Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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GRIINDICATORSDESCRIPTIONASPECT: Economic performanceEC1. CoreDirect economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation,donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers andgovernments.EC2. CoreEC3. CoreEC4. CoreGRIINDICATORSFinancial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organization's activities due to climate change.Coverage of the organization's defined benefit plan obligations.Significant financial assistance received from government.DESCRIPTIONASPECT: Market presenceEC5. AdditionalEC6. CoreEC7. CoreRange of ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage at significant locations ofoperation.Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers at significant locations of operation.Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired from the local community at locations ofsignificant operation.ASPECT: Indirect economic impactsEC8. CoreEC9. AdditionalDevelopment and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit throughcommercial, in-kind, or pro bono engagement.Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts.ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORSDisclosure on management approachSafeguarding the environment as a primary asset is one of the guiding values of the Generali Group, which is committed to gearingits own choices towards guaranteeing compatibility between economic initiatives and environmental requirements. Objectives andcommitments with the aim of making a positive contribution to sustainable development are defined in the Environmental Policy ofthe Generali Group. Specific targets for both direct and indirect environmental impacts are defined in the document Group Objectivesand targets for environmental improvement. Actions to work towards attaining the Group objectives and targets are described in theEnvironmental Programme.The key environmental aspects are managed through an Environmental Management System (EMS) which complies with therequirements of the ISO 14001 standard and meets some ethical requirements. Such System currently involves six of the mostimportant countries for corporate business, i.e. Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland.The System is supported by an organizational structure in the Head Office that is composed of the EMS Review Committee and theEMS Committee, the mebers of which are also the Country EMS representatives. The task of coordinating these Committees anddrafting documentation for the System at Group level is carried out by the Corporate Social Responsibility unit. Some countries havealso national structures with solely environmental powers that support local Country CSR Committees in their activities.ASPECT: MaterialsEN1. CoreMaterials used by weight or volume.EN2. CorePercentage of materials used that are recycled input materials.ASPECT: EnergyEN3. CoreEN4. CoreDirect energy consumption by primary energy source.Indirect energy consumption by primary source.148 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

REPORTEDGLOBALCOMPACTPRINCIPLESCROSS-REFERENCE/DIRECT ANSWERGlobal Added Value (GAV) expresses the wealth generated by the Group's activities over the yearfor the various stakeholder categories. It is not, however, able to measure the benefits that theinvestments have on the economy and environment of reference. This indicator is calculated asthe difference between total income (88,547.4 million euros at 31 December 2012) increased/decreased by the result of discontinued operations and total expenses (86,909.6 million euros at31 December 2012) net of the cost for employees, agents and financial advisers, costs incurredfor grants and sponsorships, and interest expense. At the end of 2012 GAV amounted to12,730.7 million euros, distributed as follows:fully• -221 million euros to the Group (-1.7%)• 588 million euros to shareholders (4.6%)• 4,270.3 million euros to employees (33.5%)• 5,435.3 million euros to agents and financial advisers (42.7%)• 1,240.5 million euros to the State (9.7%)• 1,372.7 million euros to providers of credit capital (10.8%)• 44.9 million euros to the community (0.4%)The tax rate of the main countries is reported in the Management Report and ConsolidatedFinancial Statement 2012, p. 187.fully 7 SR 2012, p. 135-137fully Management Report and Consolidated Financial Statement 2012, p. 180-182fully The Generali Group did not receive any significant financial assistance from government in 2012.REPORTEDGLOBALCOMPACTPRINCIPLESCROSS-REFERENCE/DIRECT ANSWERfully 1SR 2012, p. 62fully SR 2012, p. 107-108fully 6SR 2012, p. 51fullySR 2012, p. 111-112; 114-115Initiatives result from assessments of community needs.fully SR 2012, p. 71; 87; 108; 115The proper implementation of the EMS and the specific attainment of the objectives are guaranteed by periodic monitoring of severalindicators which cover all of the most significant environmental aspects in terms of direct or indirect impact of the Group activities,i.e. electricity, water and paper consumption, waste disposal, corporate mobility, greenhouse gas emissions, products and services,procurement processes and investment activities. Data obtained feeds an internal information system which provides for a reportfor a review by the Top Management, in order to constantly assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the EMS with a view towardscontinual improvement. As to stress its interest in environmental issues, in particular in climate change one, the Group has adopted aresponsible and transparent approach and decided to meet the ISO 14064-1 standard as for measuring and volountary reporting onGHG emissions, and to have direct and indirect emissions from energy consumption certified by and external body.fully 8SR 2012, p. 128-129Materials mean paper that the Generali Group purchases from external suppliers. Informationon non-renewable and direct materials used is therefore not applicable to the financial sector.fully 8, 9 SR 2012, p. 129fully 8 SR 2012, p. 124-125fully 8SR 2012, p. 124; 126Primary energy consumed in its production is not relevant for the core business of the Group.GRI CONTENT INDEX - GRI 3.1 guidelines - GLOBAL COMPACT principles | 149

REPORTEDGLOBALCOMPACTPRINCIPLESCROSS-REFERENCE/DIRECT ANSWERGlobal Added Value (GAV) expresses the wealth generated by the Group's activities over the yearfor the various stakeholder categories. It is not, however, able to measure the benefits that theinvestments have on the economy and environment of reference. This indicator is calculated asthe difference between total income (88,547.4 million euros at 31 December <strong>2012</strong>) increased/decreased by the result of discontinued operations and total expenses (86,909.6 million euros at31 December <strong>2012</strong>) net of the cost for employees, agents and financial advisers, costs incurredfor grants and sponsorships, and interest expense. At the end of <strong>2012</strong> GAV amounted to12,730.7 million euros, distributed as follows:fully• -221 million euros to the Group (-1.7%)• 588 million euros to shareholders (4.6%)• 4,270.3 million euros to employees (33.5%)• 5,435.3 million euros to agents and financial advisers (42.7%)• 1,240.5 million euros to the State (9.7%)• 1,372.7 million euros to providers of credit capital (10.8%)• 44.9 million euros to the community (0.4%)The tax rate of the main countries is reported in the Management <strong>Report</strong> and ConsolidatedFinancial Statement <strong>2012</strong>, p. 187.fully 7 SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 135-137fully Management <strong>Report</strong> and Consolidated Financial Statement <strong>2012</strong>, p. 180-182fully The <strong>Generali</strong> Group did not receive any significant financial assistance from government in <strong>2012</strong>.REPORTEDGLOBALCOMPACTPRINCIPLESCROSS-REFERENCE/DIRECT ANSWERfully 1SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 62fully SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 107-108fully 6SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 51fullySR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 111-112; 114-115Initiatives result from assessments of community needs.fully SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 71; 87; 108; 115The proper implementation of the EMS and the specific attainment of the objectives are guaranteed by periodic monitoring of severalindicators which cover all of the most significant environmental aspects in terms of direct or indirect impact of the Group activities,i.e. electricity, water and paper consumption, waste disposal, corporate mobility, greenhouse gas emissions, products and services,procurement processes and investment activities. Data obtained feeds an internal information system which provides for a reportfor a review by the Top Management, in order to constantly assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the EMS with a view towardscontinual improvement. As to stress its interest in environmental issues, in particular in climate change one, the Group has adopted aresponsible and transparent approach and decided to meet the ISO 14064-1 standard as for measuring and volountary reporting onGHG emissions, and to have direct and indirect emissions from energy consumption certified by and external body.fully 8SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 128-129Materials mean paper that the <strong>Generali</strong> Group purchases from external suppliers. Informationon non-renewable and direct materials used is therefore not applicable to the financial sector.fully 8, 9 SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 129fully 8 SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 124-125fully 8SR <strong>2012</strong>, p. 124; 126Primary energy consumed in its production is not relevant for the core business of the Group.GRI CONTENT INDEX - GRI 3.1 guidelines - GLOBAL COMPACT principles | 149

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