Midterm Sample Questions

Midterm Sample Questions Midterm Sample Questions

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22. When a student repeatedly behaves in an inappropriate way, probably the teacher's first stepshould be to ______.a. have the child tested by the school psychologistb. develop a plan for applying punishmentc. use differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviord. try to discover what is reinforcing the behavior23. Some studies have suggested that ___________, the procedure of providing reinforcersregardless of what the person does, may actually reduce the frequency of undesirable behavior.a. extinctionb. DRIc. DROd. NCR24. The chief problem with extinction as a way of reducing the frequency of potentially harmfulbehavior is that _________.a. it is slowb. the results are not durablec. it is not covered by medical insuranced. ultimately, it makes the problem worse25. The two-process theory of punishment assumes that punishment involves ___________.a. positive and negative reinforcementb. Pavlovian and operant learningc. positive and negative punishmentd. reward training and escape training

26. Punishers are defined by __________.a. society at largeb. experts in the fieldc. their effects on behaviord. their intensity27. Lying is probably often the result of ______.a. punishmentb. a lack of insightc. negative reinforcementd. positive reinforcement28. One idea for preventing learned helplessness is _______ training.a. self-esteemb. inoculationc. immunizationd. reality29. A Navy sailor and her shorebound husband have not met each other during the sailorÍs sixmonth ship duty tour; during their weekend forlough reunion, they have sex much more oftenthan they typically do when living together. This illustrates the effect of ___________, whichcomplicates the interpretation of PremackÍs reinforcement principle.a. a fractional anticipatory goal responseb. response deprivationc. response satiationd. optimal arousal

30. The figure below shows the results of an experiment on the effects of heat on aggressive social behavior.There is a sharp increase in the rate of aggressive behavior when the temperature goes above 90. Thisstudy is best described as ____.a. between-subjects experimentb. within-subject experimentc. case studyd. anecdotal evidence31. In the figure below, the data point at the extreme right illustrates ____.

a. extinctionb. a lack of conditioningc. spontaneous recoveryd. blocking32. Weight-conscious college women eat significantly less food when sharing a meal with womenfriends than when eating alone. This social effect on women’s eating is ________ Hull’s drivereduction theory.a. well explained byb. based on the food’s flavour, according toc. inconsistent withd. irrelevant to33. Which of these best illustrates classically conditioned blocking?a. an animal that was starved now hoards extra foodb. an animal that has learned that a bell is a CS has trouble later learning that a bellcan also serve as a CS for other situationsc. a football player protects his quarterback from being tackled because if he doesn’t,his team will lose the gamed. a barely detected faint stimulus serves poorly as a CS34. Which of these is the clearest example of a contextual CS?a. a man gets sexually aroused while visiting the hotel at which he and his bride hadsex many times during their honeymoonb. a wolf gets sick after eating poisoned meat placed by a rancherc. a dog no longer salivates when the CS (bell) is sounded repeatedly without the US(meat)d. a pet dog barks at her master to get a food treat

ANSWERS1. A2. A3. D4. B5. A6. A7. D8. A9. C10. C11. B12. C13. B14. B15. D16. A17. C18. C19. A20. B21. B22. D23. D24. A25. B26. C

27. C28. C29. B30. B31. C32. C33. B34. A

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