Cleansing, Blessing, dedicating home and land

Cleansing, Blessing, dedicating home and land

Cleansing, Blessing, dedicating home and land


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<strong>Cleansing</strong>, <strong>Blessing</strong>, <strong>dedicating</strong> <strong>home</strong> <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>God is interested in your <strong>home</strong> being a place of health, protection, <strong>and</strong> blessing! Thissection on cleansing, blessing, <strong>and</strong> <strong>dedicating</strong> property is intensely powerful. I havebeen so blessed to see such a revival <strong>and</strong> presence of God in my <strong>home</strong>. This will be anadded level of protection to your dwelling place <strong>and</strong> help make it a dwelling place forGod. This too can be copied <strong>and</strong> given to someone that needs to see a cleansing oftheir <strong>home</strong>. This may be new to some people, but I assure you that demons are fullyaware of doorways into people's <strong>home</strong>s <strong>and</strong> they can tell if a <strong>home</strong> is cleansed <strong>and</strong>sealed off preventing them from entering it at all.Preparation: An ounce of preventions is worth a pound of cureFirst, remove anything that has to do with the occult, connected to a false god,pornographic (or has nudity or sex), has ungodly violence in it, or if it has foul language(profanity or using God’s name in vain). This will require going room by room, throughboxes, drawers, attics, basements, garages, <strong>and</strong> every area of the <strong>home</strong>. This may takesome time. S<strong>and</strong>y <strong>and</strong> I have had to help people cleanse their <strong>home</strong>s that have comeout of hard core satanism. This is a full blown cleansing, <strong>and</strong> I think it coverseverything.Then you can proceed. Walk completely around property line praying <strong>and</strong> applying theblood of Jesus by faith. You can pour something out representing the blood of Jesus, oryou can just simply use your faith to apply it. The blood of Jesus is applied by faith.Stop at corners <strong>and</strong> bury communion at each corner consecrating the l<strong>and</strong> as God’sproperty <strong>and</strong> you can drive a wooden stake (can write scriptures on it) with thatcommunion at each corner by faith that the body <strong>and</strong> blood of our Lord is now in thatl<strong>and</strong>, it is set apart as holy unto God, <strong>and</strong> there are distinct lines of demarcation that youare laying down regarding your property lines <strong>and</strong> what the enemy is NOT ALLOWED totrespass on. Last, pour out some anointing oil on the l<strong>and</strong> separating it <strong>and</strong>consecrating it to be used for God’s service. Try to end up in the back yard last so therewon’t be distractions. Now you can speak this over your property.Opening Prayer of dedication: Pray this out loudLord, I now dedicate this l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>home</strong> to you, Almighty God. May it be for the glory ofGod, our Father, from whom comes every good <strong>and</strong> perfect gift. We dedicate this l<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>home</strong>. To the honor of Jesus, his son, our Lord <strong>and</strong> Savior. May it be the praise ofthe Holy Spirit, the comforter, whose presence is welcome to Tabernacle here. To you,Holy Spirit, we also dedicate this property. Let you presence, glory, <strong>and</strong> power dwellhere.<strong>Blessing</strong> to speak: Lift a h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> speak this over your <strong>home</strong> <strong>and</strong> propertyMay the Lord bless you <strong>home</strong>, l<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> vehicles to be a sanctuary of rest, renewal, <strong>and</strong>refreshing. May you be a haven of God’s perfect peace <strong>and</strong> the manifest atmosphere of

heaven. The Lord grant you to be a place of unity, harmony, <strong>and</strong> submission toauthority. May the sounds of joy <strong>and</strong> laughter be heard in you as people continually love<strong>and</strong> enjoy each other in you. The Lord bless you to be a place of unconditional love <strong>and</strong>acceptance of one another <strong>and</strong> warm loving affection, as people love <strong>and</strong> appreciatewhat they have in each other in you. The Lord bless you that there is a continual openheaven over you <strong>and</strong> continual showers of God’s blessings <strong>and</strong> the outpouring of theHoly Spirit that takes place in you. As you are dedicated for God’s service, may you befruitful for the kingdom of God a place where many are born again <strong>and</strong> discipled inChrist. May you be a place where many are healed, delivered, the works of sat<strong>and</strong>estroyed <strong>and</strong> replaced with the works of Christ. May many be baptized in the HolySpirit in you <strong>and</strong> receive impartation from Jesus in you. May you be a place where thethings of God are loved <strong>and</strong> honored <strong>and</strong> word of God honored <strong>and</strong> obeyed. May yoube holy ground of praise, worship, prayer, <strong>and</strong> intercession that is in Spirit <strong>and</strong> truth, <strong>and</strong>may that which is evil be hated in you <strong>and</strong> kept from you. May you be a place of sweetrest <strong>and</strong> pleasant dreams. In this place shall the direction <strong>and</strong> God’s will be learned<strong>and</strong> revealed. May dreams <strong>and</strong> visions from God, <strong>and</strong> the gifts of the Spirit be in youbringing direction, revelation, <strong>and</strong> truth. Here may the inhabitants of this <strong>home</strong>, <strong>and</strong> theirrelatives, <strong>and</strong> friends enjoy supernatural peace <strong>and</strong> safety from all acts of violence,including break­ins, theft, fire, <strong>and</strong> storm. May they find sweet rest <strong>and</strong> sense the Lord’snearness.Closing prayer for outdoorsSo Lord we have dedicated this dwelling to you <strong>and</strong> blessed it. We ask you to arise <strong>and</strong>enter into this house. Put your Holy Name in this place. Let you eyes be open toward it.Hear the supplication of this family. Establish the works of this family’s h<strong>and</strong>s. Let yourangels envelope this dwelling with protection, peace, <strong>and</strong> bring the presence of God.Let this be a place that brings you glory. Let people’s prayer lives <strong>and</strong> times in the wordbe rich <strong>and</strong> powerful in this place filled with the atmosphere of heaven <strong>and</strong> sweetfellowship of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for hearing <strong>and</strong> answering us now, in Jesusname, Amen.Anointing <strong>and</strong> <strong>Blessing</strong> <strong>home</strong> interiorEntrance of the Home: Place the blood of Jesus (fruit of the vine) on the front door posts<strong>and</strong> top of door posts, symbolizing the Blood of the Passover lamb, Jesus. Then speakthis: I pronounce that the __________ family are overcomers by the Blood of the Lambof God <strong>and</strong> the word of their testimony. I speak that this <strong>home</strong> will have a hedge ofprotection around it, no curse can rest on it, <strong>and</strong> that satanic forces will have to passover it not bringing any harm to it or those in it, in Jesus’ name.Anoint door posts of rooms:KJV version of the Bible used here in this section1. In bedrooms: I speak blessings of restful sleep <strong>and</strong> pleasant dreams according toPsalm 3:5 “I lay down <strong>and</strong> slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.” Psalm 4:8 “ I willboth lie down in peace <strong>and</strong> sleep, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

2. In bathrooms: May the Lord bless you with health according to Exodus 15:26 “Youwill diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God <strong>and</strong> do what is right in his sight, giveear to his word, he will put none of the diseases on you which he brought on theEgyptians for I am the Lord thy God that healeth thee.”3. In Kitchen: I bless you with pleasant conversation <strong>and</strong> God’s presence. May godgive you provision <strong>and</strong> strength for the word of God says, Exodus 23:25 “So shall youserve the Lord your God <strong>and</strong> he will bless your bread <strong>and</strong> your water; <strong>and</strong> I will takesickness away from the midst of you.”4. In the living room <strong>and</strong> den: Joshua 24:15 “As for me <strong>and</strong> my house, we will servethe Lord.” May the Lord bless you rooms that singing <strong>and</strong> praise, <strong>and</strong> talking of God’sgoodness <strong>and</strong> faithfulness be often heard in this room.”5. In the entry <strong>and</strong> hall: God said, He will bless your going out <strong>and</strong> your coming in <strong>and</strong>that if we acknowledge him in all our ways, he will direct our paths. May the going fromyou <strong>and</strong> coming in be in peace <strong>and</strong> safety.6. Anoint vehicles: Psalm 91:10 “No disaster will come near you, <strong>and</strong> no plague ordisaster near your dwelling.” May the Lord keep you from any wrecks, v<strong>and</strong>alism, theft,or any harm ever coming near you. May you be a place of pleasant conversations,anointed prayer times, learning the word of God, <strong>and</strong> spiritual growth. May the angels ofthe Lord always be with you to take you safely from destination to destination. I blessyou in Jesus’ name.7. Anoint check book representing your finances: Proverbs 10:22 “It is the blessingof the Lord that makes rich, And He adds no sorrow to it.” May the Lord rebuke thedevourer from you, open the heavens above you, <strong>and</strong> give you great prosperity <strong>and</strong>abundance for we are tithers. May raises <strong>and</strong> bonuses <strong>and</strong> increase come to you <strong>and</strong>satanic forces never be able to steal from you. I bless you in Jesus’ name.8. Anoint animals: Psalms 24:1 “The earth is the Lord’s, <strong>and</strong> all it contains, The world,<strong>and</strong> those who dwell in it.” May the Lord bless you with long healthy lives <strong>and</strong> all to gowell with you. May you have favor <strong>and</strong> be a joy to us. The Lord set you apart unto himas holy so nothing evil can touch you. I bless you in Jesus’ name.Closing prayerSo Lord we dedicate all we have unto you <strong>and</strong> ask you to set it apart as holy unto you<strong>and</strong> release your angels to watch over it <strong>and</strong> protect it. Position mighty warring angelson the corners of our property <strong>and</strong> around our beds at night. Let no evil come near us.Seal off our families <strong>and</strong> all we own in the protection of your blood. Thank you forhearing these prayers <strong>and</strong> blessings <strong>and</strong> honoring them. In Jesus name wepray, Amen.Demons hate anointed powerful praise <strong>and</strong> worship. You can have worship musicplaying on your computer quietly in an office somewhere as well. God inhabits thepraise of his people, <strong>and</strong> I keep worship going in my office all the time. There seems tobe a welcoming of the presence of God because of worship music playing. Also, theenemy hates it passionately. You have legal right to do this at any <strong>home</strong> or apartmentthat you are buying or renting. Also, if you run a business or own other l<strong>and</strong> (like achurch) the leadership has a right to do this. It is better that the head of the <strong>home</strong> do

this because of their authority if at all possible. Last, if you have permission to bestaying in a room, you can anoint that room <strong>and</strong> pray over it, but as far as the <strong>home</strong> asa whole, there is only so much you can do because it is not your <strong>home</strong>. This has a lotto do with ownership of l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> property by renting or buying. This will help manykeep from being oppressed by the enemy at their <strong>home</strong>s.by Scott <strong>and</strong> S<strong>and</strong>y Boyd

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