Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG

Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG Sustainability Report 2012 - Generali Versicherung AG
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Relationships with contractual partners are governed bya specific document, the Ethical Code for suppliers ofthe Generali Group, approved by the Parent Company’sBoard of Directors in December 2011. The main purposeof the Code is to define the methods for dealing withand managing the risks and opportunities relating tothe management of relations with suppliers, in order toguarantee the integrity of the supply chain in relation tothe principles concerning human and labour rights, thefight against corruption and the environment that theGroup commits to complying with in all of its operations.To this end, the Ethical Code for suppliers outlines thegeneral principles that have to underpin fruitful relationswith contractual partners: correctness and honesty,the rejection of any type of corruption, transparencyand impartiality, preventing conflicts of interests, faircompetition, and confidentiality, and protecting workersand the environment.Suppliers are required to follow the Group’s policies whileperforming business and to ensure compliance also withall the levels of the relevant supply chain. Specifically,suppliers are required to comply with all national andinternational applicable rules and regulations, includingthe International Labour Organization’s Declaration andthe UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.In the countries in the Sustainability Report scope andin other European countries, clauses in supply contractsexpressly require compliance with laws on labour,health and safety in the workplace and environmentalprotection. For violations, sanctions are also envisaged,which can even result in contract cancellation if it is notpossible to resolve the problems through dialogue withsuppliers.For greater control over the supply chain, the use ofsubcontracting is governed by contract, and suppliersare requested to report any use of third parties in carryingout their services.regulation of the acceptance/offer of gifts of any type,which are permitted only if they relate to work and theirvalue is under a reasonable limit, also taking account ofthe local regulations and practice.PURCHASING MANAGEMENTIn Italy and Germany, purchasing procedures, fromsearching for a supplier to entering into the contract,are carried out by a common services company, whilein Austria, France, the Czech Republic and Spain theyare conducted by a purchasing service centralised at theholding companies. Lastly, in Switzerland, purchasing iscarried out by the individual companies.In consideration of the specific nature of the business,which envisages the direct involvement of suppliersin the service provided to the client throughout thearea on a local basis, previous contacts with suppliersand management of supplier relations are particularlyimportant to companies of the Europ Assistance group.Also for this reason, Europ Assistance companiesindependently make their own purchases, and onlycertain countries, such as France and Italy, have apurchasing service centralised at the local holdingcompany. Supplier information is shared at national level,through a database accessible to all group companies.Un Campione per amico (A champion as a friend), ItalyTo govern relationships with suppliers in detail, severalcountries (Italy, Austria, France and Germany) haveadopted specific codes or documents in line with theEthical Code for suppliers of the Generali Group, whileothers have formalised purchasing procedures andpractices in internal circulars and regulations. The newCode of Conduct also sets forth provisions concerningrelationships with suppliers, which specifically coverthe prevention of potential conflicts of interest and theThe Ethical Code for suppliers ofthe Generali Group is available onthe website of the Generali | Assicurazioni Generali - Sustainability Report 2012

the environment variable in supplier assessment complieswith the objectives set out by in the EnvironmentalPolicy of the Generali Group, described in the chapterEnvironment and Climate Change.The Group gives preference to green procurementfor purchases of office equipment, especially of paper,toner and stationery. In France, this is also true for officecleaning products. Furthermore, suppliers that provideservices for the Saint Denis complex, which has HQE(Haute Qualité Environnementale) certification, arerequired to comply with the standards set out by thiscertification.In some countries local procurement is also used: forexample, company canteens are supplied with localproducts in Austria and in a few sites in Italy.The supplier selection process is carried out throughclear, certain, non-discriminatory procedures, exclusivelyusing objective, documentable and transparent criterialinked to the quality of products and services offered.Quality is also assessed in consideration of compliancewith international ethical principles on labour and humanrights, as well as considering the environmental impactof the manufacture and supply methods used.In Italy, Austria, France, Germany and the CzechRepublic, supplier accreditation is performed throughIT platforms (supplier portals). Using this procedure,suppliers can enter their company data and view andsign Generali Group documents. In this phase, suppliersare also required to fill out questionnaires to verify theircredentials. The information requested also includes thepossession of environmental and social certificationsand the existence of an environmental policy or initiativesthat focus on the environment. More generally, in orderto motivate suppliers to adopt responsible social andenvironmental conduct, in the selection process, theGroup considers the possession of certifications or theexistence of social and environmental policies to bepreferential requirements. Specifically, the introduction ofIn selecting suppliers, some companies give preference tosocial cooperatives or companies with a social purposeto support their activities in favour of disadvantagedpeople. For example, in Italy, Europ Assistance usescooperatives for cultural mediation, disposal of specialwaste and purchases of promotional gifts and stationery.In Austria, companies buy PC cleaning sets from theassociation for the blind and printing products fromcompanies that employ former convicts. Several socialcooperatives that integrate disadvantaged people,especially the disabled, into the labour market providegoods and services to Group companies in France, theCzech Republic, Spain and Switzerland.Taking account of the fact that the risk analysis has shownthat for textiles and advertising materials there is a higherrisk of the use of forced labour or child labour, due to thesource countries, where these rights are not fully guaranteed,in Austria suppliers of these products are required toprovide proof of origin and preference is given to supplierscertified according to the SA 8000 standard. This standardguarantees several aspects of company management whichare significant for CSR, such as respect of human and labourrights, protection against the exploitation of minors andhealth and safety in the workplace.Non-European countriesThe Ethical Code for suppliers of the Generali Group is the document applied to all countries where the Groupoperates.An initial analysis was conducted of non-European countries, which did not detect significant risks related tothe possibility that certain suppliers could use forced labour or child labour.However, it was found that in several countries where the Group operates, freedom of association andcollective bargaining are not permitted by law (United Arab Emirates) or are permitted with limitations (China).SUPPLIERS | 107

the environment variable in supplier assessment complieswith the objectives set out by in the EnvironmentalPolicy of the <strong>Generali</strong> Group, described in the chapterEnvironment and Climate Change.The Group gives preference to green procurementfor purchases of office equipment, especially of paper,toner and stationery. In France, this is also true for officecleaning products. Furthermore, suppliers that provideservices for the Saint Denis complex, which has HQE(Haute Qualité Environnementale) certification, arerequired to comply with the standards set out by thiscertification.In some countries local procurement is also used: forexample, company canteens are supplied with localproducts in Austria and in a few sites in Italy.The supplier selection process is carried out throughclear, certain, non-discriminatory procedures, exclusivelyusing objective, documentable and transparent criterialinked to the quality of products and services offered.Quality is also assessed in consideration of compliancewith international ethical principles on labour and humanrights, as well as considering the environmental impactof the manufacture and supply methods used.In Italy, Austria, France, Germany and the CzechRepublic, supplier accreditation is performed throughIT platforms (supplier portals). Using this procedure,suppliers can enter their company data and view andsign <strong>Generali</strong> Group documents. In this phase, suppliersare also required to fill out questionnaires to verify theircredentials. The information requested also includes thepossession of environmental and social certificationsand the existence of an environmental policy or initiativesthat focus on the environment. More generally, in orderto motivate suppliers to adopt responsible social andenvironmental conduct, in the selection process, theGroup considers the possession of certifications or theexistence of social and environmental policies to bepreferential requirements. Specifically, the introduction ofIn selecting suppliers, some companies give preference tosocial cooperatives or companies with a social purposeto support their activities in favour of disadvantagedpeople. For example, in Italy, Europ Assistance usescooperatives for cultural mediation, disposal of specialwaste and purchases of promotional gifts and stationery.In Austria, companies buy PC cleaning sets from theassociation for the blind and printing products fromcompanies that employ former convicts. Several socialcooperatives that integrate disadvantaged people,especially the disabled, into the labour market providegoods and services to Group companies in France, theCzech Republic, Spain and Switzerland.Taking account of the fact that the risk analysis has shownthat for textiles and advertising materials there is a higherrisk of the use of forced labour or child labour, due to thesource countries, where these rights are not fully guaranteed,in Austria suppliers of these products are required toprovide proof of origin and preference is given to supplierscertified according to the SA 8000 standard. This standardguarantees several aspects of company management whichare significant for CSR, such as respect of human and labourrights, protection against the exploitation of minors andhealth and safety in the workplace.Non-European countriesThe Ethical Code for suppliers of the <strong>Generali</strong> Group is the document applied to all countries where the Groupoperates.An initial analysis was conducted of non-European countries, which did not detect significant risks related tothe possibility that certain suppliers could use forced labour or child labour.However, it was found that in several countries where the Group operates, freedom of association andcollective bargaining are not permitted by law (United Arab Emirates) or are permitted with limitations (China).SUPPLIERS | 107

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