage is close to 100% inthe Czech Republic, Switzerland, Germany and Austria,but is below average in France (73.4%) and Italy (60.5%).More specifically, 94.6% of managers, 82% of middlemanagers, 75.8% of office workers and 99.9% of thesales force on the payroll in the Group were subject toperformance and career-development assessments.There was no discrimination against the female workforcein the assessments: this is demonstrated by the fact that,<strong>Generali</strong> Survival, Czech Republic48 | Assicurazioni <strong>Generali</strong> - <strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

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