Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG


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For example, in <strong>2012</strong> the <strong>Generali</strong> Employees in theClassroom initiative was held in the Netherlands, inwhich a number of employees volunteered to teachprimary school children the basic principles of healthypersonal finance. This project formed part of “MoneyWeek” organised by Wijzer in geldzaken, a platformcreated by the Ministry of Finance in 2008 to improvethe general public’s understanding of financial issuesand which boasts over 40 partners from different areas(finance sector, government, consumer associations,education sector, etc.). In Panama, meanwhile,40 employees worked as volunteers at the JuniorAchievement, children’s education association, holdinglessons designed to teach primary and secondary schoolchildren how to be competitive in the global economy.Elsewhere, the voluntary initiatives carried out byemployees covered a wide range of activities. As wellas professional activities (work in organisations, trainingactivities in the areas of IT, PR, marketing, accounting,etc.), they also entailed manual activities (cleaning ofgardens, woods or rivers, refurbishment works, etc.) andrelational activities (recreational activities for the elderly,assistance and care for the sick, travel guides, etc.).In Germany, particularly active in the corporatevolunteering field since 2009, over 300 employeestook part in National Corporate Volunteering Day(Freiwilligentag <strong>2012</strong>) in June <strong>2012</strong>. Adopting the motto‘Helfen hilft - Gemeinsam stark’ (Helping helps - TogetherFreiwilligenTag <strong>2012</strong>, Germanywe are strong), they personally contributed to 23different projects, spending an entire day doing differenttypes of activities in the cities of Aachen, Frankfurt,Karlsruhe, Cologne, Hamburg and Munich. To carryout the projects, the Group companies partnered witha number of voluntary associations, to whom they alsomade donations in money or in kind. Also linked to thisinitiative is the support offered, together with the MinistryGerman Volunteer Award <strong>2012</strong>of Family Affairs, to the German Volunteer Award <strong>2012</strong>,organised to support the social commitment of citizens;this award programme has 6 different categories of prizes,which the public contribute to award by voting online.In the Czech Republic 130 employees decided to dedicateone working day to one of the organisations featured onwww.zapojimse.cz, a platform that puts businesses andcitizens in contact with not-for-profit organisations.In Hong Kong the <strong>Generali</strong> Rainbow Life project involvedemployees in two initiatives: English Language WorkshopStage I, which in July and August saw 23 employeesgive English lessons to 21 deprived children excludedfrom regular school education from the The Boys’ andGirls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong NGO; MainlandExchange, an exchange programme that gave 10disadvantaged children from the region of Guangzhou thechance to visit mainland China at the end of December,accompanied by 4 Group employees.The Group companies also make donations in kind,supplying new or used equipment or providing servicesfree of charge, particularly insurance policies of differenttypes, to schools and charitable organisations.In Austria, Argentina, Greece and the Czech Republic thecompanies donated IT equipment (computers, computerscreens, keyboards, mice, notebooks, servers, etc.) toprimary schools and NGOs, while in Canada a tablet wasgiven to the Autism Society of Toronto, which provideseducation to autistic children.In Brazil 5 cameras were donated to Projeto UERE, amodel school for disadvantaged children of 4-18 years,for its photography course; some of the photos taken bythe children were subsequently used by <strong>Generali</strong> for itsChristmas cards.In Colombia 300 books were donated to FundaciónPromoción Humana, which assists disadvantagedchildren in Bogotà, and over 9,000 books to FoundationSemana for the development of a public library.In Romania medicines and healthcare apparatus weredonated to the Grigore Alexandrescu children’s hospitalin Bucharest.Finally, in various countries there was support forchildren’s sport with the donation of various types ofsports kit and equipment.114 | Assicurazioni <strong>Generali</strong> - <strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

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