Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG


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FrancE<strong>Generali</strong> and Agence de l’Environnement etde la Maîtrise de l’Énergie (ADEME), alongwith the science magazine La Recherchepromoted the eight annual contest forstudents - Génération DéveloppementDurable, with the theme Inventer le mondede demain (Invent Tomorrow’s World), whichhad Jean-Louis Étienne, a famous doctor andexplorer, as its spokesperson. The goal ofthe competition was to launch and promoteinitiatives, ideas and projects on issues suchas biodiversity, the climate, energy, wastetreatment, transport, etc. The prize-winningideas included a photovoltaic beach umbrella,which generates enough energy to rechargesmall electronic devices.GERMANYIn order to further promote the integration ofsustainable development in corporate processes,the German group joined the VfU - Verein fürUmweltmanagement und Nachhaltigkeit inFinanzinstituten e.V. (association for environmentalmanagement and sustainability in financialinstitutions). The purpose of the association is toact as a forum for the exchange of opinions andinformation to create new strategies and toolsfor sustainable development. The VfU organisesmeetings with experts on specific subjectsand discloses the results through seminars,conferences and publications, making themavailable not only to members of the association,but also to other external parties.In November, <strong>Generali</strong> Deutschland Group, alongwith VfU and UNEP FI, organised the conventionMainstreaming <strong>Sustainability</strong>. <strong>Sustainability</strong>in the Core Business of Financial Institutions,near Cologne. More than 150 experts in bankingand insurance who are involved in environmentalprojects participated in the event and discussedissues for two days, dialoguing on cultural changesand sustainability in the financial sector.SWITZERLANDBSI, through the Gamma Foundation, organised the conference The Creationof Shared Value: <strong>Sustainability</strong> and Finance in Venice, which was attended bysome of the leading players in the field of ethical investments. Prestigious speakersincluded the two Nobel Prize winners - Nobel Prize in Physics Carlo Rubbia andNobel Prize in Economics Jeremy Rifkin. Specifically, Prof. Rubbia’s presentation,Energies for a Sustainable Future covered the problems of climate change and newtechnologies to mitigate its effects, both existing and to be implemented in future,particularly focusing on renewable sources.ITALYFrom November 2011 to March <strong>2012</strong>, 5 Tappe per l’ambiente (5 Steps for the Environment) initiative was held, to inform andanalyse several environmental subjects, targeted to employees of the Italian companies. This was a travelling project, whichstopped in the 5 main cities where the Group operates (Trieste, Mogliano Veneto, Milan, Turin and Rome). The initiative took theform of two meetings, focused on the issues “Energy, Water and Waste” and “Mobility and Paper”, respectively. The purposeof the project was to raise awareness among Group employees on environmental subjects and make them aware that theirbehaviours - at work, as well as in their daily lives, - have an impact on the environment.A training course in e-learning mode was also associated with the initiative, to reach the employees that were unable toparticipate in person.University professors, institutional representatives and Group suppliers were also invited to participate in this initiative, givingthem the opportunity to provide their own contributions to the subjects discussed and express their opinions on <strong>Generali</strong>’sapproach and actions implemented in relation to various environmental issues.ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE | 139

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