2009: A New Era for Rawabi Holding

2009: A New Era for Rawabi Holding

2009: A New Era for Rawabi Holding


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Continued from Page 1EVENTSLadies and gentlemen,I hereby present to you <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s<strong>New</strong> Vision, Mission and Values.Our vision:Is to be the leading regional provider ofproducts and services to a diversified rangeof key industries, and by doing so to contributeto the economic development andquality of life in the countries where weoperate.Our values:In all we do, we will uphold our corevalues:• Integrity• Customer Focus• Professionalism• People Development• Corporate Social ResponsibilityOur Mission:We will achieve our vision through organicdevelopment and strategic partnerships,with long-term commitment to provide:Know How toDrive People• Strong technical expertise• Superior quality products and services• A solid network of business relationships• A rewarding and professional workenvironment.One of the main points we have focused onwith CDS is implementing Corporate Governanceand en<strong>for</strong>cing separation of ownershipand management. In <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’snew corporate structure, which is to be effectiveimmediately, we have appointed aFamily Council equivalent to the general assemblyin the Joint Stock companies. TheFamily Council is authorized to appoint theChairman and to approve the nominationsof the Board of Directors.<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>Holding</strong>’s new Board of Directorsconsists of five members; the Group Chairman,the executive Board Member, thenon-executive Board Member, and twoindependent Board members, who are yetto be elected. Today, I no longer stand asChairman and CEO. My job title has becomeGroup Chairman.The Executive Board Member will be ournew CEO, who will be responsible <strong>for</strong> runningthe operations of the group. The CEOwill hire executive staff including the newChief Operations Officer, the Chief FinancialOfficer, and the Chief Corporate ServicesOfficer.It is my honor to present <strong>Rawabi</strong> Group’snew CEO, Mr. Osman Ali Ibrahim.As <strong>for</strong> the Non-Executive Board Member,the Vice Chairman <strong>New</strong> Business Developmentwill be appointed to fill this position.The responsibilities of Vice Chairman <strong>New</strong>Business Development include receivingspecial assignments directly from the Chairman.He will also represent the Chairmaninfront of external parties.With pleasure I announce to you <strong>Rawabi</strong>Group’s Vice Chairman and Head of <strong>New</strong>Business Development, Eng. Ali Alturki.Dear <strong>Rawabi</strong> Employees,Our slogan in <strong>Rawabi</strong> is “we make it happen”.Change is never easy; however, whenwe cooperate and work hand in hand, wedefinitely will make it happen.Thank you very much and may <strong>2009</strong> be asuccessful year to all!AlTurki Guest at YoungBusinessmen CouncilLast January, Sh. Abdulaziz AlTurki, <strong>Rawabi</strong>Group Chairman, was invited to speak atan event organized by Asharqia Young BusinessmenCouncil (AYBC) at Asharqia Chamberof Commerce. In an audience of youngbusinessmen and businesswomen, as wellas distinguished guests, Sh. AlTurki presenteda series of interesting stories abouthis childhood, his educational background,and the different experiences that he encounteredthroughout his long career as aleading Saudi businessman. He spoke abouthis different failures as well as his successstories and how they all contributed tomaking him the man he is today.Sh. AlTurki spoke about the history of<strong>Rawabi</strong> which he divided into three phases.Phase One: setting the fundamentals andstrategies; Phase Two: creating the rightbusiness plan <strong>for</strong> each different phase; andPhase Three: managing the development ofthe actual business.Phase One: setting the fundamentalsand the strategies which included:• Proper planning• Hiring the right person in the right place• Decentralization• Delegating Authorities• Providing an appropriate workenvironment• Attracting the most qualified talentsespecially qualified Saudis• Setting a clear vision and mission andplanning how to apply the mission• Building team work• Using modern managerial methods tomotivate employees• Segregation of ownership andmanagement• Objectives Management• Being role models to other employees,becoming the change you wish to see• Applying mutual respect in theworkplace• Being active listenersPhase Two: creating a business plan <strong>for</strong>each phase. This phase was divided intothree stages:1- Building Stage: focusing on increasingprofitability of existing companies andimproving their structure.2- Local Expansion Stage: expanding thebusiness by building fully owned subsidiarieswith a focus on specialized services like<strong>Rawabi</strong> Industrial Support Services and<strong>Rawabi</strong> Corrosion Technology Company.3- International Expansion Stage: expandingthe business by heavily investing inJoint Ventures with technically stronginternational partners.Phase Three: developing the business tomaintain it and secure its continuity:This phase included studying the <strong>for</strong>merphases to understand the way <strong>Rawabi</strong> ranits business in order to avoid any disadvantagesor obstacles and to prepare the Group<strong>for</strong> the future. The company was built tolast and in order <strong>for</strong> it to last it must be flexibleand adjustable and its managementmust be adaptable to international and localdevelopments.The management of <strong>Rawabi</strong>, explained Sh.AlTurki, had to study every phase and reviewits business systems so that it was inline with current practices. <strong>Rawabi</strong> hired aconsultancy to do the job and to assess itsvision, mission, values and philosophy.Alturki’s presentation was concluded witha Q & A session. The event is available onDVD upon request.By Mr. Osman A. Ibrahim<strong>Rawabi</strong> Group CEOManagers need to know what drives theiremployees. Do you?If you put people in jobs where they canmeet their needs while doing the workthat’s important to the organization, you’llhave employees who are more motivated toper<strong>for</strong>m at their best.Managers have to make the workplace aplace where employees feel good aboutthemselves and where their work makesthem feel good inside as well. When employeescome to work, they can’t turn offtheir human side, in other words, their humannature. Employees’ needs don’t shiftwhen they walk through the workplacedoor. To get people to per<strong>for</strong>m at high levels,you must plug into their human side ortheir human nature, affirm them, and helpthem meet their own needs.Start by paying attention. Watch peopledoing their jobs. What gets them excited?What turns them on? What turns themoff? Encourage employees to try out theirown methods, provided those methods arecompatible with effectively getting the jobdone.Next, send out an employee survey aboutattitudes in the workplace and ask <strong>for</strong> suggestions<strong>for</strong> improvements. Once you getthis feedback, don’t ignore results. Use thefindings to make changes that will improveeveryone’s working conditions, includingyours.Of course, you can’t help every employeemeet every need. And there are certaindangers in expecting an employee’s job, nomatter how gratifying, to constitute his orher entire life. However, there are certainsteps that all mangers can take to help theiremployees meet some, or even several, oftheir inner desires that will drive them to doall their best and find greater motivation inthe process.Here are three main ways to go about doingthis more effectively:1) APPRECIATE EVERYONE’S UNIQUENESS--honor and appreciate individuals’ talentsand differences that employees bring to theorganization2) BRAINSTORM FOR GREATER FULFILL-MENT--you will discover what employeeswould like to get from their work3) ASSUME THAT MEANINGFUL PURPOSE ISIMPORTANT TO PEOPLE--ask employees todescribe their ideal job and what they likeor don’t like about their work and then usewhat you learn to make work fulfilling.Article from Alyaum <strong>New</strong>spaperضيف البرنامج رجل اعمالعبدالعزيز التركيالتاريخ احد ‎٢٠‎م ٠ ٩/١/١١الوقت ٧:٣٠ مساءً‏المكان بمقر الغرفة التجاريةمحاور البرنامج‏(للرجال)‏قاعة الشيخ سعد المعجلمرحلة الطفولة – القيم التي تم الاستفادة منها.‏مرحلة الدراسة.‏مرحلة العمل مع اخوان – إختلاف الفلسفة.‏مرحلة استقلال – روابي.‏الحديث عن روابي – السياسة والرسالة والرؤية.‏إستعراض بعض قصص الفشل والنجاح.‏تجربة العمل الخيري.‏شركة أرباح الماليةلشباب وشابات اعمال لحضور برنامجتجربتي‏(للنساء)‏قاعة الجزيرةللنساء/‏‎8991609‎ تحويلة 8208.١.٢.٣.٤.٥.٦.٧2 <strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>New</strong>s | Jan-Mar <strong>2009</strong>, Issue 18<strong>Rawabi</strong> <strong>New</strong>s | Jan-Mar <strong>2009</strong>, Issue 18 3

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