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Amber (Moderately active)Walking to school, cleaning your room,washing car, getting off bus one stop earlierRed (Non active)Spending time on the computer/play station,watching TV"Being fit helps you to feel good."Try to spend more time on green andamber and less on red.● it is much easier to make changes to the foods you eat and theactivity you do, if you have help from your family and friends. Whocan help you to change the foods you eat? Who can help you to bemore active?● To get good resultsit is a good idea forall the family to makechanges togetherDo something activeEVERY DAYACTIVITY CHART● Try to do at least 20 minutes of green activityeach day● Work towards 60 minutes of green and amberactivities● Agree on a limit of time spent on red activitiesGreen (Very active)Playing outside - football, skipping, dancing,swimming, cyclingSample● Enjoy your foodTIPS FOR SUCCESS● Have regular meal and snack times● Try to eat as a family as often as possible● If you have a bad day start afresh the next daySetting GoalsStart off with 3 small changes.123Choose LEAN MEAT, FISH, EGGS OR PULSES (e.g. baked beans, dahl orlentils) at two meals a dayHave LOW FAT DAIRY PRODUCTS e.g. semi skimmed milk, low fatyogurts or fromage frais or low fat cheese. Try to include thesethree times a dayInclude FRUIT AND VEGETABLES at every meal. Aim for a total of 5portions a dayBase meals on STARCHY FOODS – these are foods such as bread,potatoes, rice, chapattis, pasta, noodles and breakfast cerealsWhere do we go from here ?Design: Room At The Top Design, Nottingham Illustrations: Jan Smith4321ChangedFind friends, relatives, school nurse, dietitian to support you asyou make changes. Have a weight check no more than once amonth - on the same scales.The best person to support me is:To grow and stay healthy you and yourfamily need a balanced diet. This includeschoosing food from four groups.WHAT TO CHANGE?For more information check out these websites:- www.eatwell.gov.uk and www.teenweightwise.comThe BDA Paediatric Group isa Specialist Group ofThe British DieteticAssociationThe British Dietetic Association,5th Floor, Charles House,148/9 Great Charles Street Queensway,Birmingham B3 3HT.Fax: 0121 200 8081e-mail: info@bda.uk.comwww.bda.uk.comApril 2008Things to considerTry to think of three reasons how controlling your weightmight help you.● Controlling your weight helps to keep you healthy● Controlling your weight can help you to enjoy sport more● Controlling your weight can make it easier to find trendyclothes● Controlling your weight might stop people teasing youBeing overweight is not fun. Here are somegood things about controlling your weight.WHY CHANGE?SampleMaking changes for aHealthy Lifestyle

BREAKFASTAlways start the day with breakfast. If you missbreakfast you might be hungry later in the morningand eat chocolate, crisps and biscuits.✓✓✓✓✓Suggestions to start the dayCereals, e.g.: Weetabix, Shreddies, Cornflakes, <strong>Ready</strong> Brek.Add semi-skimmed milk, some fruit or drink fruit juiceSlice of toast e.g. wholemeal, granary, wholemeal and white e.g.Hovis Best of Both, Warburtons All in One with low fat spread, andbaked beans, scrambled egg or thinly spread with jam or yeastextract e.g. Marmite or VegemiteBanana or handful of raisins with a pancake or slice of toast anda glass of semi-skimmed milk or small glass of fruit juiceA piece of fruit, cereal bar and glass of semiskimmed milkMAIN MEALTry to fill your plate with morevegetables and starchy foods.Have two vegetables for varietyin the meal.Examples● Fish fingers, grilled ovenchips, peas and sweetcorn● Chicken drumsticks, carrots,broccoli and jacket potato● Shepherd’s pie with sweetcornand green beans● Pasta and sausages in tomato sauce with selection of choppedvegetables e.g. courgette, mushrooms, peppers and onion● Chicken casserole, rice and vegetables slices/sticks● Vegetable curry, rice and saladPuddings● Fruit salad● Sugar free jelly● Reduced sugar whip,custard orblancmange● Yogurts - very low fat or‘lite’ yogurtsRemember● Grill or bake foods rather than fry ✓● Choose sugar free alternatives e.g. no added sugar squash ✓● Choose low fat alternatives e.g. low fat yogurts ✓● Spread butter and margarine thinly ✓● Use oil sparingly ✓PACKED LUNCH OR SNACK MEALChoose ONE food from EACH section.● Sandwich, pitta bread, roll, wrap or bread sticks filled with:Tuna, ham, grated cheese, low fat cream cheese, marmite, peanutbutter, chicken or egg● Salad, cucumber, tomatoes or carrot sticks● Fresh fruit, dried fruit or tinned fruit in natural juice● Low-fat yoghurt, reduced sugar custard, low sugar jelly, currant bun,cereal bar or malt loaf● Choose ONE of the following - not more than twice a weekCrisps, 2 finger kit-kat, fun-sized chocolate bar, Penguin, Club● Drinks: water, sugar-free or ‘diet’ drinkSchool Meals - What shall I choose?Look at the choices with your child. Suggest they try:Jacket potato with baked beans (and salad)Soup and sandwichPasta and bolognaise saucePizza and saladCurry and riceDessert - fruit, yogurt, jelly orice creamSampleBreakfast milk shake - 200ml semi skimmedmilk blended together with fruit and lowfat yogurtDrinksWater, Sugarfree squash,Diet drinks,MilkCool Snacks● Fruit● Small handful of raisinsor dried fruit● Cereal bar● Plain popcorn● 1 or 2 plain biscuits● Slice of toast● Small bowl of cerealwith semi skimmed milk● Rice cakes or crispbreads● Low fat fromage frais or lowfat yogurtTry not to have Second helpingsSNACKSDo you really need a snack?SampleLimit snacks to breaktime, after schoolor supper time rather than snacking allday.Only eat if you are truly hungry andnot just bored.Have a small snack and enjoy yournext meal.

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