Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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WaterWater consumption (m 3 )-0.4%300 268,980 267,858250200-1.7%150139,179 136,7892.5%0.7%1003.4%-5.5%45,428 45,7405038,038 39,34632,456 30,67266,663 68,3180ITALY AUSTRIA FRANCE GERMANY SPAIN SWITZERLAND2011 2012TOTAL 590,744 588,723 CHANGE 2012/2011 -0.3%Per capita consumption (m 3 )-9%40 5%36353330 3130-6.1%251.8%-3.6%207.9%17161514 141411 12131050ITALY AUSTRIA FRANCE GERMANY SPAIN SWITZERLAND2011 2012TOTAL 21 20 CHANGE 2012/2011 -2.7%CHANGE 2012/2009-0.1%The objective of reducing per capita consumption by 5% during the 2010-2012 three-year period was not achieved because of a seriesof leaks in the water pipes of some sites in recent years, which have now been rectified.In 2012, 588,723 m 3 of water was consumed, mainly for hygienic and sanitary purposes and for the operation and cooling of airconditioning equipment; only at some sites was water also used to water the green spaces. Moreover, 420,752 m 3 of industrial waterfrom the Po River, in Italy, and Lake Lugano in Switzerland, was used as industrial water for the cooling systems. As such, a total of1,009,475 m 3 of water was withdrawn.Almost all of the water consumed comes from municipal or state water mains; only an extremely small quantity of the water consumed,equal to 0.1%, is groundwater, which is used only rarely, above all in the summer, in Austria (200 m 3 ) and Germany (170 m 3 ). In addition,240 m 3 of rainwater was collected using special tanks at some sites in Germany and then reused.The increase in consumption recorded in Switzerland in 2012 was due to the greater use of water for the DPC cooling system. The highper capita consumption level in Italy was due to the fact that many air conditioning systems at the various sites are cooled using water.To reduce water consumption some Group sites havesystems that mix water and air; alternatively, there arephotocells or timed controls that make it possible to controlwater flows and reduce the waste of this resource to aminimum.In order to reinforce and demonstrate its commitment toreducing water consumption, in 2011 the Group signed theCDP Water Disclosure Project, an international initiativethat seeks to raise the awareness of companies as regardsthe sustainable management of water.For more information, see the website www.cdproject.netInitiatives to reduce water consumption in 2012CountryItalyType of initiativeSustainability assessments were carried out on all of the buildings included in the System;these assessments also include the analysis of water consumption and the definition ofmeasures to reduce consumption. In addition, a technical comparison was made between airand water condensation which showed that - for medium-high levels of cooling power - watercondensation is preferable as it consumes less electricity.130 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

WasteAmounts of waste subject to separate waste collection10080604072.8 77.367.662.479.7 79.9 79.1 76.533.663.3 64.655.582.9 85.2 83.7 86.2 52.182.758.17246.859.449.6 53.1200ITALY AUSTRIA FRANCE GERMANY SPAIN SWITZERLAND2009 2010 2011 2012TOTAL 69.3% 78.0% 75.1% 76.1%The objective of increasing the proportion of separately collected waste by 10% was not achieved despite the numerous measuresundertaken in all countries to improve waste management such as, for example, the increase in the number of separate waste collectionbins and the new specifications for the collection and recycling of materials. In order to increase the effectiveness of these measures,many companies have carried out special campaigns to raise employee awareness about separate waste collection.In terms of meeting this goal, the improvement in the gathering of data regarding the collection of mixed waste, which was greater thanthe increase in separately collected waste, had a negative effect on the final figure.Quintals of waste subject to separate waste collectionCountryTotalseparate wasteof which papercardboardof whichITof whichtoner2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012Italy 4,647 5,123 1,859 2,872 109 114 92 111Austria 4,564 3,837 2,520 2,101 25 41 56 46France 3,770 3,681 953 1,421 948 514 73 59Germany 35,300 37,388 17,486 19,978 308 233 n,d, n,d,Spain 1,317 2,361 1,208 1,413 6 829 13 13Switzerland 5,709 5,771 4,319 3,655 70 113 22 19TOTAL 55,307 58,162 28,345 31,440 1,466 1,844 257 248In 2012, the countries involved in the System collected a total of 76,443 quintals of waste (+3.7% compared to 2011), of which58,162 was collected separately, 13,803 incinerated and 4,478 disposed of at landfill sites. Paper and cardboard, plastic, glass,aluminium and other metals, wood, wet waste, used oil, sanitary waste, hazardous waste and IT and toner waste are subject toseparate waste collection.Per capita waste comes to around 2.5 quintals per employee, a 1.9% increase compared with 2011 because of the improvementin the collection of data relating to mixed waste.Paper and cardboard represents the majority of separately collected waste (54.1%) and is collected for recycling in all countries.In Austria and Germany, there is an extremely high level of separate waste collection of these materials as a result of the verystringent local rules designed to prevent the wasting of resources.WWF Reserve, Orbetello, Italy ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE 131

WasteAmounts of waste subject to separate waste collection10080604072.8 77.367.662.479.7 79.9 79.1 76.533.663.3 64.655.582.9 85.2 83.7 86.2 52.182.758.17246.859.449.6 53.1200ITALY AUSTRIA FRANCE GERMANY SPAIN SWITZERLAND2009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong>TOTAL 69.3% 78.0% 75.1% 76.1%The objective of increasing the proportion of separately collected waste by 10% was not achieved despite the numerous measuresundertaken in all countries to improve waste management such as, for example, the increase in the number of separate waste collectionbins and the new specifications for the collection and recycling of materials. In order to increase the effectiveness of these measures,many companies have carried out special campaigns to raise employee awareness about separate waste collection.In terms of meeting this goal, the improvement in the gathering of data regarding the collection of mixed waste, which was greater thanthe increase in separately collected waste, had a negative effect on the final figure.Quintals of waste subject to separate waste collectionCountryTotalseparate wasteof which papercardboardof whichITof whichtoner2011 <strong>2012</strong> 2011 <strong>2012</strong> 2011 <strong>2012</strong> 2011 <strong>2012</strong>Italy 4,647 5,123 1,859 2,872 109 114 92 111Austria 4,564 3,837 2,520 2,101 25 41 56 46France 3,770 3,681 953 1,421 948 514 73 59Germany 35,300 37,388 17,486 19,978 308 233 n,d, n,d,Spain 1,317 2,361 1,208 1,413 6 829 13 13Switzerland 5,709 5,771 4,319 3,655 70 113 22 19TOTAL 55,307 58,162 28,345 31,440 1,466 1,844 257 248In <strong>2012</strong>, the countries involved in the System collected a total of 76,443 quintals of waste (+3.7% compared to 2011), of which58,162 was collected separately, 13,803 incinerated and 4,478 disposed of at landfill sites. Paper and cardboard, plastic, glass,aluminium and other metals, wood, wet waste, used oil, sanitary waste, hazardous waste and IT and toner waste are subject toseparate waste collection.Per capita waste comes to around 2.5 quintals per employee, a 1.9% increase compared with 2011 because of the improvementin the collection of data relating to mixed waste.Paper and cardboard represents the majority of separately collected waste (54.1%) and is collected for recycling in all countries.In Austria and Germany, there is an extremely high level of separate waste collection of these materials as a result of the verystringent local rules designed to prevent the wasting of resources.WWF Reserve, Orbetello, Italy ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE 131

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