Generational Differences Chart

Generational Differences Chart

Generational Differences Chart


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FamilyExperienceTraditionalists Baby Boomers Generation X MillennialsTraditionalDisintegratingLatch-key kidsMerged familiesNuclear“Cleaver Family”Women widely expected to work Coddled kids (they got a trophy forMom stayed homeoutside the homecoming in 8 th place)As children were seen as “special” The first “day care” generationDual Income familiesEducation A dream A birthright A way to get there An incredible expenseValue Family/CommunitySuccess Time IndividualityDealing WithMoneyPut it awayPay cashBuy now, pay laterCautiousConservativeEarn to spend% ofWorkplaceWork EthicSave, save, save%5DedicatedPay your duesWork hardRespect AuthorityHard workAge=seniorityCompany firstSave, save, save45% 40% 10%DrivenWorkaholic-60 hr work weeksWork long hours to establish selfworthand identity and fulfillmentWork ethic = worth ethicQualityBalanceWork smarter and with greater output,not work longer hours.Eliminate the taskSelf-reliantWant structure & directionSkepticalAmbitiousWhat’s next?MultitaskingTenacityEntrepreneurialFocus Task Relationships and Results Task and Results Global and NetworkedTechnology AdaptedAcquired Assimilated IntegralEntitlement SeniorityExperience Merit ContributionWorkplaceView onRespect forAuthorityWorkplaceView on Timeat WorkWorkplaceView on SkillBuildingView onWork/LifeBalanceAuthority is based on seniorityand tenure.Punch the clockGet the job doneTraining happens on the jobNewly developed skills benefitthe company, not the individualWork hard to maintain jobsecurityOriginally skeptical of authority butare becoming similar toTraditionalists-Time equalsauthorityWorkaholicsInvented 50 hr work weekVisibility is the keySkills are an ingredient to successbut they are not as important aswork ethic and “face time”.Were hesitant of taking toomuch time off work for fear oflosing their place on thecorporate team. As a result,there is an imbalance betweenwork and family.Skeptical of authority figuresWill test authority repeatedly.Project orientedGet paid to get job doneAmassed skills will lead to next job, themore they know the better. Work ethicis important, but not as much as skillsBecause of parents who are Boomerworkaholics, they focus on clearerbalance between work and family.Do not worry about losing their placeon the corporate team it they taketime off.Will test authority but often seen outauthority figures when looking forguidance.Effective workers but gone @5PM on dot.View work as a “gig” or something that fillsthe time between weekends.Training is important and new skills willease stressful situations. Motivated bylearning / want to see immediate results.Not only balance with work and life,but balance with work, life andcommunity involvement and selfdevelopment. Flex time, job sharing,and sabbaticals will be requestedmore by this generation.

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