Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG


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REPORTEDGLOBALCOMPACTPRINCIPLESCROSS-REFERENCE/DIRECT ANSWERIn its sphere of influence, the <strong>Generali</strong> Group is also committed to working against corruption in all its forms. The Group joins theUN Global Compact consistently with such commitment, that is stated in the Code of Conduct. It requires to all its stakeholdersto conduct ethically as to counter corruption, provides suitable tools for the prevention of conduct in contrast with principles ofcorrectness, lawfulness and transparency, and implements all measures against corruption. The isssue of the fight against corrruptionis also in the Ethical Code for suppliers of the <strong>Generali</strong> Group and in the Ethical Guidelines for Investments.As stated in the Group Rules of the Code of Conduct, the Group does not support any event or initiative whose aim is mainly orexclusively of a political nature. Furthermore, it refrains from any direct or indirect pressure on political representatives and does notmake any contribution to trade unions or associations in order to apply political pressure.The Group recognizes free competition in the market as a crucial factor for growth and constant business improvement. It bases itscompetitiveness on the quality of products and services provided and not on competitors’ discredit.As stated in the Code of Conduct, the Group conducts business in compliance with law, internal regulations and professional ethics.fullyfullyfullynotfullySR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 111-115In 2008 the German companies of the <strong>Generali</strong> Deutschland group established the <strong>Generali</strong>Future Fund focused on the demographic change. The Fund supports more than 30 projectseach year with the aim of promoting the commitment of the generation 55plus in activities ofactive citizenship. It also assesses the social impact of the projects through the SROI (SocialReturn on Investments).DMA SOIn <strong>2012</strong> a new environmental analysis was conducted on the main buildings of the <strong>Generali</strong>Group companies in order to identify the significant impacts of insurance and financial activitieson the environment. Objectives and targets refer to such impacts with a view towards continualimprovement.Information is mainly qualitatively reported. As for mobility, the objective of the Group is to reduceemployee travel as much as possible, above all reducing the use of private vehicles and increasingthe use of public transport in order to reduce air and noise pollution in cities. All companies are, forexample, compliant with travel policies based on criteria assessing environmental impacts. For athorough examination consult the section Mobility in the SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 133-135.When considering the Group core activities, the negative impacts on local communities are thefollowing: economic impacts, i.e. those associated to job offer and purchase of goods and servicesfrom local suppliers; logistic impacts, i.e. those linked to commutes and transfers for duty; andenvironmental impacts, i.e. those due to transfers and building management (pollution risk).The Group is committed to a sustainable management in the environmental field (see chapterEnvironment and Climate Change) and in the social one (employment agreements and policiesfor business combinations and corporate restructuring, as described in the SR <strong>2012</strong> on p. 56).Sales and claims settlement networks of the <strong>Generali</strong> Group are widespread in severalmarkets and also in low-populated areas. The possibility of communicating by phone orinternet with the Group companies in case of underwriting and in the claim settlementprocess also contribute to reduce barriers to access to services.SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 87; 90-92; 115The websites of the <strong>Generali</strong> Group companies are in accordance with the Group webguidelines which comply with the international standards defined by Web AccessibilityInitiatives (WAI). The guidelines also provide some suggestions about usability andaccessibility for the disabled, such as increasing font size, increasing contrast of font andpage background, suitable colour choices for font and background, keyboard navigation,automatic underlining of all links, limited use of flash animation, HTML version of the pressreleases, communications and sections, thereby guaranteeing access to the greatestpossible number of users and avoiding all forms of discrimination.fully 10 SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 37-39fully 10 SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 39fully 10SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 39There is no evidence of concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices brought againstthe Group companies or their employees.GRI CONTENT INDEX - GRI 3.1 guidelines - GLOBAL COMPACT principles | 157

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