
Sasol-ESD Sasol-ESD


STIMULATING ECONOMICGROWTH THROUGH SMALLBUSINESS DEVELOPMENTThe development of independententrepreneurs is one of the mosteffective ways of stimulatingeconomic growth and creating jobsin our communities.A growing small and medium enterprise(SME) sector is vital for broadeningeconomic participation and delivering oneconomic development priorities. It alsosupports our aim to diversify our supplychain. We have established a dedicatedenterprise and supplier developmentfunction to drive these objectives. Thiseconomic growth imperative has beenincluded in the 2014 list of materialsustainability focus areas.Our approach to SME developmentaims to support and nurture smallbusinesses through integrated technicaland business development support,as well as mentoring and coaching forentrepreneurs.

In South Africa, the Sasol SiyakhaEnterprise and Supplier DevelopmentFund provides our SME supplierswith loan funding to bolster theirsustainability and create an enablingenvironment for them to thrive.Since its establishment in 2008, the fundhas disbursed over R65 million. In our2014 financial year the fund provided 11SMEs with R 11,1 million in loan funding.Through our work in small businessdevelopment, we have learnt that accessto infrastructure and facilities is one ofthe key growth enablers for SMEs. Weare developing the 172 -hectare ChemCityEco-Industrial Park (CEIP) in Sasolburg,where serviced stands will be sold tobusinesses at competitive rates for themto conduct general and industrialbusiness activities. The CEIP is beingdeveloped in phases, with occupation ofthe first phase underway.

STIMULATING ECONOMICGROWTH THROUGH SMALLBUSINESS DEVELOPMENTThe development of independententrepreneurs is one of the mosteffective ways of stimulatingeconomic growth and creating jobsin our communities.A growing small and medium enterprise(SME) sector is vital for broadeningeconomic participation and delivering oneconomic development priorities. It alsosupports our aim to diversify our supplychain. We have established a dedicatedenterprise and supplier developmentfunction to drive these objectives. Thiseconomic growth imperative has beenincluded in the 2014 list of materialsustainability focus areas.Our approach to SME developmentaims to support and nurture smallbusinesses through integrated technicaland business development support,as well as mentoring and coaching forentrepreneurs.

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