Electric vehicle smart charge - Circutor

Electric vehicle smart charge - Circutor Electric vehicle smart charge - Circutor

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>V - <strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> re<strong>charge</strong>Smart charging for electric <strong>vehicle</strong>sRVE-WBIndoor car park charging boxes· ················································································V-11RVE-CM / RVE-WB-SLSmart solution for car parks with many outlets· ····································································V-14RVE-TERMPrepaid card recording system for RVE systems ···································································V-17RVE-Mode 1Slow-Re<strong>charge</strong> Outdoor Posts· ················································································V-18RVE-P-Mode 1/3Slow-<strong>charge</strong> outdoor posts· ···················································································V-22RVE-QP (CHAdeMO protocol)Fast-<strong>charge</strong> outdoor post ·····················································································V-24RVE-CBPost for two-wheeled <strong>vehicle</strong>s· ·················································································V-26V-2

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>THE ELECTRIC CAR IS THECAR OF THE FUTURENowadays, many of the models createdyears ago need to undergo a series ofchanges to adapt to the situation in ourworld today. One of the models that hasreached a turning point and is startingto truly evolve is transport.There are two main reasons why importantchanges must be implementedin the transport sector:}}The first one is energy. The planet’senergy needs are growing with everyday and energy sources are scarce.Therefore, we can not afford to wasteenergy any more, so current systemsshould be converted into more efficientmodels in terms of energy.}}The second one is the need to protectour environment. Current pollutionlevels are not suitable for the health ofliving beings. However, there is anothervery important issue that must be immediatelyaddressed; CO 2emission levels.Global warming can have a verynegative impact on life on the planet inthe medium and long term.VThere are thousands of measures thatcan and must be implemented to saveenergy and protect the environment.Some of these actions, such as theimplementation of measurement andenergy saving systems in car parks,buildings or any type of installation,have taken shape in the past fewyears and are achieving very importantresults. However, one of the most importantsources of energy consumptionthese days (and, therefore, the direct orindirect emission of CO 2) is transport.To give an example, transport in Spainrepresents approximately 40% of energyconsumption. In general, we believethat the incredible advantages of EVs(<strong>Electric</strong> Vehicles) have not been explainedwell enough when comparedto ICE <strong>vehicle</strong>s (Internal CombustionEngine <strong>vehicle</strong>s), especially where thehigh energy efficiency of EVs is concerned.New EVs offer an energy efficiencyof over 80%, while the energy efficiencyof ICE <strong>vehicle</strong>s is around 30% atbest. Therefore, a vital objective shouldV-3

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>be established in relation to the replacement of all <strong>vehicle</strong>swith poor performance or efficiency, particularly in a worldwith a permanently growing population that is constantly tryingto improve its quality of life through the sustained use of energywhen resources are lacking. And if that weren’t enough, wemust add weak efficiency, which is always a synonym of theincrease in contamination, with the corresponding emissionsand generation of hazardous waste. A simple equation can beeasily established to associate the low energy performancewith the increase in contamination.The electric car represents an important element in thesolution to our energy problems and the protection ofthe environment.The electric car has been a technologically viable solutionsince the 70s, but a series of conditions must be met in ourcurrent highly globalised world (where the current number of<strong>vehicle</strong>s is over 900 million) to start a true revolution.These are just three of the many challenges that the EV mustovercome to achieve a solid presence in our cities:}}A reduction in the cost of Ion-Lithium batteries, in additionto an increase in their energy storage capacity, i.e., increasingthe autonomy of EVs.}}A reduction in the cost of acquisition of electric cars. Thiscan be partly achieved with the improvement of batteries andthe series-production of the EV, currently being developed bythe major global manufacturers.}}The development of the EV charging infrastructures willachieve the implementation of all charging point modes andapplication segments.Different experts and international organisations of the automotiveand energy sector believe that the changes will bebrought about between 2015 and 2020, where the 50,000 EVsV-4

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>Charging modes (IEC - 61851-1)Output Mode Specificconnector for EVType of <strong>charge</strong> Maximum current Protections Special featuresMode1 NoSlow in AC16 A per phase(3.7 kW - 11 kW)The installation requires earthleakage and circuit breakerprotectionEV connection to the AC networkusing standard power connectionsMode2NoSlow in AC32 A per phase(3.7 kW - 22 kW)The installation requires earthleakage and circuit breakerprotectionSpecial cable with intermediate electronicdevice with pilot control functionand protectionsMode3YesSlow orsemi-quickSingle-phase orthree-phaseIn accordance with Included in the specialthe connector used infrastructure for EVEV connection to the AC power supplyusing a specific device (SAVE)Mode4YesIn DCIn accordance withthe <strong>charge</strong>rInstalled in the infrastructureEV connection using a fixed external<strong>charge</strong>rTypes of connectorsConnector type No. pins Maximum voltage Maximum current Regulations Special features15(L1, L2/N, PE, CP, CS)250 V a.c.Single-phase32 A single-phase(up to 7.2 kW)IEC 62196-2SAE J1772 regulationCA27(L1, L2, L3, N, PE, CP, PP)500 V a.c.Three-phase250 V a.c.Single-phase63 A three-phase(up to 43 kW)70 A single-phaseIEC 62196-2One type for single-phaseor three-phase <strong>charge</strong>34, 5 or 7 in accordancewith the model(L1, L2, L3, N, PE, CP, PP)500 V a.c.Three-phase250 V a.c.Single-phase16 / 32 A single-phase32 A three-phase(up to 22 kW)IEC 62196-2Different types in accordancewith power levelCC 49(2 Power, 7 signal)500 V d.c120 A d.cIEC 62196-1UL 2551Fast charging in DCIn compliance with JEVS G105TypeV-7

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>Smart charging forelectric <strong>vehicle</strong>s• Comunicaciones• RS, Ethernet,PLC, GPRS, 3G€e 3• EnergY management• Measurement / Billing• Network quality• Partial consumptions• Smart <strong>charge</strong> management• ENERGY EFFICIENCY• Power factor correction andharmonic filteringEarth leakage relay forprotection purposes• SOFTWARE• Real time monitoring• Multi-user• Graphic interface• Remote connection• Alarm management• Event register• Multi-platform• IDENTIFICATION• RFID (Radio Frequency ID),Bar Code, Magnetic CardWITH Active Filter WITHOUT Active Filter Neutral current WITHOUT Active FilterNeutral CurrentWITH Active FilterV-8

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>Energy meter for billingSupply quality analyzerOther <strong>charge</strong>sActive filterCar park <strong>charge</strong>Energy managementpower analyzerEnergy managementpower analyzerSingle-phase meters toread partial consumptionInternetRecharging pointsManagement and controlsoftwareV-9

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>Overview1Single-FamilyCar Parks1 1Multi-user carparksPrivate car parks1 2Car parks and<strong>vehicle</strong> fleetsShopping Centres2 3Urban car parkson public roadsA complete range of charging pointsFast charging station1 2 3Charging cabinetsCharging postsFast charging stationUltra-fast direct currentcharging (500 V DC- 125 A DC)230 V single-phase outlet or 400V three-phase outlet, dependingon the <strong>charge</strong> modeIdentification and payment viaRFID card. For interior points(car parks).230 V single or double singlephaseoutlet, or 400 V threephaseoutlet, depending oncharging modeUser identification via RFID card.Ideal for urban environments.Concept similar to that of apetrol station.Several payment methods.V-10

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>RVE-WBIndoor car park charging boxesDescriptionFeaturesThere are different types of indoor car parks with different featuresand requirements for electric <strong>vehicle</strong> charging systems. Therefore,different electric <strong>vehicle</strong> charging systems might be required ineach type of installation. Wall-boxes are <strong>vehicle</strong> charging boxesof the RVE range that have been designed to facilitate electric<strong>vehicle</strong> charging in indoor car parks, in compliance with the electricalsafety regulations and in relation to access, measurementand management of consumption.CIRCUTOR offers solutions that are adapted to each type of carpark, which includes single-family homes, neighbourhood associations,public car parks, shopping malls and hotel car parks, etc.These solutions are designed with equipment that can operateautonomously and communications equipment that offers specificfunctions through software that is adapted to each type of installation.Robustness to withstand rough handling, resistance to vandalismand easy installation were some of the main issues taken intoaccount when designing these units. Furthermore, these units standout due to their compact size and high level of built-in technology.The whole range of RVE units has been designed to offer electric<strong>vehicle</strong> users with a simple method to <strong>charge</strong> their <strong>vehicle</strong>swherever they are parked. Car park charging boxes used by manydifferent users include an access and energy payment system withcontactless <strong>smart</strong> cards. Therefore, the entire charging processcan be easily completed by any user in just a few steps.ApplicationsThis equipment is specially designed for its use on indoor car parksor these places that could be used for any kind of <strong>vehicle</strong> park (cars,motorcycles, bikes, transport, cleaning, …). An example of this couldbe indoor public parking, private indoor parking, airports, car rentalcompanies, cleaning companies, etc.FeaturesSmall sizeAccess and prepaymentwith proximity cardsDisplay for credit monitoringIntegrated energy measurementIntegrated electricalprotections (optional)Protection system againstenergy attempted theftReady for indoor useSmart aesthetic designDifferent typeskW·h total and partial displayed(Only domestic type)Common technical featuresVoltage input230 V ACTolerance ± 10 %Frequency input50 ... 60 HzPower output230 V ACMaximum current output 16 A per outletSchuko “CEE 7/4” (OtherConnectorunder request)EnergyRCCBRFID readerRFID frequencyIntegrated energy meterSelf-reclosingISO 14443A13,56 MHzTemperature range -10 ... +60 ºCBuild featuresSurface Gray polyester paint RAL 9006SurroundFE ST37 2mm grosorDegree of mechanical protection IK8Degree of IP protection IP 20Anchor4 points for subjection to wallV-11

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>RVE-WBIndoor car park charging boxesReferencesWall-Box with single connectionTypeRVE-WBMRVE-WBM-CP1RVE-WBM-SmartRVE-WBM-CP1-TRIRVE-WBM-Smart-TRIRVE-WBCRVE-WBC-CP1RVE-WBC-SmartCode V23010 V23012 V23015 V23022 V23025 V23110 V23112 V23115Charge mode 3Single-pahse 230 VAC, 16 A, 3,7 kW(IEC-61851-1 approved by Nissan)Charge mode 3 Three-phase400 VAC., 32 A, 21 kW(IEC-61851-1 approved by Nissan)• • • • • •• •5m cable support • • •Socket SAE J-1772 / Yazakidirect to the <strong>vehicle</strong>• • •Direct output with 5 m cable and typeI socket according to IEC-62196-2• • •Operating LEDs Mode 3 • • • • • • • •Type II socket according to IEC-62196-2 • • • • •Light indication for Charging status • • • • • • • •BS Self-extinguishing plasticenclosure with IP 54 protection• • • • • • • •Built-in energy meter • • • • •Identification/prepayment via RFID • • • • • •LEDs display credits • • •RS-485 communications • • • • • •Ethernet connection • • •3G / GPRS communications Optional Optional OptionalData storage • • •Display and Timer • • •DimensionsRVE-WB-SmartRVE-WBC-CP1125 mm225 mmRVE-WBCRVE-WBC320 mmV-12

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>RVE-CM / RVE-WB-SLSmart solution for car parks with many outletsDescriptionThe multipoint system of the RVE familyhas been designed to offer an <strong>smart</strong>electrical <strong>vehicle</strong>s <strong>charge</strong> solution to carparks with multiple outlets for electrical<strong>vehicle</strong>s.This solution allows an intelligent electrical<strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>charge</strong> management from highnumber of electrical <strong>vehicle</strong>s, controllingdifferent parameters of the electric networkand the <strong>vehicle</strong>s connected to it,as well as user and car park managerpreferences. That way users can get politeresults on <strong>vehicle</strong>s re<strong>charge</strong> allowingthem to <strong>charge</strong> their <strong>vehicle</strong>s under thebetter conditions as for electrical ratesor for immediate <strong>charge</strong> if needed. Alsothe car park manager can get a maximumoptimization with this solution thatalso takes care of a power demand controlmanaging the loads of electrical <strong>vehicle</strong>sand the network capacity in orderto avoid a overload but in the same waytaking the maximum advantage of it. Inaddition this solution is ready to detect avery high number of possible problems onthe electrical networks in order to reportand operate to prevent them.The system also allows the integration withpayment systems as well as the exportationof accurate electrical data like totalconsumption, partial consumption, differentproblems on the electrical network, events,historical load data, etc.The system consists of 2 units, on one sidewe have the remote outlet RVE-WB-SL thatallows the <strong>vehicle</strong> to connect to the electricalnetwork and on the other side we havethe master controller RVE-CM that bringsintelligence to the system.The units RVE-WB-SL has been specificallydesigned to be installed next to the <strong>vehicle</strong>parking space in order to connect it ina simple and handy way when rechargingthe electrical <strong>vehicle</strong>s. This unit consists ofa robust box made to be mounted on carpark wall and hold up a continuous utilizationfrom the users. One outlet for electrical<strong>vehicle</strong> connection is available as a well asa light indicator to show the user the re<strong>charge</strong>status. Energy metering is also internallyincluded in order to let the user know theelectrical <strong>vehicle</strong> consumption plugged into.The same unit has communications withthe master controller as well as RCCB andMCB electrical protections in order to managethe electrical power in an intelligent way.This protections also prevents users andthe installation from any kind of problem.The CCL-CM20 unit brings intelligenceand user interface to the system. This unithas a touch screen for user input as wellas a RFID card reader to identify the user.Likewise the unit CCL-CM20 can be integratedwith other readers as magnetic stripeor bar code in order to integrate the useridentification with car park tickets. This hasbeen designed also to allow integration withother payment systems in the car parks.The CCL-20 has TCP-IP connection availableas well as an open protocol for its easyintegration. Each CCL-CM20 controllermanages up to 32 CCL-SL remote outletsand if an upgrade in remote outlets numberis needed more CCL-CM20 units canbe added making up a single system whenoperating and integrating.The multipoint system of the RVE family hasbeen designed to offer <strong>smart</strong> charging forcar parks with multiple sockets. Managementof the multi-point charging system isvery important, as the possibility may ariseof several <strong>vehicle</strong>s charging at the sametime. Optimal management of consumption,balancing phases and the harmonicslevel are necessary for this type of systemand installation. This solution offers simultaneous<strong>smart</strong> charging of a large numberof electric <strong>vehicle</strong>s, control of different parametersof the electrical network and the<strong>vehicle</strong>s connected to it, as well as userpreferences for total parking space management.The system also enables paymentand billing systems, as well as the exportand editing of electric data, such as totaland partial consumption, the different problemsand incidents in the electrical network,events, historical data, etc.V-14

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>RVE-WB-SLSmart solution for car parks withmany outletsFeaturesTechnical FeaturesPower input230 VAC o 400 VACFrequency input50...60 HzOutput voltage230 VAC o 400 VACMaximum output current16 A or 32 A according to typePower measurementBuilt-in meterWorking temperature -10...+60 ºCCaracterísticas mecánicasEnvelopeABS-PC plastic boxDegree of mechanical protection IK-10Degree of IP protection IP 54Anclaje4 puntos para selección de paredWeight3 KgStandardsEN 61851-1, IEC 61000, IEC 60364-4-41, IEC 60884-1, IEC 61010, UNE-EN55011, ISO 14443 ADimensionsDescription• yWall-mounted charging box125 mm225 mm320 mm• yType I, Type II or Schuko connector• yMode 1 Charging (types with Schuko connector)• yMode 3 Charging, in compliance with the IEC 61851-1• y(Connector types - in compliance with IEC 62196-2)• ySelf-extinguishing ABS plastic housing• yCompact dimensions• yBuilt-in energy measurement system• yCharging status light indicators• yIndoor use• ySimple installation, wall-mounted• yRS-485 CommunicationsReferencesRVE-WB-Type RVE-WB-SL RVE-WBML RVE-WBML-TRI RVE-WBCL RVE-WB-MIX-L MIX-L-TRICode V22130 V22140 V22145 V22150 V22153 V22155Charging mode 1/2Single-phase 230 VAC, 16 A, 3,6 kW• • •Charging mode 3Single-phase 230 VAC, 16/32 A, 7,2 kW•Charging mode 3Single-phase 230 VAC, 16 A, 3,6 kW• •Charging mode 3Single-phase 230 VAC, 16 A, 3,6 kW• •Type II socket according to IEC-62196-2 - 1 1 - 1 1Shucko socket type 1 - - - 1 1Salida directa con cable de 5 m yconector tipo I según IEC-62196-2- - - • - -Light indication for Charging status • • • • • •Built-in energy meter • • • • • •Comunication with master controller • • • • • •RVE-CM20 V22110 Master controller for 32 socketsV-16

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>RVE-Mode 1Slow-Re<strong>charge</strong> Outdoor PostsDescriptionFeaturesThe <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>charge</strong> posts of the RVE familyof products, has been designed to fit allneeds in electrical <strong>vehicle</strong>s re<strong>charge</strong> on thestreet, compliant with all electrical securityregulations as well as access security andmetering and consumption management.The robustness for its use and against vandalismis one of the aspects taken in accountwhen designing and developing thisequipment, as well as fit them with a temperateand <strong>smart</strong> aesthetic design.All family RVE range of products has beenthought to give the electrical <strong>vehicle</strong> user,a simple method for re<strong>charge</strong> his <strong>vehicle</strong>everywhere he parks it, that way the rechargingposts has been equipped with asimple access system and energy paymentthrough contactless cards, as well as a handyand easy opening and closing system,that way all the re<strong>charge</strong> process could befulfilled with only a few steps by any userwithout technical knowledge needs.ApplicationsAll outdoor places or these that could beused for any kind of <strong>vehicle</strong> parking (cars,motorcycles, bikes, transport, cleaning, …).An example of this could be public street,public outdoor car parks, outdoor car parkson big malls, airports, car rental companies,cleaning companies, etc.FeaturesAnti-vandalism stainless steel bodyCoated with anti-graffiti paintAccess and prepayment with proximity cardsDisplay for credit monitoringIntegrated energy measurementIntegrated electrical protectionswith automatic reconnectionProtection system against energy attempted theftAnti-vandalism opening systemReady for outdoor use (IP54)Smart aesthetic designDifferent typesCommon technical featuresPower input230 V ACTolerance ± 10 %Frequency input50 ... 60 HzPower output230 V ACMaximum current output16 A per outletConnectorSchuko “CEE 7/4” (Others under request)EnergyIntegrated energy meterRCCBSelf-reclosingRFID readerISO 14443ARFID frequency13,56 MHzTemperature range -20 ... + 50 ºCBuild featuresSurfaceGray polyester paint RAL 9006 with anti-graffiti coatSurroundStainless steel 3mm thickness AISI304Degree of mechanical protectionIK9Degree of IP protection IP 54AnchorTemplate for fixing on floor with 4 boltsStandardsEN 61851-1 : 2001 par1, IEC 61000, IEC 60364-4-41, IEC 61008-1,IEC 60884-1 , IEC 60529, IEC 61010, UNE-EN55011, ISO 14443AV-18

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>RVE-Mode 1Slow-Re<strong>charge</strong> Outdoor PostsDimensionsReferencesType Code Communications Charging sockets Power Dimensions weight (kg)RVE-2 V10120 - 2 2 x 3,6 kW Ø 214 mm x 1230 mm 40RVE-2 COM V10125 RS-485 2 2 x 3,6 kW Ø 214 mm x 1230 mm 40RVE-2 IP V10130 TCP/IP 2 2 x 3,6 kW Ø 214 mm x 1230 mm 41RVE-2 MOV V10135 TCP/IP 2 2 x 3,6 kW Ø 214 mm x 1230 mm 43Single technical featuresType Code DescriptionRVE-2V10120Outdoor charging post with 2 single-phase Schuko sockets (230 VAC)16 A per socket, 7.2 kW - Mode 1• Circular stainless steel housing, coated with an anti-graffiti finish, IP54 protection, mobileconnection protection head, 1 Schuko socket and side maintenance door• Dimensions: 1230x214 mm (closed) (Height x Width)• Includes an energy meter, ISO 14443A prepaid proximity card system, availablecredit and charging status information display, independent circuit breaker protectionby outlet and automatic earth leakage protection reclosing systemsRVE-2 COM V10125 Same performance features as the RVE-2 model, plus RS-485 communicationsRVE-2 IPRVE-2 MOVV10130V10135Same performance features as the RVE-2 COM model, plus Ethernetcommunications and charging data storage systemSame performance features as the RVE-2 IP model, plus motorizedcircuit breaker and overvoltage protection elementsV-19

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>RVE-P-Mode 1/3Slow-<strong>charge</strong> outdoor postsDescriptionThe <strong>vehicle</strong> charging posts of the RVE-2mode 1/3 range require highly specific featuresin terms of robustness to withstandchangeable environmental conditions oracts of vandalism. Likewise, in addition tothese special features, they must offer adequateelectrical safety measures for equipmentwith these features. To this end, CIR-CUTOR offers innovative <strong>smart</strong> chargingsolutions that are adapted to the specialconditions of urban roads, for all types of <strong>vehicle</strong>s(two and four-wheel <strong>vehicle</strong>s), whichcomply with the latest international chargingregulations, while offering different solutionsfor each type of installation.FeaturesFeaturesVandal-proof polyurethane enclosureScalable and modular systemCompact, reduced dimensionsBuilt-in communications(Built-in Ethernet and RS-485 communications,Optional 3G Communications)Built-in energy meterIntegrated earth leakage protection withautomatic reclosing systemProtection system against attempted electricity theftElegant, visually pleasing designSmart charging<strong>Electric</strong> safetyThese solutions have also been designedto <strong>charge</strong> electric <strong>vehicle</strong>s adapted to rapidcharging of batteries, while complying with allmode 3 features, in accordance with the IEC61851-1 standard, as well as with the electricaland safety standards for accessing, measuringand managing consumption.ApplicationAll outdoor places or these that could beused for any kind of <strong>vehicle</strong> parking (cars,motorcycles, bikes, transport, cleaning, …).An example of this could be public street,public outdoor car parks, outdoor car parkson big malls, airports, car rental companies,cleaning companies, etc.Light indicatorConnection to SCADA control softwareRemote control and monitoring of the unitIntegration with third-party software (OCCP, XML, etc)Common technical featuresPower input230 V AC/ 400 V AC(in accordance with the type)Tolerance ± 10 %Frequency input50 ... 60 HzPower output230 V AC/ 400 V AC(in accordance with the type)Maximum current output32 ... 64 A (in accordance with the socket)Current measurebuilt-in meterRCCBSelf-reclosingRFID readerISO 14443ARFID frequency13,56 MHzTemperature range -20 ... + 50 ºCBuild featuresSurroundGray polyester paint RAL 9006 with anti-graffiti coatDegree of mechanical protection IK10Degree of IP protection IP 54AnchorTemplate for fixing on floor with 4 boltsStandardsEN 61851-1 : 2001 parte1, IEC 61000, IEC 60364-4-41, IEC 61008-1,IEC 60884-1 , IEC 60529, IEC 61010, UNE-EN55011, ISO 14443AV-20

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>CHADEMORVE-QP (CHAdeMO protocol)Fast-<strong>charge</strong> outdoor postDescriptionfeaturesCIRCUTOR’s fast charging units are thefastest solutions to be found in the marketnowadays. Their innovative, original designoffers a fast and easy way to <strong>charge</strong> a <strong>vehicle</strong>in accordance with the CHAdeMOprotocol for direct current charging. Specialattention has been paid during the designof the equipment to ease of installation andelectrical protection to increase user safety.CIRCUTOR fast charging stations, followingthe CHAdeMO protocol, can <strong>charge</strong> electric<strong>vehicle</strong>s in just a few minutes (15 ~ 30 min.),depending on battery capacity and <strong>charge</strong>level. The equipment has built-in communications(Ethernet, 3G, etc) that can establisha permanent connection with remotecontrol stations, from which the chargingequipment’s data can be monitored in realtime and which can be used to operate theequipment remotely, implementing a managementmethod to increase equipmentprofitability with ease.ApplicationFast charging requires special electrical installationsdue to the large amounts of energyrequired over short periods. This is whyCHAdeMO is intended for installation in carparks or other specially-adapted sites wherea need for this type of charging is expected.Features<strong>Electric</strong>al featuresPower inputThree-phase 400 V ACFrecuency50 / 60 HzMax. consumption70 kVAMaximum output voltage500 V DCMaximum output current125 A ACMaximum curve1,5% load curveEfficiency 92%Measurement error in voltage and current 1%Voltage and current sampling100 msEfficiency more than 92%Charging featuresVelocidad de cargaTipo recargaAverage charging speed of less than 15 minutes.Modular, scalable system.User protected and isolated power module.Compact, reduced size system.Integrated communications.Intelligent charging.Option of mixed AC/DC systems Modes 3 and 4.<strong>Electric</strong>al safety.IP54 Protection.Elegant aesthetic design.User-friendly interface with easy-to-use touchscreen.Light indication.Average <strong>charge</strong> in just a few minutes(15 ~ 30 min.) depending on the batterycapacity and the level of dis<strong>charge</strong>Smart <strong>charge</strong>Modos de recarga Mode 3 and Mode 4Mechanical featuresIsolation4 kVProtection degree IP 55StandardsIEC 62196-1, UL 2551V-22

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>RVE-QP (CHAdeMO protocol)Fast-<strong>charge</strong> outdoor postDimensions280 mm380 mm1589 mmReferencesUnit ControlType Code Socket type Power Output Maximum Output current For connecto with: Charning ModeRVE-QP1 V15010 1 type CHAdeMO 50 kWDC 125 A DC1 x RVE-QPM Mode 4 CHAdeMORVE-QP2 V15020 2 type CHAdeMO 2 x 50 kWDC 2 x 125 A DC2 x RVE-QPM Mode 4 CHAdeMORVE-QP-MIXV150301 type CHAdeMO +1 type II accordingto IEC 62196-250 kWDC /22 kW AC125 A DC32 A AC1 x RVE-QPM-MIXMode 4 CHAdeMOMode 3 IEC 61851Power UnitTpe Code Power-Supply Power Output Maximum Output current For connect with:RVE-QPMV15040Three-phase - 400 V AC50/60 Hz50 kW DC125 A DCRVE-QPM1RVE-QPM2RVE-QPM-MIXV15045Three-phase - 400 V AC50/60 Hz50 kW DC22 kW AC125 A DC32 A ACRVE-QPM-MIXV-23

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>RVE-CBPost for two-wheeled <strong>vehicle</strong>sDescriptionFeaturesThe 2 wheel <strong>vehicle</strong> charging solutionof the RVE family has been designed tocover up the needs of 2 wheel electrical<strong>vehicle</strong>s like motorcycles or electricalbikes, compliant with all electrical securityregulations as well as access security andmetering and consumption management.This solution consists of a controller thatmanages prepayment through RFID proximitycards and allows the outlet selectionand manages the consumption en eachoutlet. Furthermore this solution integratessecurity systems to fit users and electrical<strong>vehicle</strong>s.Joint to the controller there is a bracketwith all electricity outlets for different kindsof 2 wheel <strong>vehicle</strong>s, each outlet is separatefrom the others in a specific distance thatallows parking the <strong>vehicle</strong> for rechargingpurposes in a comfortable way.The robustness for its use and againstvandalism as well as installation and usefacilities is one of the aspects taken in accountwhen designing and developing thisequipment. Furthermore this equipmentemphasizes for its compact design withhigh technological level integrated.All family RVE range of products has beenthought to give the electrical <strong>vehicle</strong> user,a simple method for re<strong>charge</strong> his <strong>vehicle</strong>everywhere he parks it, that way, the rechargingboxes has been equipped witha simple access system and energy paymentthrough contactless cards, that wayall the re<strong>charge</strong> process could be fulfilledwith only a few steps by any user withouttechnical knowledge needs.FeaturesAnti-vandalism stainless steel bodyAccess and prepayment with proximity cardsDisplay for credit monitoringPush buttons for outlet selectionIntegrated energy measurementIntegrated electrical protectionswith self-reclosing systemProtection system against energy attempted theftSmart aesthetic designCommon technical featuresPower input230 V ACTolerance ± 10 %Frequency input50 ... 60 HzPower output230 V ACMaximum consumption per outlet3,6 kWMaximum current output16 A each socketConnectorSchuko “CEE 7/4” (Others under request)EnergyIntegrated energy meterEarth Lekage protectionSelf-reclosing systemRFID readerISO 14443ARFID frequency13,56 MHzTemperature range -20 ... +50 ºCBuild featuresSurfaceGrey polyester paint RAL 9006 with anti-graffiti coatSurroundFE ST37 2 mm thicknessIP protection degree IP 54AnchorFloor fixingStandarsEN 61851-1 : 2001 part 1, IEC 61000 ,IEC 60364-4-41, IEC 61008 – 1, IEC 60884-1, IEC60529, IEC61010, UNE-EN55011, ISO 14443AV-24

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>RVE-CBPost for two-wheeled <strong>vehicle</strong>sDimensionesApplications2780 mmThe re<strong>charge</strong> stations for two wheel <strong>vehicle</strong>shas been designed to be installed on publicstreet or in dedicated parks for motorbikes orbikes, its special design makes it ideal to fitany installation place where any 2 wheel <strong>vehicle</strong>can park.1016 mm2870 mm (3 sockets)5510 mm (6 sockets)ReferencesType Code Communication Internal memory Socket Type Max. PowerRechargingmodeWeight(Kg)RVE - CB3V12110Ethernet and RS-485 (3G Optional)- 3 Shucko type 3 x 3,6 kW Mode 1 y 2 46RVE - CB6V12120Ethernet and RS-485 (3G Optional)- 6 Shucko type 6 x 3,6 kW Mode 1 y 2 67V-25

<strong>Electric</strong> <strong>vehicle</strong> <strong>smart</strong> <strong>charge</strong>+ informationn: central@circutor.eswww.circutor.comDesigned by: Comunication dpt. - CIRCUTOR, SACIRCUTOR, SA - Vial Sant Jordi, s/n08232 Viladecavalls (Barcelona) EspañaTel. (+34) 93 745 29 00 - Fax: (+34) 93 745 29 14central@circutor.esCIRCUTOR, SA se reserva el derecho de modificar cualquier información contenida en este catálogo.

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