Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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at a glanceSUPPLIERSThe Generali Group believes that, in an increasingly globalised andintegrated economy, creating a network based on long-lasting and mutuallysatisfactory relations with qualified contractual partners - that ensure highquality products and services for the Group - is a strategic objective whichbuilds competitive success.The Ethical Code for suppliers of the Generali Group outlines the generalprinciples that have to underpin fruitful relations with contractual partners:correctness and honesty, transparency and impartiality, preventing conflictsof interests, fair competition and confidentiality, protecting workers and ofthe environment.1.6billion euros inprocurement expensesSuppliers are required to follow the Group’s policies while performingbusiness and to ensure compliance also with all the levels of the relevantsupply chain.The supplier selection process is carried out through clear, certain, nondiscriminatoryprocedures, exclusively using objective, documentable andtransparent criteria linked to the quality of products and services offered.Quality is also assessed in consideration of compliance with internationalethical principles on labour and human rights, as well as considering theenvironmental impact of the manufacture and supply methods used.Most of procurement expenses occur with local suppliers, with positiveeffects on the social and economic fabric of the communities where theGroup companies operate, as it creates jobs and stimulates economicgrowth. Selecting local suppliers together with other green policies alsoallow to limit the impact of company activities on the environment.of which: 89.8%of which16 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

COMMUNITYat a glanceThe Generali Group has a long tradition of fruitful relationships with thecommunities with which it has come into contact in over 180 years ofbusiness activity.In many countries the Group companies actively work with both nationaland local public institutions on various types of socially relevant projects.They are also an important reference point for associations, entities, etc.involved in activities to support the community, which they assist withfunds or other types of contribution (assets, structures, people).Many initiatives are developed with the engagement of employees, bothin corporate volunteering projects, which have enjoyed strong growth inrecent years, and in activities promoted by employees themselves, oftenwith the support of the company.45 million euros allocatedto the community of which:14.6million eurosin donations30.4million eurosin commercialinitiativesFour action areas have been identified in order to guide the choice ofinitiatives for the community to which the available funds will be donated:SOCIAL AREAInitiatives aimed atimproving society in everyaspect by assisting andintegrating weaker andmore disadvantagedgroups, civic education,research and training.CULTURAL AREAInitiatives aimed atenhancing and preservingthe artistic, historical andcultural heritage of the localarea and making it moreaccessible to the public.ENVIRONMENTAL AREAInitiatives aimed at protectingthe environment and raisingawareness about issues suchas climate change, energysaving, separate wastecollection and pollution.SPORTS AREAInitiatives to supportyouth, amateur andprofessional sport.social25.9 % cultural15.8 % ENVIRONMENT1.7 % SPORTS56.6 %at a glance | 17

COMMUNITYat a glanceThe <strong>Generali</strong> Group has a long tradition of fruitful relationships with thecommunities with which it has come into contact in over 180 years ofbusiness activity.In many countries the Group companies actively work with both nationaland local public institutions on various types of socially relevant projects.They are also an important reference point for associations, entities, etc.involved in activities to support the community, which they assist withfunds or other types of contribution (assets, structures, people).Many initiatives are developed with the engagement of employees, bothin corporate volunteering projects, which have enjoyed strong growth inrecent years, and in activities promoted by employees themselves, oftenwith the support of the company.45 million euros allocatedto the community of which:14.6million eurosin donations30.4million eurosin commercialinitiativesFour action areas have been identified in order to guide the choice ofinitiatives for the community to which the available funds will be donated:SOCIAL AREAInitiatives aimed atimproving society in everyaspect by assisting andintegrating weaker andmore disadvantagedgroups, civic education,research and training.CULTURAL AREAInitiatives aimed atenhancing and preservingthe artistic, historical andcultural heritage of the localarea and making it moreaccessible to the public.ENVIRONMENTAL AREAInitiatives aimed at protectingthe environment and raisingawareness about issues suchas climate change, energysaving, separate wastecollection and pollution.SPORTS AREAInitiatives to supportyouth, amateur andprofessional sport.social25.9 % cultural15.8 % ENVIRONMENT1.7 % SPORTS56.6 %at a glance | 17

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