Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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GRIINDICATORSDESCRIPTIONASPECT: Public policySO5. CoreSO6. AdditionalPublic policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying.Total value of financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by country.ASPECT: Anti-competitive behaviorSO7. AdditionalTotal number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes.ASPECT: ComplianceSO8. CoreMonetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws andregulations.PRODUCT RESPONSIBILITYDisclosure on management approachCustomer satisfaction plays a key role in the strategic vision of the Group that is committed to developing its products and servicesaccording to a customer-driven business approach. The ability of the Group to constantly meet actual customer needs andexpectations is a prerequisite for creating and maintaining trust in order to build lasting relationships. Many initiatives of dialogue withcustomers are periodically organized as to learn needs and satisfaction with regard to products and services provided.Managing relations with customers gains in importance and sales force therefore play a key role in achieving commercialstrategies. The Group provides sales force with specific training courses, adequate support and guidelines on how they shouldgo about their work.FS15. CorePolicies for the fair design and sale of financial products and services.ASPECT: Customer health and safetyPR1. CorePR2. AdditionalLife cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvement, andpercentage of significant products and services categories subject to such procedures.Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safetyimpacts of products and services, by type of outcomes.ASPECT: Product and service labellingPR3. CorePR4. AdditionalPR5. AdditionalFS16. CoreType of product and service information required by procedures, and percentage of significant products andservices subject to such information requirements.Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and serviceinformation and labeling, by type of outcomes.Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction.Initiatives to enhance financial literacy by type of beneficiary.ASPECT: Marketing communicationsPR6. CorePrograms for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communications, includingadvertising, promotion, and sponsorship.PR7. AdditionalTotal number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketingcommunications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship, by type of outcomes.158 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

REPORTEDGLOBALCOMPACTPRINCIPLESCROSS-REFERENCE/DIRECT ANSWERfully1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10fully 10 SR 2012, p. 38SR 2012, p. 38The Generali Group has relations with public institutions mainly through national trade associations.fullyIn 2012, 1,465 legal actions were initiated against Group insurance companies (1,637 in2011) amounting to 1.7 million euros (just over 2.4 million euros in 2011), while no legalactions were brought against Group banks.There is no evidence of the outcomes of such actions.fullyIn 2012 Group companies were assessed a total of 462 fines (640 in 2011) amounting to justover 6.2 million euros (nearly 7.2 million euros in 2011). Of these, 152 (253 in 2011) amounting toabout 2.6 million euros (nearly 2.9 million euros in 2011) involved sanctions for non-compliancewith laws and regulations other than those reported in the EN28 and PR9 indicators.Fines assessed by national insurance regulatory authorities clearly predominate (419 finesamounting to nearly 4.9 million euros).Contracts and communications with customers are based on the principles of correctness and honesty, professionalism, transparencyand cooperation with a view to finding solutions that are most suited to their needs. Information provided to customers before anycontract is signed is complete, transparent and comprehensible so they can make conscious purchase choices. To this end, Groupcompanies implement information and training programmes with the aim of disseminating insurance and financial know-how.As for marketing communication, the Group respects the fundamental ethical values, maintaining the veracity of its contents andrepudiating the use of coarse or offensive messages, in keeping with the provisions in the Code of Conduct of the Generali Group andthe directives issued by the relevant control authorities.In accordance with national legislation, the Generali Group guarantees the confidentiality and security of data and its processingthrough methods denying access to third parties, unless required for corporate aims or by a writ. Group management system andprocedures to customer privacy protection are adequate.fullySR 2012, p. 35-36; 93-94Emerging needs, the results of market analyses and any new features introduced throughlaws are considered when developping, distributing and providing products and services.These elements have led to the introduction of products with particular social andenvironmental value and the use of new channels at the service of customers. Moreover,sales force is constantly and adequately trained in order to garantee the quality of theservices provided by the Group.not 1not 1Products/services impacting on health and safety are not distributed/provided.Products/services impacting on health and safety are not distributed/provided.not 8not 8Products and services are not labelled.Products and services are not labelled.fully SR 2012, p. 94-96fully SR 2012, p. 92fullyfullySR 2012, p. 92-93The Generali Group reviews codes and voluntary standards when necessary.The Generali Group does not sell products that are banned in certain markets or the subjectof stakeholder questions or public debate.In 2012 no incidents of non-compliance with regulations or voluntary codes were reportedconcerning marketing communications of Group companies.GRI CONTENT INDEX - GRI 3.1 guidelines - GLOBAL COMPACT principles | 159

REPORTEDGLOBALCOMPACTPRINCIPLESCROSS-REFERENCE/DIRECT ANSWERfully1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10fully 10 SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 38SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 38The <strong>Generali</strong> Group has relations with public institutions mainly through national trade associations.fullyIn <strong>2012</strong>, 1,465 legal actions were initiated against Group insurance companies (1,637 in2011) amounting to 1.7 million euros (just over 2.4 million euros in 2011), while no legalactions were brought against Group banks.There is no evidence of the outcomes of such actions.fullyIn <strong>2012</strong> Group companies were assessed a total of 462 fines (640 in 2011) amounting to justover 6.2 million euros (nearly 7.2 million euros in 2011). Of these, 152 (253 in 2011) amounting toabout 2.6 million euros (nearly 2.9 million euros in 2011) involved sanctions for non-compliancewith laws and regulations other than those reported in the EN28 and PR9 indicators.Fines assessed by national insurance regulatory authorities clearly predominate (419 finesamounting to nearly 4.9 million euros).Contracts and communications with customers are based on the principles of correctness and honesty, professionalism, transparencyand cooperation with a view to finding solutions that are most suited to their needs. Information provided to customers before anycontract is signed is complete, transparent and comprehensible so they can make conscious purchase choices. To this end, Groupcompanies implement information and training programmes with the aim of disseminating insurance and financial know-how.As for marketing communication, the Group respects the fundamental ethical values, maintaining the veracity of its contents andrepudiating the use of coarse or offensive messages, in keeping with the provisions in the Code of Conduct of the <strong>Generali</strong> Group andthe directives issued by the relevant control authorities.In accordance with national legislation, the <strong>Generali</strong> Group guarantees the confidentiality and security of data and its processingthrough methods denying access to third parties, unless required for corporate aims or by a writ. Group management system andprocedures to customer privacy protection are adequate.fullySR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 35-36; 93-94Emerging needs, the results of market analyses and any new features introduced throughlaws are considered when developping, distributing and providing products and services.These elements have led to the introduction of products with particular social andenvironmental value and the use of new channels at the service of customers. Moreover,sales force is constantly and adequately trained in order to garantee the quality of theservices provided by the Group.not 1not 1Products/services impacting on health and safety are not distributed/provided.Products/services impacting on health and safety are not distributed/provided.not 8not 8Products and services are not labelled.Products and services are not labelled.fully SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 94-96fully SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 92fullyfullySR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 92-93The <strong>Generali</strong> Group reviews codes and voluntary standards when necessary.The <strong>Generali</strong> Group does not sell products that are banned in certain markets or the subjectof stakeholder questions or public debate.In <strong>2012</strong> no incidents of non-compliance with regulations or voluntary codes were reportedconcerning marketing communications of Group companies.GRI CONTENT INDEX - GRI 3.1 guidelines - GLOBAL COMPACT principles | 159

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