Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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Electricity quota from renewable sources100806040200100100 100 10083 83 83 837733.5 35.2 33.114.3 15 16.420.7 27.9 34 3112.873.651.1 48 47.2ITALY AUSTRIA FRANCE GERMANY SPAIN SWITZERLAND2009 2010 2011 2012TOTAL 35.7% 56.9% 68.9% 77.9%In order to reduce environmental impact, the Group also made a commitment to increasing the use of electricity from renewable sourcesduring the 2010-2012 three-year period. Thanks largely to the efforts of Germany and Italy, this goal was met quite convincingly. InGermany, certification body TÜV SÜD certifies that all electricity used comes from a hydroelectric source, while in Italy the electricityconsumed at all sites is offset with CO-FER certificates. CO-FER certificates attest to the renewable origin of the sources used by plantsfor the production of electricity.Heating fuels consumption (m 3 )-5.8%1,181,4721,200,000 1,112,3671,000,0009.2%800,000-22.1%611,891 668,470 600,000545,22510%424,863400,000200,00078,087 85,9150ITALY AUSTRIA GERMANY SWITZERLAND2011 2012TOTAL 2,416,675 2,291,615CHANGE 2012/2011 -5.2%Diesel oil consumption (m 3 )4.2%300 273285250200-16%150100308.2%115 975040100ITALY GERMANY SWITZERLAND2011 2012TOTAL 398 421CHANGE 2012/2011 5.8%District heating consumption (Kwh)3.7%30,000,00028,124,920 29,154,06025,000,0006.4%20,000,000 8.1%15,000,00012,797,500 13,614,30010,000,0007,173,794 5,000,0000FRANCE GERMANY SPAIN2011 2012TOTAL 48,096,214 50,524,731CHANGE 2012/2011 5%35.2% of the energy consumed at EMS sites derived fromthe consumption of fossil fuels (natural gas and diesel oil)and district heating to heat the work spaces. With the aimof reducing energy consumption from fossil fuels, in manyGroup buildings there are systems such as timers, movementsensors, external temperature detectors, thermostatic valvesand thermostats for controlling the switching on/off of heatingand air conditioning systems, temperature and humidity levels,and ventilation speed.Natural gas is the most widely used fossil fuel by Groupcompanies. The significant reduction in the consumption ofnatural gas in Switzerland and Italy in 2012 was mainly dueto the introduction of a new heat recovery system at theAdliswil site and the introduction of a new Programmable LogicController (PLC) system at the Mogliano Veneto complex.The gradual replacement of diesel oil boilers with nextgenerationcondensing gas boilers is ongoing and has almostbeen completed. As such, the increase in diesel oil consumptionin Germany is to be regarded as an anomaly connected withthe increased use of the conference room at the GeneraliSeminarzentrum site in Bernried during the year.The management of buildings, corporate structures and propertyused by third parties, in full compliance with national laws in forcein the various countries, is generally delegated to representativesof the main company technical departments, who are alsoinvolved in managing health and safety in the workplace andpurchases.The management objectives of the Generali Group in the realestate sector are identical to ones it pursues in the other sectorsin which it operates: growth, product enhancement and improvedfinancial results. For this reason, the construction of new buildingsand the redevelopment of existing premises are carried out withthe aim of improving quality standards with a view to minimisingenvironmental impact and consistently improving the wellbeing ofthose that work there.126 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

To this end, environmentally friendly criteria are applied wheneverpossible, with special attention focused on energy saving, limitinggreenhouse gas emissions and on the materials used. In termsof heating and cooling systems, wherever possible attempts aremade to use environmentally efficient technologies such as ceilingor under-floor systems (Germany) or direct expansion systems,such as heat pumps (Italy and Germany).The majority of the Group’s sites have energy or sustainabilityassessment certification; in some cases the possibility ofcertifying some materials used for construction/refurbishment isalso evaluated. For example, in Austria the majority of buildingshave Energieausweis energy certification attesting to the energyperformance of the building, while in France the majority of siteshave High-Quality Environmental certification (HQE).In recent years there has also been greater use of buildingenvelopes and other energy saving solutions such as insulationand thermal doors. In many offices in all countries, movementsensors or clocks/timers have been installed to control the turningon and off of lights and heating and cooling systems.In all countries, except Switzerland, it is now common practice toreplace used light bulbs with energy saving light-emitting diodes.Elsewhere, LED lighting systems have been partially introduced atsome sites, guaranteeing significant advantages over traditionallight sources such as greater reliability, high efficiency and alonger life.In Italy, France, Germany and Switzerland, various steps have beentaken to reduce the amount of electricity consumed by the DPCmachines. More specifically, in France the cold corridor system isused which requires the machines to be set up in a line so that onlythe corridor has to be cooled and not the entire room. In Switzerland,the DPC has been completely restructured with the latest ITequipment introduced in an effort to increase capacity and securitywhile reducing consumption. To this end, the Technische SanierungSood Adliswil (TSSA) project was launched in Switzerland to reusethe heat produced by IT equipment - which would otherwise bedispersed into the atmosphere - using a heat pump system. Duringthe winter months this system allows for savings of up to 75% innatural gas consumption for heating purposes.Initiatives to reduce energy consumption in 2012CountryItaly, AustriaItaly, GermanyItaly, GermanyItaly, France,GermanyItaly, FranceItalyType of initiativeIntroduction of LED lighting at the Mogliano Veneto complex with forecasted savings of 668,000 kWh ayear, and in some buildings in Vienna.Installation of systems for measuring electricity, natural gas and water in various directly-used andpartially-owned properties in order to continuously monitor the performances of the buildings andtake prompt action in the event of any anomalies.Optimisation of energy consumption in the DPC’s with the introduction of new, less energy-intensivemachines and the switch to new virtualisation systems. These systems also make it possible tomanage the surfaces and the spaces dedicated to the DPC’s more efficiently.Increase in thin client workstations, whereby all users use the same server with estimated energysavings of 10%.Switching off of servers and thin client workstations outside of working hours.A natural gas-powered trigeneration plant is currently being developed at the Mogliano Venetocomplex (launch scheduled for April 2013 with the first 1.5 MW motor) which will make it possibleto produce combined power, heating and cooling energy. The plant will meet all of the energyrequirements of the building, equal to 18 GWh (11 GWh of which for the DPC), with annual savingsof 5.4 GWh.ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE | 127

To this end, environmentally friendly criteria are applied wheneverpossible, with special attention focused on energy saving, limitinggreenhouse gas emissions and on the materials used. In termsof heating and cooling systems, wherever possible attempts aremade to use environmentally efficient technologies such as ceilingor under-floor systems (Germany) or direct expansion systems,such as heat pumps (Italy and Germany).The majority of the Group’s sites have energy or sustainabilityassessment certification; in some cases the possibility ofcertifying some materials used for construction/refurbishment isalso evaluated. For example, in Austria the majority of buildingshave Energieausweis energy certification attesting to the energyperformance of the building, while in France the majority of siteshave High-Quality Environmental certification (HQE).In recent years there has also been greater use of buildingenvelopes and other energy saving solutions such as insulationand thermal doors. In many offices in all countries, movementsensors or clocks/timers have been installed to control the turningon and off of lights and heating and cooling systems.In all countries, except Switzerland, it is now common practice toreplace used light bulbs with energy saving light-emitting diodes.Elsewhere, LED lighting systems have been partially introduced atsome sites, guaranteeing significant advantages over traditionallight sources such as greater reliability, high efficiency and alonger life.In Italy, France, Germany and Switzerland, various steps have beentaken to reduce the amount of electricity consumed by the DPCmachines. More specifically, in France the cold corridor system isused which requires the machines to be set up in a line so that onlythe corridor has to be cooled and not the entire room. In Switzerland,the DPC has been completely restructured with the latest ITequipment introduced in an effort to increase capacity and securitywhile reducing consumption. To this end, the Technische SanierungSood Adliswil (TSSA) project was launched in Switzerland to reusethe heat produced by IT equipment - which would otherwise bedispersed into the atmosphere - using a heat pump system. Duringthe winter months this system allows for savings of up to 75% innatural gas consumption for heating purposes.Initiatives to reduce energy consumption in <strong>2012</strong>CountryItaly, AustriaItaly, GermanyItaly, GermanyItaly, France,GermanyItaly, FranceItalyType of initiativeIntroduction of LED lighting at the Mogliano Veneto complex with forecasted savings of 668,000 kWh ayear, and in some buildings in Vienna.Installation of systems for measuring electricity, natural gas and water in various directly-used andpartially-owned properties in order to continuously monitor the performances of the buildings andtake prompt action in the event of any anomalies.Optimisation of energy consumption in the DPC’s with the introduction of new, less energy-intensivemachines and the switch to new virtualisation systems. These systems also make it possible tomanage the surfaces and the spaces dedicated to the DPC’s more efficiently.Increase in thin client workstations, whereby all users use the same server with estimated energysavings of 10%.Switching off of servers and thin client workstations outside of working hours.A natural gas-powered trigeneration plant is currently being developed at the Mogliano Venetocomplex (launch scheduled for April 2013 with the first 1.5 MW motor) which will make it possibleto produce combined power, heating and cooling energy. The plant will meet all of the energyrequirements of the building, equal to 18 GWh (11 GWh of which for the DPC), with annual savingsof 5.4 GWh.ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE | 127

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