ChromaTone® - Unicity International

ChromaTone® - Unicity International

ChromaTone® - Unicity International


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<strong>ChromaTone®</strong>S T IMUL A N T-FREE ME TA B OL IC FORMUL AItem: 15916Quantity: 90 CapsulesRetail:Assists your body’s natural ability to convert sugar into energy*Contains chromium to facilitate healthy body metabolism*Supports energy utilization*PP roduct InformationToday’s fitness trend is perhaps one of the healthiest and most widespread societaltransformations of our century. Weight management and strength training aretwo of the most popular goals of fitness-minded individuals. ChromaTone ® is adietary supplement that supports your fitness efforts. Featured ingredients includeGymnema sylvestre, papaya, and chromium amino acid chelate.*Gymnema sylvestre, a secondary ingredient in this formula, has been shown inanimal studies to aid in naturally metabolizing fat. In conjunction with a healthy dietand exercise program, this new herb may further aid in your weight-managementefforts.*FFe a t u res and Benef i t sChromium supports the body’s natural ability to convert sugar into energy. Whencombined with exercise, chromium has positive muscle-tissue building andtoning properties.*Gymnema leaf helps the body convert sugar into energy.*Papaya leaf is a digestive aid with enzymes that break down protein,carbohydrates to a digestible state. Papaya also helps the body retain thenutrient value from foods.** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.This product may contribute to weight loss when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program.

<strong>ChromaTone®</strong>S T IMUL A N T-FREE ME TA B OL IC FORMUL A?Fr e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n sSS c i e n c eQ. Why is chromium so important tothe body’s systems?A. Chromium allows the body tofunction more efficiently. Thisallows for better use of storedenergy in the body.Q. Can anyone take this product?A. ChromaTone is formulated tobe used by adults. If you arepregnant, lactating, undera physician’s care, takingmedication or a diabetic, youshould consult your physicianbefore use. Read the productpackaging carefully for completedosage instructions before usingthis product.Chromium chelate is an important nutrient. A U.S. Department of Agriculturestudy has shown that nine out of 10 Americans get less than the low-end rangeof chromium recommended by the National Academy of Sciences. Chromiumis an essential nutrient required for good health. Chromium helps regulate themetabolism of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.Important compounds in the bloodstream are responsible for transporting glucoseinside cells and maintaining proper glucose and blood lipid (cholesterol) levelsin the body. Chromium has been shown to help increase the sensitivity of thesecompounds. This potentially aids in converting sugar into energy. Using chromiumto activate these compounds may actually increase the amount of glucose availablefor energy production. Chromium is at the heart of a biologically active complexcalled Glucose Tolerance Factor, or GTF, which is responsible for potentiating(increasing) the action of these compounds in the body. Chromium allows the bodyto function more efficiently, which allows for better use of stored energy in the body.RRe ferencesGymnema sylvestre. Altern Med Rev. 1999 Feb;4(1):46–7.Preuss HG, Jarrell ST, Scheckenback R, Lieberman S, Anderson RA. Comparativeeffects of chromium, vanadium and gymnema sylvestre on sugar-inducedblood pressure elevations in SHR. Department of Medicine, GeorgetownUniversity Medical Center; Washington D.C. 20007, USA. J Am Coll Nutr. April,17:2,116–23.Crawford V, Scheckenbach R, Preuss HG. Effects of niacin-bound chromiumsupplementation on body composition in overweight African-American women.Diabetes Obes Metab. 1999 Nov;1(6):331–7.For more information, contact your local <strong>Unicity</strong> Associate.<strong>Unicity</strong> <strong>International</strong>, Inc., 1201 North 800 East, Orem, Utah 84097Customer Care: 801-226-2224, Order Entry: 800-UNICIT Yw w w.unicity.net© 2004 Unicit y <strong>International</strong>, Inc. All Rights Reser ved. Printed in USA. Item 20932 Rev1

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