Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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In order to make innovation an integral part of theproduction system of the business, some sectionsdedicated to innovation projects identified on the basisof criteria defined and agreed at Head Office level haverecently been introduced to the business plans of theindividual countries and respective companies. This hasencouraged the creation and development of a largeportfolio of innovative projects which, starting from 2013,will permit effective and diversified management of the riskgenerated by investments in this innovation.CommunicationThe Generali Group defines and promotes an integratedcommunication strategy, targeted at all stakeholdersat global level, based on transparency and the utmostcommitment to guaranteeing promptness, accessibility,accuracy and completeness of information.Internal communication spreads the strategy and thecorporate culture, supporting the transformation processof the Group with the engagement of employees. Inthe second half of 2012, the strategic investment incommunication with employees increased through moreincisive and diversified dialogue. For example, the AskGroup CEO e-mail address was activated, a channel fordialogue and debate opened at the wish of the Group CEOin order to acknowledge the observations and commentsfrom employees, understand their priorities and answertheir questions directly and promptly.External communication activities through the media, incompliance with the relevant regulations, concern all areasof Group operations worldwide. Press releases are issuedregularly and presentations and events are organised,to guarantee full disclosure in relation to the Group’slatest operational and strategic developments, to thepresentation of the economic and financial results and tobusiness and social responsibility initiatives. Media relationswere strengthened in 2012 and meetings were encouragedbetween management and the media, in order to illustrate,in particular, the Group’s new strategy and present newguidelines aimed at creating more value for all stakeholders.The Group avails itself of various communication tools toestablish contact with its stakeholders and, in particular,to allow a continuous, comprehensive, up-to-dateand transparent exchange of information. Traditionaltools like press releases, articles, company magazines,e-mails, newsletters are supported by opportunitiesfor direct interaction, such as conferences and themebasedmeetings, and digital channels take on specialsignificance (first and foremost, the company intranetfor employees and the institutional website) within thecontext of widespread use of mobile internet devices andan increase in the expectations of users as regards thequantity and quality of information provided.In order to offer key information on the Group to all thoseusing mobile internet devices (smartphones and tablets),Generali corporate app was also launched on the marketat the start of 2013.Conceived as a concise butimmediate source of informationfor professionals and stakeholderswho keep up-to-date via mobiledevices, in off-line and on-linemode, this institutional app allowsaccess in optimised and simplifiedmode to the main financial, institutional and multimediainformation, augmenting the website,which remains the main source of content for morein-depth searches. Only available in English, hence designedfor an international audience, it can be downloaded freefrom the AppStore (Apple Operating System) and Googleplay (Android Operating System). An e-mail address( was also set up, to whichpeople can send comments and suggests on ways toimprove the app to ensure optimum user satisfaction.The Group also handles image policies, promotes itsvalues and its culture, and avails itself of sponsorships -selected on the basis of standing and effectiveness criteria- to reach actual and potential customer targets, with aview to increasing commercial value.Human rightsThe Group undertakes to guarantee and promote respectfor fundamental human and labour rights in all its spheresof influence, especially concerning its employees andcontractual partners. As proof of this commitment, itspolicies and practices are in keeping with the UN UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights and the core internationalstandards of the International Labour Organisation. TheGroup also supports principles 1 and 2 relating to thehuman rights of the UN Global Compact initiative.The Generali Group Code of Conduct guaranteesemployees a working environment free of all types ofdiscrimination, harassment, intimidation or mobbingand promotes diversity and inclusion in the belief thatcooperation between people from different culturalbackgrounds, with different skills, opinions andexperience, is an essential prerequisite for guaranteeingbusiness growth and innovation. In this way, individualityis recognised and personal differences are respected, keyvalues for maintaining working conditions where everyonefeels valued and supported.Owing to the importance attached to promoting diversityand inclusion, the Group decided to establish the role ofthe Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, who is responsiblefor developing policies and guidelines, as well as trainingprogrammes on these issues.36 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

The Group also recognises the freedom of associationand collective bargaining, and prohibits any kind of illicitwork, exploitation, as well as any type of compulsory,forced or child labour. Respect for the aforementionedcore international standards of the International LabourOrganisation is constantly monitored throughout the entireGroup and promoted through specific training programmesso as to create widespread awareness. In particular, ane-learning course on the pre-existing Ethical Code ofthe Generali Group was launched in 2011, focussing inparticular, on the respect for human and labour rights,which has involved almost 19,000 employees to date,giving priority to those that work in countries where thisrespect is not always guaranteed. For more details, referto the chapter Employees, section Human rights of thisdocument.The Group is not limited to ensuring respect for thefundamental human rights of its employees but, inapplication of the provisions of the Ethical Code forthe Suppliers of the Generali Group, asks its suppliersto observe all applicable national and international lawsand regulations, including therein the UN UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights and the Declaration of theInternational Labour Organisation, and to also ensurecompliance with them by the respective supply chains.More details can be found in the chapter Suppliers ofthis document.The Generali Group also protects and promotesfundamental human rights in its role as institutionalinvestor, through an investment policy that encouragesissuing companies to act responsibly. Indeed, it forbidsinvestments in financial instruments issued by companiesthat are, directly or through subsidiaries, involved inexploitation of child or forced labour or produce clusterbombs, anti-personnel mines and similar weapons. Theseindications are currently contained in the Ethical Guidelinesfor Investments, described in the section Policies andmanagement tools in this chapter, to which referenceshould be made for in-depth information.CorruptionThe fight against corruption is one of the top globalchallenges. In fact, corruption is a major obstacle tosustainable development and has a considerable impacton the poorer communities in particular: it impedeseconomic growth, distorts competition betweencompanies, presents serious legal and reputational risksfor companies, and represents a huge cost.Not only governments, but companies too can contributeto a more transparent global economy, by undertaking toeliminate all forms of corruption, develop incisive policiesand practical anti-corruption programmes.The Generali Group plays an active role in the fightagainst corruption: as a UN Global Compact member,Sacred Convent of Assisi, Restoration of Frescoes by Giotto, Italyit undertakes to share, support and apply principle 10concerning the fight against corruption, in its spheresof influence; in addition, it asks all its stakeholders toengage in ethical conduct to counter corruption andadopts suitable measures to prevent conduct that is notin keeping with the principles of correctness, legality andtransparency.Ensuring respect for the provisions governing corruptionis a strategic objective for the Group. For this reason, asstated in the Charter of Sustainability Commitments, theGroup undertakes, in the short-term, to insert the periodicrisk assessment of its business activities in the complianceplans.Almost all countries in which the Group operates havelegislation that prohibits corruption by public and privateentities and are required to comply with said legislation,on pain of penal and/or civil sanctions. However, theGroup has expressly reaffirmed its rejection of all formsof corruption, including the payment of bribes andextortion, in the new Code of Conduct and has providedthe proper Group Rules on the matter.In particular, in carrying out their duties, employees andthird parties who operate on behalf of the Group (agents,suppliers, consultants, etc.) are required to act ethicallyand avoid offering to or accepting from public officials orbusiness partners (or their relatives or business partners)unlawful payments, gifts, forms of entertainment or otherinappropriate benefits. The obligation to abstain from thisconduct applies without exception in the case of unlawfulpayments, such as bribes, payoffs or facilitating paymentswhich aim to speed up or facilitate the execution of routineoperations.By contrast, gifts, forms of entertainment or other benefitsare not considered improper and may be offered orreceived only when of a small value, are suited to thecircumstances, concern working activities, are permittedunder local legislation and conform to the commercialpractice in use.the group | 37

The Group also recognises the freedom of associationand collective bargaining, and prohibits any kind of illicitwork, exploitation, as well as any type of compulsory,forced or child labour. Respect for the aforementionedcore international standards of the International LabourOrganisation is constantly monitored throughout the entireGroup and promoted through specific training programmesso as to create widespread awareness. In particular, ane-learning course on the pre-existing Ethical Code ofthe <strong>Generali</strong> Group was launched in 2011, focussing inparticular, on the respect for human and labour rights,which has involved almost 19,000 employees to date,giving priority to those that work in countries where thisrespect is not always guaranteed. For more details, referto the chapter Employees, section Human rights of thisdocument.The Group is not limited to ensuring respect for thefundamental human rights of its employees but, inapplication of the provisions of the Ethical Code forthe Suppliers of the <strong>Generali</strong> Group, asks its suppliersto observe all applicable national and international lawsand regulations, including therein the UN UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights and the Declaration of theInternational Labour Organisation, and to also ensurecompliance with them by the respective supply chains.More details can be found in the chapter Suppliers ofthis document.The <strong>Generali</strong> Group also protects and promotesfundamental human rights in its role as institutionalinvestor, through an investment policy that encouragesissuing companies to act responsibly. Indeed, it forbidsinvestments in financial instruments issued by companiesthat are, directly or through subsidiaries, involved inexploitation of child or forced labour or produce clusterbombs, anti-personnel mines and similar weapons. Theseindications are currently contained in the Ethical Guidelinesfor Investments, described in the section Policies andmanagement tools in this chapter, to which referenceshould be made for in-depth information.CorruptionThe fight against corruption is one of the top globalchallenges. In fact, corruption is a major obstacle tosustainable development and has a considerable impacton the poorer communities in particular: it impedeseconomic growth, distorts competition betweencompanies, presents serious legal and reputational risksfor companies, and represents a huge cost.Not only governments, but companies too can contributeto a more transparent global economy, by undertaking toeliminate all forms of corruption, develop incisive policiesand practical anti-corruption programmes.The <strong>Generali</strong> Group plays an active role in the fightagainst corruption: as a UN Global Compact member,Sacred Convent of Assisi, Restoration of Frescoes by Giotto, Italyit undertakes to share, support and apply principle 10concerning the fight against corruption, in its spheresof influence; in addition, it asks all its stakeholders toengage in ethical conduct to counter corruption andadopts suitable measures to prevent conduct that is notin keeping with the principles of correctness, legality andtransparency.Ensuring respect for the provisions governing corruptionis a strategic objective for the Group. For this reason, asstated in the Charter of <strong>Sustainability</strong> Commitments, theGroup undertakes, in the short-term, to insert the periodicrisk assessment of its business activities in the complianceplans.Almost all countries in which the Group operates havelegislation that prohibits corruption by public and privateentities and are required to comply with said legislation,on pain of penal and/or civil sanctions. However, theGroup has expressly reaffirmed its rejection of all formsof corruption, including the payment of bribes andextortion, in the new Code of Conduct and has providedthe proper Group Rules on the matter.In particular, in carrying out their duties, employees andthird parties who operate on behalf of the Group (agents,suppliers, consultants, etc.) are required to act ethicallyand avoid offering to or accepting from public officials orbusiness partners (or their relatives or business partners)unlawful payments, gifts, forms of entertainment or otherinappropriate benefits. The obligation to abstain from thisconduct applies without exception in the case of unlawfulpayments, such as bribes, payoffs or facilitating paymentswhich aim to speed up or facilitate the execution of routineoperations.By contrast, gifts, forms of entertainment or other benefitsare not considered improper and may be offered orreceived only when of a small value, are suited to thecircumstances, concern working activities, are permittedunder local legislation and conform to the commercialpractice in use.the group | 37

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