Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITYINITIATIVESFour action areas have been identified in order to guidethe choices of the Group companies.Social area: initiatives aimed at improving all aspectsof society, with a particular focus on those that seek to:• provide assistance (covering primary needs, healthand medical services, basic education, etc.) to thosein difficulty (people suffering from poverty or illness,orphans, disaster- or war-stricken communities, etc.);• integrate the disadvantaged into society and educationand/or employment through rescue work andeducation;• raise the awareness of the community with regard tosocially relevant issues, often related to the company’sbusiness, such as road safety, health and volunteerwork;• support research, particularly medical, scientific andeconomic research, and educational training on topicsrelated to the activities of the Group companies.Cultural area: initiatives aimed at enhancing andpreserving the artistic, historical and cultural heritage ofthe areas in which Generali operates and making it moreaccessible to the public.Environmental area: initiatives aimed at protecting theenvironment and raising awareness about issues such asclimate change, energy saving, separate waste collectionand pollution.Sports area: initiatives to support youth, amateur andprofessional sport.In these areas priority is given to initiatives regardingchildren and young adults, the future of our society,even if the demographic changes taking place in somecountries have also seen the attention focused onassociations and projects for the elderly.The criteria used to choose which initiatives to supporttake into account the priority action areas and the socialvalue of the proposals and the reliability of the bodiespromoting them. Checks are made at a later date toensure that the funds actually arrive at the designateddestination and to ensure ongoing long-term supportfor those organisations that have made good use ofthe financial resources received and have mission andvalues shared by the Group or are involved in broadreachingprojects. For larger-scale initiatives, the Groupcompanies also seek to evaluate their social impact,examining the number and type of the benefits they hadon the socio-economic context.In terms of the aforementioned criteria, the individualGroup companies make their own decisions as regardstheir operations, concentrating the resources earmarkedfor the community on a single or a few large-scaleinitiatives, or on one specific issue, or splitting the fundsbetween several initiatives covering various topics. Insome cases, employees are also involved in choosingwhich organisations should benefit from the resourcesavailable.In some countries (Austria, Germany, Italy, Mexico, theCzech Republic and Hungary) the activities are alsocarried out via foundations that have been specificallyset up for this purpose.Depending on the end goal, which may be eitherphilanthropic or predominantly commercial in nature, thecommunity-oriented initiatives implemented within theaction areas identified by the Group may be divided into:• donations, when the funds or resources in kinddestined for these communities have the sole goalof providing a public service or materials for publicuse. Such contributions can be made periodicallyor, as mentioned, on a regular basis, according toan established schedule in the event that they are tobe used for the development of specific, large-scaleprojects. The majority of the community-orientedinitiatives pursued with the participation of the Groupcompanies fall into this bracket.• commercial initiatives, i.e. the sponsorship of eventsand shows of significant cultural and sport value fromwhich the community benefits, but which are alsodirectly aimed at promoting the brand or a specificcompany product, or to improve its image.Thanks to their ability to combine commercial goals withsocial goals, commercial initiatives are a crucial part ofthe Group’s communication policies which, by their verynature, are developed over time in accordance with theneeds of the business, and can therefore be irregular.The Group’s policy of engagement in the communitytherefore relates exclusively to donations.Explendor de Renacimiento (Renaissance splendor), Spain112 | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

THE 2012 FIGURESIn 2012, the Group donated 45 million euros to communityorientedinitiatives (-5.9% compared with 2011).56.6■ SportsAllocation to the communityby action area%25.9■ Social15.8■ Cultural1.7■ EnvironmentThe allocation of funds to the various action areas confirms theGroup’s decision to focus greater attention on the social area -to mitigate the effects of the economic downturn of the last fewyears - and the environmental one: indeed the sums allocatedto them, in which the majority of philanthropic initiatives areconcentrated, increased by 6.3% and 9.6% respectivelycompared with 2011.At the same time there was a 10.3% fall in the amount of fundsallocated to the sports area. In any case, it still accounts forover half of the resources allocated to the community as itincludes numerous commercial events, which often have majormedia visibility.Allocation to the communityby type67.5■ Commercialinitiatives%32.5■ Donations2011 2012 %Donations 15,371,879 14,600,582 32.5%Commercial initiatives 32,462,650 30,393,280 67.5%TOTAL 47,834,529 44,993,862 100.0%Change in allocations to the community2009-20122010/2009-10.7%Donations22.7%The trends observed in this 3-year period underline how theeffects of the negative international economic climate firstlyslowed growth and then, in the last year, reduced the overallquantity of funds allocated to community-oriented initiatives.However, despite this reductionthere was an increase in thecommitment of the companies tocorporate volunteering, whichconsisted of various types ofactivities carried out by employees infavour of not-for-profit organisationsduring working hours. In fact,in 2012 there was a substantialincrease in the number of countries2011/2010 2012/201116.9%4.0%Commercial initiatives-6.4%-5%In 2012 over1,000 employeesparticipated incorporate volunteeringactivities, whichaccounted for 1.3%of all donations.that launched corporate volunteering projects, whichrose from 5 in 2011 to 16 (Austria, France, Germany, Italy,the Netherlands, Portugal, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, theCzech Republic, Russia, Slovakia, Argentina, Panama,the Philippines and Hong Kong).Particularly popular among the various types ofcorporate volunteering in the Group companies is skillsvolunteering, which sees employees participating innumerous economic and financial literacy initiatives aslecturers, sharing their time and the technical knowhowand managerial skills they have acquired.There was a decrease in both components. Specifically,donations fell by 5% and commercial initiatives by 6.4%. Thesmaller fall in donations is quite significant as it reflects how theGroup’s focus on the needs of the communities is not affectedby periods of crisis such as the current one.Week of Money, GermanyCOMMUNITY | 113

THE <strong>2012</strong> FIGURESIn <strong>2012</strong>, the Group donated 45 million euros to communityorientedinitiatives (-5.9% compared with 2011).56.6■ SportsAllocation to the communityby action area%25.9■ Social15.8■ Cultural1.7■ EnvironmentThe allocation of funds to the various action areas confirms theGroup’s decision to focus greater attention on the social area -to mitigate the effects of the economic downturn of the last fewyears - and the environmental one: indeed the sums allocatedto them, in which the majority of philanthropic initiatives areconcentrated, increased by 6.3% and 9.6% respectivelycompared with 2011.At the same time there was a 10.3% fall in the amount of fundsallocated to the sports area. In any case, it still accounts forover half of the resources allocated to the community as itincludes numerous commercial events, which often have majormedia visibility.Allocation to the communityby type67.5■ Commercialinitiatives%32.5■ Donations2011 <strong>2012</strong> %Donations 15,371,879 14,600,582 32.5%Commercial initiatives 32,462,650 30,393,280 67.5%TOTAL 47,834,529 44,993,862 100.0%Change in allocations to the community2009-<strong>2012</strong>2010/2009-10.7%Donations22.7%The trends observed in this 3-year period underline how theeffects of the negative international economic climate firstlyslowed growth and then, in the last year, reduced the overallquantity of funds allocated to community-oriented initiatives.However, despite this reductionthere was an increase in thecommitment of the companies tocorporate volunteering, whichconsisted of various types ofactivities carried out by employees infavour of not-for-profit organisationsduring working hours. In fact,in <strong>2012</strong> there was a substantialincrease in the number of countries2011/2010 <strong>2012</strong>/201116.9%4.0%Commercial initiatives-6.4%-5%In <strong>2012</strong> over1,000 employeesparticipated incorporate volunteeringactivities, whichaccounted for 1.3%of all donations.that launched corporate volunteering projects, whichrose from 5 in 2011 to 16 (Austria, France, Germany, Italy,the Netherlands, Portugal, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, theCzech Republic, Russia, Slovakia, Argentina, Panama,the Philippines and Hong Kong).Particularly popular among the various types ofcorporate volunteering in the Group companies is skillsvolunteering, which sees employees participating innumerous economic and financial literacy initiatives aslecturers, sharing their time and the technical knowhowand managerial skills they have acquired.There was a decrease in both components. Specifically,donations fell by 5% and commercial initiatives by 6.4%. Thesmaller fall in donations is quite significant as it reflects how theGroup’s focus on the needs of the communities is not affectedby periods of crisis such as the current one.Week of Money, GermanyCOMMUNITY | 113

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