2011/2012 Catalog - Colorado State University-Pueblo

2011/2012 Catalog - Colorado State University-Pueblo 2011/2012 Catalog - Colorado State University-Pueblo

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Course Description InformationREC 584 Outdoor Resources and Management 3(3-0)Advanced study of the outdoor recreation experience, theorganization of resource-based recreation management andkey outdoor recreation policy issues. Prerequisite: graduatestanding or permission of instructor. (S)REC 591 Special Topics (1-5 VAR)Graduate level of study designed to increase understanding inareas not covered by the department. (*) RepeatableRUSSIAN (RUS)UNDERGRADUATE COURSESRUS 101 Introduction to Russian I 3(3-0)Pronunciation, conversation, grammar, alphabet, easyreading and writing. (F)RUS 102 Beginning Spoken Russian II 3(3-0)Students are placed by the department. Practice in oral, aural,reading and writing experiences. (F,S)RUS 201 Intermediate Russian I 5(5-0)Grammar and vocabulary. Reading of short stories, oral andwritten reports. Prerequisite: RUS 102 or equivalent. (*)RUS 202 Intermediate Russian II 5(5-0)Prerequisite: RUS 201 or equivalent. (*)RUS 211 Russian Conversation 2(2-0)Intensive practice. Prerequisite: RUS 102 or equivalent. (*)RUS 303 Conv and Comp: Russian 3(3-0)Focus on improving linguistic proficiency within the context ofRussian culture. Prerequisite: RUS 202 or equivalent. (*)RUS 311 Advanced Russian Conversation 2(2-0)Intensive practice. Prerequisite: RUS 211 or permission ofinstructor. (*)RUS 341 Russian Short Story 2(2-0)Selected short stories. Discussion of ideas, art and authors.Stress on both oral and written work. Prerequisite: RUS 202or permission of instructor. (*)SCIENCE (SCI)GRADUATE COURSESCI 500 Workshop (1-4 VAR)Science workshops designed specifically for professionaldevelopment of science teachers. Workshops are subtitledand no subtitle may be repeated for credit (not for MSANScredit). Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission ofinstructor. (*) RepeatableSOCIOLOGY (SOC)UNDERGRADUATE COURSESSOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3(3-0)The scientific study of patterns and processes of humansocial relations. (*)SOC 105 (POLSC, PSYCH, WS 105) UnderstandingHuman Diversity 3(3-0)Americans live in a complex and diverse society. This courseexamines the nature, impact and strategies for dealing withdiversity in personal and social contexts. (*)SOC 155 Minority and Ethnic Relations 3(3-0)Sociological theories, studies, and findings concerning groupmaintenance and interaction in contemporary society. (*)SOC 201 Social Problems 3(3-0)Sociological perspectives applied to an understanding ofglobal and domestic social problem, including theenvironment, corporate control, economic and politicalinequalities, health care, and crime. (*)SOC 203 The Criminal Justice System 3(3-0)This course examines origin, nature, and utilization of criminallaw; policing, court adjudication and sentencing; jails andprisons; community based corrections; criminal justice policy.(*)SOC 206 (WS 206) Gender and Society 3(3-0)Examination and evolution of relationships between sex roles,culture, and societal institutions and processes. Includes ananalysis of sexual stratification. (*)SOC 212 (ANTHR 212) The Forensics of Bones3(3-0)Familiarize students with the basic procedures used byforensic anthropologists to obtain evidence in criminalinvestigations. (*)SOC 231 (PSYCH, WS 231) Marriage and FamilyRelationships 3(3-0)Marriage and family from an institutional and relationshipperspective; cross-cultural diversity, mate selection, maritaldynamics, parenting, divorce, remarriage, emerging patterns.(*)SOC 250 (ANTHR 250) The Sacred in Culture 3(3-0)Concepts of the supernatural studied cross-culturally and inparticular cultures. Consideration of how religion helpsindividuals adjust to stress and aging. (*)SOC 252 (ANTHR 252) Culture and Personality 3(3-0)Relationship between group processes and personalityfactors in a cross-cultural perspective. (*)SOC 291 Special Topics (1-3 VAR) (*) RepeatableSOC 301 Sociological Methods 3(3-0)The methods of research and investigation in sociology andthe social sciences. Prerequisite: SOC 101. (F,S)SOC 302 Collective Behavior and Social Movements3(3-0)An analysis of elementary forms of spontaneous andunstructured behavior (panics, rumors), and complex forms ofmore structured group phenomena (riots, social movements.)Prerequisite: SOC 101. (S)SOC 303 Crime and Deviance 3(3-0)The nature and causes of crime as well as of behavior definedas socially deviant, including violent, corporate, politicalcrimes; sexual, cultural, political deviance. Prerequisite: SOC101 and 203. (F)SOC 305 (WS 305) Crime and Women 3(3-0)Exploration of social, cultural and political variables thatcreate both women victims and women criminals. (*)SOC 306 Delinquency and Juvenile Justice 3(3-0)Theory and history of delinquency; relationship to family, peergroups, schools, gangs, drugs, young offenders legislation,juvenile courts and police response, youth corrections. (*)SOC 308 Popular Culture 3(3-0)Advertising, television, music, novels, and the news areamong the topics to be investigated for their socialsignificance. (*)272 | Colorado State University-Pueblo

Course Description InformationSOC 310 (ANTHR 310) Social and Cultural Theory 3(3-0)Examine from classical to contemporary theory in sociologyand anthropology. (*)SOC 320 Modern Social Perspectives 3(3-0)Social ideas and theory of the 20th century and early 21stcentury. Topics such as gender, environment, globalization,and information will be addressed. Prerequisite: SOC 101. (*)SOC 352 (PSYCH 352) Social Psychology 3(3-0)General and applied psychological principles of theindividual’s interaction with a group. Prerequisite: PSYCH 100or permission of instructor. (*)SOC 353 Penology 3(3-0)The history and role of corrections; correctional practice,relationship to law, prison society, working in prisons, specialneeds of prisoners, capital punishment, administration,privatization. Prerequisite: SOC 101 and 203. (*)SOC 354 Urban Sociology 3(3-0)Development of urban places; analysis of socio-economicorganization, urban social forces and the consequences forindividuals, groups and social institutions. (*)SOC 355 Political Sociology 3(3-0)Analysis of the major sociological variables associated withpolitical decision making and other political processes. (*)SOC 356 Social Stratification 3(3-0)Inquire into inequalities of wealth, power, and theconsequence for individuals and society. Prerequisite: SOC101 and 310. (*)SOC 358 Film and Society 3(3-0)An in-depth look at the images of social life and socialrelationships contained in popular movies. (*)SOC 359 Community Corrections 3(3-0)The development and practice of probation, parole, diversion,statutory release, electronic monitoring, halfway houses,privatization. (*)SOC 401 (ANTHR 401) Health, Culture and Society 3(3-0)Analysis of how social, cultural, and psychological factorsinfluence health and health care. (*)SOC 402 (ANTHR 402) Aging, Culture and Society 3(3-0)Cultural, sociological and psychological dimensions of aging.(*)SOC 403 (WS 403) Human Sexuality and Social Behavior(3-0)Sexuality and sexual conduct from a sociological and socialpsychological perspective. Prerequisite: junior or seniorstanding. (*)SOC 404 Poverty 3(3-0)Poverty in the United States, its measurement and extent,perpetuating conditions, lifestyle and anti-poverty programs.(*)SOC 405 Law and Society 3(3-0)The origins and functions of law; the social organization oflegal institutions and decisions; the relationship of law tomorality, justice and social change. (*)SOC 406 Sociology of Small Groups 3(3-0)Microsociological analysis of group structure, interaction anddynamics in institutional settings in modern society. (*)SOC 407 (WS 407) Family Violence 3(3-0)The extent, seriousness, and impact of the major forms ofdomestic violence. (*)SOC 408 Science, Technology, and the Future 3(3-0)Social and structural implications of science and technologyas they affect society. (*)SOC 409 Victimology 3(3-0)Study of the victims’ role in criminal transactions. Examinationoff individuals and groups as victims of officially defined crime,as well as other social injuries, not officially defined as crime.(*)SOC 410 Structural and Elite Crime 3(3-0)Examination of crimes and social injuries perpetrated byorganizational structures that do physical or economic harm tothe environment, their employees, and their customers. (*)SOC 411 Police and Society 3(3-0)The history and role of police; including patrol officers,detectives, specialty units, police discretion, women inpolicing, community policing, private policing, corruption,brutality, accountability. Prerequisite: SOC 101. (*)SOC 412 Occupations and Professions 3(3-0)Occupations and professions in modern society, includingchanging structures of careers, issues of expertise, impact ofgender and race, the role of education. Prerequisite: SOC101. (*)SOC 413 Patterns of Homicide 3(3-0)Examines the rates, types, patterns, and explanation ofhomicide in the United States and selected other countries.Prerequisite: SOC 101 and 203. (*)SOC 414 Serial Murder 3(3-0)Examines serial murder in historical and contemporarycontexts and assesses current control strategies includingforensic science and profiling. Prerequisite: SOC 101 and203. (*)SOC 415 Forensic Criminology 3(3-0)Course introduces students to variable aspects of MedicolegalDeath Investigation. Students will learn about investigatingdeaths caused by homicide, suicide, accidents, and naturalcauses. (*)SOC 416 (ANTHR 416) Crime and the Mind 3(3-0)Examination of ―crime‖ as an ongoing aspect of humanexistence. (*)SOC 417 Forensics & Homicide Investigations 3(3-0)Examines police investigations of homicide and presents acritical analysis of the role of forensic science in theidentification of suspects. Prerequisite: SOC 101 and 203. (*)SOC 418 Crime, Drugs and Social Policy 3(3-0)This course examines the way in which crime and drug policyis formulated, articulated, implemented, and evaluated. (*)SOC 419 Vice Crime 3(3-0)This course examines the causes, consequences, and controlof vice crimes such as drugs, gambling, and prostitution. (*)SOC 420 Explaining Crime 3(3-0)Examination of major sociological explanations of crime andtheir policy implications. Prerequisite: SOC 101 and 203. (S)SOC 421 Homicide, Courts & Corrections 3(3-0)Examines criminal law applicable to homicide, the courtprocessing of homicide cases, and the sanctions of lifeimprisonment and the death penalty. Prerequisite: SOC 101and 203. (*)SOC 422 Terrorism and Mass Murder 3(3-0)Examines mass murder, genocide, and terrorism around theworld and assesses current control initiatives. Prerequisite:SOC 101 and 203. (*)SOC 424 Organized Crime 3(3-0)This course examines how organized crime is defined andstructured, its causes, its historical roots, its differentmanifestations and control efforts, both domestically andinternationally. Prerequisite: SOC 101 and SOC 203. (*)Colorado State University-Pueblo | 273

Course Description InformationREC 584 Outdoor Resources and Management 3(3-0)Advanced study of the outdoor recreation experience, theorganization of resource-based recreation management andkey outdoor recreation policy issues. Prerequisite: graduatestanding or permission of instructor. (S)REC 591 Special Topics (1-5 VAR)Graduate level of study designed to increase understanding inareas not covered by the department. (*) RepeatableRUSSIAN (RUS)UNDERGRADUATE COURSESRUS 101 Introduction to Russian I 3(3-0)Pronunciation, conversation, grammar, alphabet, easyreading and writing. (F)RUS 102 Beginning Spoken Russian II 3(3-0)Students are placed by the department. Practice in oral, aural,reading and writing experiences. (F,S)RUS 201 Intermediate Russian I 5(5-0)Grammar and vocabulary. Reading of short stories, oral andwritten reports. Prerequisite: RUS 102 or equivalent. (*)RUS 202 Intermediate Russian II 5(5-0)Prerequisite: RUS 201 or equivalent. (*)RUS 211 Russian Conversation 2(2-0)Intensive practice. Prerequisite: RUS 102 or equivalent. (*)RUS 303 Conv and Comp: Russian 3(3-0)Focus on improving linguistic proficiency within the context ofRussian culture. Prerequisite: RUS 202 or equivalent. (*)RUS 311 Advanced Russian Conversation 2(2-0)Intensive practice. Prerequisite: RUS 211 or permission ofinstructor. (*)RUS 341 Russian Short Story 2(2-0)Selected short stories. Discussion of ideas, art and authors.Stress on both oral and written work. Prerequisite: RUS 202or permission of instructor. (*)SCIENCE (SCI)GRADUATE COURSESCI 500 Workshop (1-4 VAR)Science workshops designed specifically for professionaldevelopment of science teachers. Workshops are subtitledand no subtitle may be repeated for credit (not for MSANScredit). Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission ofinstructor. (*) RepeatableSOCIOLOGY (SOC)UNDERGRADUATE COURSESSOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3(3-0)The scientific study of patterns and processes of humansocial relations. (*)SOC 105 (POLSC, PSYCH, WS 105) UnderstandingHuman Diversity 3(3-0)Americans live in a complex and diverse society. This courseexamines the nature, impact and strategies for dealing withdiversity in personal and social contexts. (*)SOC 155 Minority and Ethnic Relations 3(3-0)Sociological theories, studies, and findings concerning groupmaintenance and interaction in contemporary society. (*)SOC 201 Social Problems 3(3-0)Sociological perspectives applied to an understanding ofglobal and domestic social problem, including theenvironment, corporate control, economic and politicalinequalities, health care, and crime. (*)SOC 203 The Criminal Justice System 3(3-0)This course examines origin, nature, and utilization of criminallaw; policing, court adjudication and sentencing; jails andprisons; community based corrections; criminal justice policy.(*)SOC 206 (WS 206) Gender and Society 3(3-0)Examination and evolution of relationships between sex roles,culture, and societal institutions and processes. Includes ananalysis of sexual stratification. (*)SOC 212 (ANTHR 212) The Forensics of Bones3(3-0)Familiarize students with the basic procedures used byforensic anthropologists to obtain evidence in criminalinvestigations. (*)SOC 231 (PSYCH, WS 231) Marriage and FamilyRelationships 3(3-0)Marriage and family from an institutional and relationshipperspective; cross-cultural diversity, mate selection, maritaldynamics, parenting, divorce, remarriage, emerging patterns.(*)SOC 250 (ANTHR 250) The Sacred in Culture 3(3-0)Concepts of the supernatural studied cross-culturally and inparticular cultures. Consideration of how religion helpsindividuals adjust to stress and aging. (*)SOC 252 (ANTHR 252) Culture and Personality 3(3-0)Relationship between group processes and personalityfactors in a cross-cultural perspective. (*)SOC 291 Special Topics (1-3 VAR) (*) RepeatableSOC 301 Sociological Methods 3(3-0)The methods of research and investigation in sociology andthe social sciences. Prerequisite: SOC 101. (F,S)SOC 302 Collective Behavior and Social Movements3(3-0)An analysis of elementary forms of spontaneous andunstructured behavior (panics, rumors), and complex forms ofmore structured group phenomena (riots, social movements.)Prerequisite: SOC 101. (S)SOC 303 Crime and Deviance 3(3-0)The nature and causes of crime as well as of behavior definedas socially deviant, including violent, corporate, politicalcrimes; sexual, cultural, political deviance. Prerequisite: SOC101 and 203. (F)SOC 305 (WS 305) Crime and Women 3(3-0)Exploration of social, cultural and political variables thatcreate both women victims and women criminals. (*)SOC 306 Delinquency and Juvenile Justice 3(3-0)Theory and history of delinquency; relationship to family, peergroups, schools, gangs, drugs, young offenders legislation,juvenile courts and police response, youth corrections. (*)SOC 308 Popular Culture 3(3-0)Advertising, television, music, novels, and the news areamong the topics to be investigated for their socialsignificance. (*)272 | <strong>Colorado</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>-<strong>Pueblo</strong>

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