Regis Chiral Stationary Phases

Regis Chiral Stationary Phases

Regis Chiral Stationary Phases


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CHIRAL STATIONARY PHASES<strong>Chiral</strong> Chromatography<strong>Chiral</strong>ity has becomevitally important in thepharmaceutical, chemicaland agricultural industries.The differences which makecompounds chiral canproduce critically differentpharmacological effectsin biological systems.As a result, demand forstereoselective separationtechniques and analyticalassays to evaluate theenantiomeric purityof chiral compoundshas increased.<strong>Chiral</strong> chromatographyhas become a necessarytool—not only for theanalytical determinationof enantiomeric purity,but also for the isolationof pure enantiomers.<strong>Regis</strong> Technologies is proud to be a leader in chiral separations andserve both the analytical and preparative needs of chromatographersand researchers worldwide. <strong>Regis</strong> offers three different classesof <strong>Chiral</strong> <strong>Stationary</strong> <strong>Phases</strong> (CSPs):•Pirkle-Concept•Davankov Ligand Exchange•Protein-based<strong>Regis</strong> manufactures a complete line of Pirkle<strong>Chiral</strong> <strong>Stationary</strong> <strong>Phases</strong> and DavankovLigand Exchange columns at its pharmaceuticalmanufacturing facility. Columns range fromanalytical to preparative in size. A line ofprotein-based chiral stationary phases is alsoavailable. All products meet rigorous manufacturingand quality control specifications before release.Pirkle <strong>Stationary</strong> <strong>Phases</strong>In 1980, <strong>Regis</strong> Technologies, along with Professor William Pirkle,of the University of Illinois, introduced the Pirkle <strong>Chiral</strong> <strong>Stationary</strong><strong>Phases</strong>. These <strong>Chiral</strong> <strong>Stationary</strong> <strong>Phases</strong> offer many advantages:•Enantiomer separation on a wide variety of compound groups•Column durability resulting from covalent phase bonding•Ability to invert elution order•Availability of analytical- to preparative-sized columnsand bulk packing material•Universal solvent compatibilityEnantiomer Separation<strong>Regis</strong> manufactures ten Pirkle CSPs. These can separate a wide varietyof enantiomers in numerous compound groups. Examples include:•Aryl Propionic Acid Non-Sterodial Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)•Agricultural Compounds•Natural Products• β--Blockers•Many Pharmaceuticals16

Additional examples of enantiomer separations can be foundin the <strong>Regis</strong> <strong>Chiral</strong> Application Guide IV or on our Web site atwww.registech.com/chiral/. Our Web site is updated monthlywith new applications and current chiral events.Column DurabilityThe Pirkle <strong>Chiral</strong> <strong>Stationary</strong> <strong>Phases</strong> are covalently bonded to thesilica, providing excellent column durability. Covalently bondedphases assure long-lasting columns and offer added benefits forpreparative columns. Covalently bonded preparative columns arelonger lasting than their coated, preparative column counterpartsbecause with use, noncovalent coatings can leach off. Additionalbenefits include the columns’ capacity to tolerate sample overload.Ability to Invert Elution OrderAn important advantage of the Pirkle <strong>Chiral</strong> <strong>Stationary</strong> <strong>Phases</strong> is theability to invert elution order by using the same type of CSP, but withthe opposite absolute configuration. As a result, it is possible to havethe trace enantiomer elute before the major — a desirable feature forenantiomeric purity determinations. For preparative separations it isbeneficial to elute the desired component first.Analytical and Preparative-Sized ColumnsAll of <strong>Regis</strong>’ Pirkle HPLC columns are available in both analyticaland preparative sizes. Since all chiral stationary phases aremanufactured on-site, <strong>Regis</strong> can pack special or custom-sizedcolumns quickly and easily.17

Universal Solvent CompatibilityChoice of mobile phase is not a limitation with the Pirkle HPLC columns.They are compatible with most mobile phases. The pH of the mobilephase, however, must be between 2.5 and 7.5. Both normal-phaseand reversed-phase modes can be used, although normal-phase ismost common. For normal-phase separations, the classic mobile phaseis a binary or ternary mixture of a hydrocarbon and a modifier,usually an aliphatic alcohol.Typical uncharged organic modifers include ethanol, isopropanoland butanol. Under reversed-phase conditions, water-alcohol mixturesor aqueous phosphate buffers with charged organic modifiers arealso employed.Super and subcritical (SFC and SubFC) fluid chromatography, utilizingcarbon dioxide, has also been introduced as a promising technique forthe separation of enantiomers using Pirkle <strong>Chiral</strong> <strong>Stationary</strong> <strong>Phases</strong>.18

PIRKLE CHIRAL HPLC COLUMNSWhelk-O ® 2Analytical to Preparative ColumnsOur newest addition to the Whelk-O line ofchiral stationary phases is the Whelk-O 2.The Whelk-O 2 is the covalent trifunctionalversion of the Whelk-O 1. The Whelk-O 2retains the same chiral selector butincorporates a trifunctional linkage to thesilica support. In most cases, the enantioselectivityremains the same as that obtainedwith the Whelk-O 1.Whelk-O 2 was designed to improve theresistance of the stationary phase to hydrolysiswhile using strong organic modifiers such astrifluoroacetic acid. The Whelk-O 2 is idealfor preparative separations since the materialis bonded on 10 µm, 100Å spherical Kromasilsilica. This allows the preparative chromatographerto perform method development onan analytical column and immediately scaleup to larger diameter columns.Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. PriceSpherical Kromasil silica:(R,R)-Whelk-O 2 10 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 786315 $1,600.00(R,R)-Whelk-O 2 10 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 786325 $5,000.00(R,R)-Whelk-O 2 10 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 21.1 mm i.d. 786335 $11,000.00(R,R)-Whelk-O 2 10 µm, 100Å 50 cm x 21.1 mm i.d. 786345 $18,000.00(S,S)-Whelk-O 2 10 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 786415 $1,600.00(S,S)-Whelk-O 2 10 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 786425 $5,000.00(S,S)-Whelk-O 2 10 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 21.1 mm i.d. 786435 $11,000.00(S,S)-Whelk-O 2 10 µm, 100Å 50 cm x 21.1 mm i.d. 786445 $18,000.00ONHNOSiO 2 O Si2NO 2OOLeucineAnalytical and Semi-Preparative ColumnsThe π-acceptor leucine CSP is basedon 3,5-dinitrobenzoyl leucine, covalentlybonded to 5 µm aminopropyl silica.Columns derived from either L- or D-leucineare available. This phase demonstratesenhanced enantioselectivities for severalclasses of compounds, includingbenzodiazapines.SiO 2OOOSiNHOCH 2HNONO 2NO 2Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. PriceD-Leucine 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 731054 $800.00D-Leucine 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 731254 $1,800.00L-Leucine 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 731041 $750.00L-Leucine 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 731241 $1,600.00HexobarbitalColumn:Mobile Phase:Flow Rate:Load:Detection:Run Time:k' 1 : 2.89α: 1.10L-Leucine25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d.(95/5) hexane/ethanol0.7 mL/min0.686 mg/mLUV 254 nm16 minH 3 CCH 3OCH 3NOHH 3 CNOWhelk-O is a registered trademark of <strong>Regis</strong> Technologies, Inc.Product information and applications are available online at:www.registech.com/chiral/.20

PIRKLE CHIRAL HPLC COLUMNSPhenylglycineAnalytical and Semi-Preparative ColumnsPhenylglycine, a π-acceptor chiral phase, isbased on 3,5-dinitrobenzoyl phenylglycine,covalently bonded to 5 µm aminopropylsilica. Phenylglycine columns are availablein both L- and D- configurations.This CSP resolves a wide variety ofcompounds containing π-basic groups,including: aryl-substituted cyclic sulfoxides,bi-β-naphthol and its analogs, α-indanol andα-tetralol analogs, and aryl-substitutedhydantoins.Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. PriceD-Phenylglycine 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 731021 $700.00D-Phenylglycine 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 731221 $1,400.00L-Phenylglycine 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 731024 $700.00L-Phenylglycine 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 731224 $1,400.00N-(1-Naphthyl)-N’-(1-methylbenzyl) ureaColumn: D-Phenylglycine25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d.Mobile Phase: (70/30) hexane/ethanolFlow Rate: 1.0 mL/minLoad: 20 µLDetection: UV 254 nmRun Time: 10 mink' 1 : 2.37α: 1.22NO 2NO 2SiO 2OOOSiNHOHNOH 3 CONN HHβ-Gem 1Analytical and Semi-Preparative Columnsβ-Gem 1 is a π-acceptor chiral stationaryphase and is prepared by covalentlybonding N-3,5-dinitrobenzoyl-3-amino-3-phenyl-2-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-propanoate,to 5 µm silica through an ester linkage.In many cases, this chiral phase considerablyoutperforms its widely used analog, phenylglycine.It can separate anilide derivativesof chiral carboxylic acids, includingnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents.SiO2OOSi(C11)OH3CCH 3CH3HNNO 2NO 2Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. Price(R,R)-β-GEM 1 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 731043 $1,400.00(R,R)-β-GEM 1 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 731243 $4,400.00(S,S)-β-GEM 1 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 731029 $1,400.00(S,S)-β-GEM 1 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 731229 $4,400.00trans-(R)7,8-Dihydroxy-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyreneColumn: (R,R)-β-Gem 125 cm x 4.6 mm i.d.Mobile Phase: (60/40) hexane/ethanolFlow Rate: 1.0 mL/minLoad: 20 µLDetection: UV 254 nmRun Time: 14 mink' 1 : 3.18α: 1.25OOOOHOOHProduct information and applications are available online at:www.registech.com/chiral/.21

OOPirkle 1-JAnalytical and Semi-Preparative ColumnsThe Pirkle 1-J column is the latest in a seriesof CSPs from the research laboratories ofProfessor Pirkle. This new CSP contains anunusual β-lactam structure which significantlyalters its molecular recognition properties.The Pirkle 1-J is useful for the direct separationof underivatized β-blocker enantiomers.It can also be used for the separation of theenantiomers of arylpropionic acid NSAIDs,as well as other drugs.Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. Price(3R, 4S)-Pirkle 1-J 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 731044 $1,400.00(3R, 4S)-Pirkle 1-J 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 731244 $4,400.00(3S, 4R)-Pirkle 1-J 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 731045 $1,400.00(3S, 4R)-Pirkle 1-J 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 731245 $4,400.00PindololColumn: Pirkle 1-J25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d.Mobile Phase: (80/20) methylene chloride/ethanol,+0.04M ammonium acetateFlow Rate: 1.0 mL/minLoad: 10 µLDetection: UV 254 nmOOOOPIRKLE CHIRAL HPLC COLUMNSα-Burke 2Analytical and Semi-Preparative ColumnsThe α-Burke 2 phase is derived from dimethylN-3,5-dinitro-benzoyl-α-amino-2,2-dimethyl-4-pentenyl phosphonate covalently bound to5 µm silica. This π-acceptor chiral stationaryphase is particularly valuable in the HPLCseparation of β-blocker enantiomers, animportant class of cardiovascular drugswhose enantiomers often exhibit differingpharmacological activities. The α-Burke 2has been specifically designed to separatethe enantiomers of β-blockers withoutchemical derivatization. In addition, it alsoresolves the enantiomers of many compoundsseparated on π-acceptor Pirkle type chiralstationary phases.Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. Price(R)-α-Burke 2 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 735035 $1,400.00(R)-α-Burke 2 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 735235 $4,400.00(S)-α-Burke 2 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 735037 $1,400.00(S)-α-Burke 2 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 735237 $4,400.00BetaxololColumn: α-Burke 225 cm x 4.6 mm i.d.Mobile Phase: (85/10/5) CH 2 C1 2 /EtOH/MeOHFlow Rate: 1 mL/minDetection: UV 254 nmRun Time: 11 mink' 1 : 2.36α: 1.25Reference: 4H 3COH 3COPOSiO 2OSiNH 3 C CH 3 H 3 C CH 3OHNO 2NO 2OOH HCH 3N CH 3NO 2NO 2SiO 2SiNNHHNCH 3O N CH 3OHHProduct information and applications are available online at:www.registech.com/chiral/.22

PIRKLE CHIRAL HPLC COLUMNSNaphthylleucineAnalytical and Semi-Preparative ColumnsThe naphthylleucine phase, a π-electrondonor,is based on N-(1-naphthyl) leucine,covalently bonded to 5 µm silica throughan ester linkage.This phase resolves DNB derivatives ofamino acids as the free acid when usedin reversed-phase mode. In the classicnormal-phase, this CSP can resolve theamides and esters of DNB amines,alcohols and amino acids.Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. PriceL-Naphthylleucine 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 731034 $800.00L-Naphthylleucine 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 731234 $1,900.00N-(3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl) valineColumn: Naphthylleucine25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d.Mobile Phase: (80/20) methanol/10mM KH 2 P0 4 ,pH 6.86 + 0.5 mM Q6Flow Rate: 1.0 mL/minLoad: 5 µLDetection: UV 254 nmRun Time: 4 minH 3CO 2 NSiO 2 NHH 3 C CH 3H(C 11) NNOOSiOCH 3OH 3 C CH 3OOOHDACH-DNBAnalytical to Preparative ColumnsThe innovative DACH-DNB CSP wasdesigned by Italian chemists Drs. FrancescoGasparrini, Misiti and Villani at RomeUniversity “La Sapienza.” The DACH-DNBCSP, which contains the 3,5-dinitrobenzoylderivative of 1,2-diaminocyclohexane,has been found to resolve a broad rangeof racemate classes including amides,alcohols, esters, ketones, acids, sulfoxides,phosphine oxides, selenoxides, phosphonates,thiophosphineoxide, phosphineselenide,phosphine-borane, beta-lactams,organometallics, atropisomers andheterocycles.Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. Price(R,R)-DACH-DNB 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 788101 $1,400.00(R,R)-DACH-DNB 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 788102 $4,400.00(R,R)-DACH-DNB 10 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 21.1 mm i.d. 788103$11,000.00(S,S)-DACH-DNB 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 788201 $1,400.00(S,S)-DACH-DNB 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 788202 $4,400.00(S,S)-DACH-DNB 10 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 21.1 mm i.d. 788203$11,000.00SulfoxideColumn: (R,R)-DACH-DNB25 cm x 4.6 mmMobile Phase: (95/5) CH 2 CI 2 /IPAFlow Rate: 1.0 mL/minDetection: UV 254 nmRun Time: 15.0 mink' 1 : 2.15α: 2.05O 2NNO 2OH 3 CHNSSiO 2OSiONCH 3OH 3C CH 3O 2NX=H, DNBOXONO 2Product information and applications are available online at:www.registech.com/chiral/.23

PIRKLE CHIRAL HPLC COLUMNSULMOAnalytical to Preparative ColumnsThe ULMO chiral stationary phase wasdeveloped by Austrian researchers Uray,Lindner and Maier. The ULMO CSP is basedon a 3,5-dintrobenzoyl derivative of diphenylethylenediamine.This CSP has a generalability to separate the enantiomers of manyracemate classes and is particularly good atseparating the enantiomers of aryl carbinols.SiO 2OH3CSi(C10)CH3ONHHNONO2NO2Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. Price(S,S)-ULMO 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 787100 $1,400.00(S,S)-ULMO 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 787101 $4,400.00(S,S)-ULMO 10 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 21.1 mm i.d. 787102 $11,000.00(R,R)-ULMO 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 787200 $1,400.00(R,R)-ULMO 5 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 787201 $4,400.00(R,R)-ULMO 10 µm, 100Å 25 cm x 21.1 mm i.d. 787202 $11,000.00VapolColumn:Mobile Phase:Flow Rate:Detection:Run Time:k' 1 : 1.74α: 3.37(R,R)-ULMO25 cm x 4.6 mm100% methanol1.5 mL/minUV 254 nm13 minPhPhOHOHProduct information and applications are available online at:www.registech.com/chiral/.24

DAVANKOV LIGAND EXCHANGE CHIRAL STATIONARY PHASEDavankov Ligand Exchange<strong>Chiral</strong> <strong>Stationary</strong> PhaseThe Davankov chiral stationary phase isuseful for the separation of underivatizedamino acid enantiomers. This phaseoperates according to the principlesof ligand-exchange chromatography(LEC), a technique pioneered byProfessor V. Davankov.The Davankov column requires a mobilephase of aqueous methanol containingcopper(II) acetate. Enantioselectivity isextremely high with alphas up to 16 beingreported. <strong>Regis</strong> provides either a DavankovHPLC column, or a kit which allows the userto convert a standard ODS column intoa Davankov <strong>Chiral</strong> <strong>Stationary</strong> phase.Both of these Davankov products maintaina stable coating compatible with thosemobile phases generally used in aminoacid separations.Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. PriceDavankov Column 5 µm, 100Å 15 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 731653 $700.00DavankovReagent A Kit 731650 $300.00REXCHROM ODSColumn 5 µm, 100Å 15 cm x 4.6 mm i.d. 728118 $300.00DL-Leucine and DL-NorvalineColumn:Mobile Phase:Flow rate:Detection:Run Time:Peak Identities:REXCHROM Davankov A15 cm x 4.6 mm i.d.(65/35) 10 —4 M CuAc 2 , pH 5.0/methanol2.0 mL/minUV 254 nm16 minA. L-NorvalineB. L-LeucineC. D-NorvalineD. D-LeucineABCDDavankov ColumnA pre-converted Davankov columncomplete with care and use guide,column test conditions and performanceresults is available.H 2 NODL-LeucineOHH 2 NOOHDL-NorvalineDavankov Reagent A Kit<strong>Regis</strong> provides the Davankov Reagent A kit,which contains Davankov Reagent A, ahydroxyproline derivative and copper(II)acetate (sufficient quantities to coat one15 cm column and prepare mobile phase).The column coating procedure involvesdissolving the Davankov Reagent A intomethanol/water (80/20) and pumpingthis mixture through the column. This isfollowed by a wash with a concentratedsolution of Cu(OAc) 2 in methanol/water(15/85). Detailed coating proceduresare included with the kit.Product information and applications are available online at:www.registech.com/chiral/.25

PROTEIN-BASED CHIRAL STATIONARY PHASESProtein-Based <strong>Chiral</strong><strong>Stationary</strong> <strong>Phases</strong><strong>Regis</strong> carries a line of protein-based chiralcolumns manufactured by ChromTech AB.These include:• <strong>Chiral</strong> AGP-(α—glycoprotein)• <strong>Chiral</strong> CBH-(cellobiohydrolase)• <strong>Chiral</strong> HSA-(human serum albumin)For additional product information and aProtein-Based <strong>Stationary</strong> Phase Application Guide,please contact <strong>Regis</strong> at sales@registech.com.Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. Price<strong>Chiral</strong> AGP 5 µm 15 cm x 0.18 mm i.d. 732195 $1,600.00<strong>Chiral</strong> AGP 5 µm 10 cm x 1 mm i.d. 732194 $1,950.00<strong>Chiral</strong> AGP 5 µm 10 cm x 2.0 mm i.d. 732196 $1,250.00<strong>Chiral</strong> AGP 5 µm 15 cm x 2.0 mm i.d. 732197 $1,400.00ChiraI AGP 5 µm 5 cm x 4.0 mm i.d. 732198 $995.00<strong>Chiral</strong> AGP 5 µm 10 cm x 4.0 mm i.d. 732200 $1,230.00<strong>Chiral</strong> AGP 5 µm 15 cm x 4.0 mm i.d. 732199 $1,490.00<strong>Chiral</strong> AGP 5 µm 10 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 732301 $4,750.00<strong>Chiral</strong> AGP 5 µm 15 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 732302 $7,100.00<strong>Chiral</strong> AGPGuard Column 5 µm 1 cm x 3.0 mm i.d. 732300 $135.00Guard cartridge holder 731441 $125.00<strong>Chiral</strong> AGPMicro, Analytical andSemi-Preparative Columns<strong>Chiral</strong> AGP is the second generationchiral selector based on the α 1 -acidglycoprotein (α 1 -AGP) as the chiralstationary phase. The AGP has beenimmobilized on spherical, 5 µm particles.The <strong>Chiral</strong> AGP column is typically usedin the reversed-phase mode, where it canbe used for the resolution of an extremelybroad range of chiral compounds, suchas amines, (primary, secondary, tertiaryand quaternary ammonium), acids, esters,sulphoxides, amides, and alcohols. Theenantioselectivity and the retention can easilybe regulated by the pH of the mobile phase,the buffer concentration and the nature andconcentration of the organic modifier.OmeprazoleColumn:Mobile phase:Detection:Sample Conc:Run Time:HNNH 3 COOS<strong>Chiral</strong>-AGP10 cm x 4.0 mm i.d.10% acetonitrile in 10 mM sodiumphosphate buffer, pH 6.5UV 210 nm0.02 mg/mL8 minCH 3NOCH 3CH 3Product information and applications are available online at:www.registech.com/chiral/.26

PROTEIN-BASED CHIRAL STATIONARY PHASES<strong>Chiral</strong> CBHMicro, Analytical andSemi-Preparative ColumnsCellobiohydrolase (CBH) is a stableenzyme which has been immobilizedonto 5 µm spherical silica particles. Thecolumn is used in reversed-phase modeand is effective for the separation ofenantiomers of basic drugs from manycompound classes. The retention and theenantioselectivity can be regulated bychanges in pH, buffer concentrationand the nature and concentration oforganic modifer.Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. Price<strong>Chiral</strong> CBH 5 µm 10 cm x 0.18 mm i.d. 732357 $1,550.00<strong>Chiral</strong> CBH 5 µm 10 cm x 2.0 mm i.d. 732353 $1,250.00<strong>Chiral</strong> CBH 5 µm 15 cm x 2.0 mm i.d. 732354 $1,400.00ChiraI CBH 5 µm 5 cm x 4.0 mm i.d. 732352 $995.00<strong>Chiral</strong> CBH 5 µm 10 cm x 4.0 mm i.d. 732350 $1,230.00<strong>Chiral</strong> CBH 5 µm 15 cm x 4.0 mm i.d. 732351 $1,490.00<strong>Chiral</strong> CBH 5 µm 10 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 732355 $4,750.00<strong>Chiral</strong> CBH 5 µm 15 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 732356 $7,100.00<strong>Chiral</strong> CBHGuard Column 5 µm 1 cm x 3.0 mm i.d. 732358 $135.00Guard cartridge holder 731441 $125.00OctopamineColumn:Mobile phase:Sample Conc:Run Time:<strong>Chiral</strong>-CBH10 cm x 4.0 mm i.d.5% 2-propanol in 10 mMsodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.0+ 50 µM disodium EDTA0.03 mg/mL9 minOHNH 2HOProduct information and applications are available online at:www.registech.com/chiral/.27

PROTEIN-BASED CHIRAL STATIONARY PHASES<strong>Chiral</strong> HSAAnalytical and Semi-Preparative ColumnsWith the <strong>Chiral</strong> human serum albumin(HSA) column, the enantiomers of manycarboxylic acids and amino acids canbe resolved directly, without derivatization.Enantioselectivity and retention can beregulated by changing the mobile phasecomposition, pH, buffer concentrationand/or nature of the organic modifier.HSA has been immobilized onto 5 µmspherical silica particles. The surfacechemistry of the silica and the method ofimmobilization provide a stable chiralseparation material.Product Particle Size Column Length and i.d. Product # U.S. Price<strong>Chiral</strong> HSA 5 µm 10 cm x 4.0 mm i.d. 732240 $1,230.00<strong>Chiral</strong> HSA 5 µm 15 cm x 4.0 mm i.d. 732239 $1,490.00<strong>Chiral</strong> HSA 5 µm 10 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 732341 $3,775.00<strong>Chiral</strong> HSA 5 µm 15 cm x 10.0 mm i.d. 732342 $5,050.00<strong>Chiral</strong> HSAGuard Column 5 µm 1 cm x 3.0 mm i.d. 732340 $135.00Guard cartridge holder 731441 $125.00MephenytoinColumn: <strong>Chiral</strong>-HSA10 cm x 4.0 mm i.d.Mobile phase: 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0Detection: UV 225 nmSample Conc: 0.02 mg/mLRun Time: 8 minHNOC 2 H 5ONCH 3For additional information on <strong>Chiral</strong><strong>Stationary</strong> <strong>Phases</strong>, check our Web siteat www.registech.com/chiral/. Youmay also request a copy of the <strong>Chiral</strong>HPLC Application Guide containingadditional <strong>Chiral</strong> Applications, bycontacting <strong>Regis</strong> at:(800) 323-8144 ext. 649(847) 967-6000 ext. 649e-mail us at: sales@registech.com.28

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