2011/2012 Catalog - Colorado State University-Pueblo

2011/2012 Catalog - Colorado State University-Pueblo 2011/2012 Catalog - Colorado State University-Pueblo

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College of Education, Engineering, and Professional StudiesMATH 337 Differential Equations I .......................... 3PHYS 221/L General Physics I/Lab ........................... 5PHYS 222/L General Physics II/Lab .......................... 5ENG 101 Composition I ........................................ 3ENG 102 Composition II ....................................... 3SPCOM 103 Speaking and Listening ........................ 3General Education........................................................... 15__________TOTAL 49DEGREE TOTAL .......................................................... 129Technical electives must be chosen from an approved listor have the approval of an Engineering advisor.Typical Schedule of Courses for the BSE-Mechatronics DegreeFreshman YearCourses Titles CreditsEN 101 Introduction to Engineering ................... 2EN 103 Problem Solving for Engineers ............ 3EN 107 Engineering Graphics ........................... 2ENG 101 Composition I ........................................ 3ENG 102 Composition II ....................................... 3MATH 126 Calculus & Analytic Geometry I ............ 5MATH 224 Calculus & Analytic Geometry II ........... 5PHYS 221/L General Physics I/Lab ........................... 5General Education............................................................. 3__________TOTAL 31Sophomore YearCourses Titles CreditsEN 211 Engineering Mechanics I ...................... 3EN 212 Engineering Mechanics II ..................... 3EN 231/L Circuit Analysis I/Lab ............................ 5EN 260 Basic Electronics .................................. 2EN 263 Electromechanical Devices ................... 3EN 324/L Materials Science andEngineering/Lab.................................... 4MATH 207Matrix & Vector Algebra withApplications .......................................... 2MATH 337 Differential Equations I .......................... 3PHYS 222/L General Physics II/Lab .......................... 5__________TOTAL 30Junior YearCourses Titles CreditsEN 321 Thermodynamics .................................. 3EN 343 Engineering Economy ........................... 3EN 360 Control Systems I ................................. 3EN 361 Digital Electronics ................................. 4EN 362 Introduction to Mechatronics ................. 3EN 363 Virtual Machine Design ......................... 3EN 365 Stochastic Systems Engineering .......... 4EN 441/L Engineering of ManufacturingProcesses/Lab ...................................... 4EN 443 Quality Control and Reliability............... 3SPCOM 103 Speaking and Listening ........................ 3__________TOTAL 33Senior YearCourses Titles CreditsEN 430 Project Planning and Control ................ 3EN 460 Control Systems II ................................ 3EN 462 Industrial Robotics ................................ 3EN 473 Computer Integrated Manufacturing ..... 3EN 486 Senior Seminar ..................................... 2EN 487 Engineering Design .............................. 3Math/Science Electives ..................................................... 3Technical Electives ........................................................... 3General Education .......................................................... 12__________TOTAL 35BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIALENGINEERING (BSIE)The BSIE program has the following educationalobjectives and outcomes, which have been approved andare reviewed regularly by the BSIE Advisory Board.BSIE Program OutcomesThe BSIE program is designed so that students graduatefrom the program with the following abilities andknowledge:An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,science, and engineering;An ability to design and conduct experiments, as wellas to analyze and interpret data;An ability to design a system, component, or processto meet desired needs within realistic constraintssuch as economic, environmental, social, political,ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, andsustainability;An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams;An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineeringproblems;An understanding of professional and ethicalresponsibility;114 | Colorado State University-Pueblo

College of Education, Engineering, and Professional StudiesAn ability to communicate effectively;The broad education necessary to understand theimpact of engineering solutions in a global, economic,environmental, and societal context;A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engagein life-long learning;A knowledge of contemporary issues; andAn ability to use the techniques, skills, and modernengineering tools necessary for engineering practice.BSIE Educational ObjectivesDuring the first few years after graduation, BSIE graduatesshould be able to:Identify root causes of symptoms and fix problems insituations where data and resources may be lackingand multiple problems may exist;Function well on teams of engineers with different skilllevels;Obtain jobs of increasing responsibility applyingindustrial engineering skills and knowledge to a widerange of problems in a wide range of industries;Continue their education, for example, in MS, PhD,and MBA programs;Obtain additional certifications, such as ProfessionalEngineer, Six Sigma Black Belt, or CertifiedManufacturing Engineer; andAchieve management positions.Specific Requirements for the BSIE DegreeStudents are required to have earned a cumulative GPA of2.000 or better in required EN courses.EN Courses Titles CreditsEN 101 Introduction to Engineering ................... 2EN 103 Problem Solving for Engineers ............ 3EN 107 Engineering Graphics ........................... 2EN 211 Engineering Mechanics I ...................... 3EN 212 Engineering Mechanics II ..................... 3EN 215 Introduction to Industrial andSystems Engineering ............................ 3EN 231/L Circuit Analysis I/Lab ............................ 5EN 321 Thermodynamics I ................................ 3EN 324/L Materials Science & Engineering/Lab ... 4EN 343 Engineering Economy ........................... 3EN 365 Stochastic Systems Engineering .......... 4EN 420 Simulation Experiments ........................ 4EN 430 Project Planning and control ................. 3EN 439 Time and Motion Studies ...................... 2EN 440 Safety Engineering ............................... 3EN 441/L Engineering of ManufacturingProcesses/Lab ...................................... 4EN 443 Quality Control and Reliability............... 3EN 471 Operations Research ............................ 3EN 473 Computer Integrated Manufacturing ..... 3EN 475 Facility, Planning and Design ............... 3EN 477 Operations Planning and Control .......... 3EN 486 Senior Seminar ..................................... 2EN 488 Industrial Engineering Design ............... 3Math/Science Electives ..................................................... 3Technical Electives ........................................................... 3__________TOTAL 77Other Required CoursesCourses Titles CreditsMATH 126 Calculus & Analytic Geometry I ............ 5MATH 207 Matrix & Vector Algebra withApplications .......................................... 2MATH 224 Calculus & Analytic Geometry II ........... 5MATH 337 Differential Equations I ......................... 3PHYS 221/L General Physics I/Lab .......................... 5PHYS 222/L General Physics II/Lab ......................... 5ENG 101 Composition I........................................ 3ENG 102 Composition II ....................................... 3SPCOM 103 Speaking and Listening ........................ 3General Education .......................................................... 15__________TOTAL 49DEGREE TOTAL .......................................................... 126Technical electives must be chosen from an approved listor have the approval of an Engineering advisor.Typical Schedule of Courses for the BSIE DegreeFreshman YearCourse Titles CreditsEN 101 Introduction to Engineering ................... 2EN 103 Problem Solving for Engineers ............ 3EN 107 Engineering Graphics ........................... 2ENG 101 Composition I........................................ 3ENG 102 Composition II ....................................... 3MATH 126 Calculus & Analytic Geometry I ............ 5MATH 224 Calculus & Analytic Geometry II ........... 5PHYS 221/L General Physics I/Lab .......................... 5General Education ............................................................ 3__________TOTAL 31Colorado State University-Pueblo | 115

College of Education, Engineering, and Professional StudiesMATH 337 Differential Equations I .......................... 3PHYS 221/L General Physics I/Lab ........................... 5PHYS 222/L General Physics II/Lab .......................... 5ENG 101 Composition I ........................................ 3ENG 102 Composition II ....................................... 3SPCOM 103 Speaking and Listening ........................ 3General Education........................................................... 15__________TOTAL 49DEGREE TOTAL .......................................................... 129Technical electives must be chosen from an approved listor have the approval of an Engineering advisor.Typical Schedule of Courses for the BSE-Mechatronics DegreeFreshman YearCourses Titles CreditsEN 101 Introduction to Engineering ................... 2EN 103 Problem Solving for Engineers ............ 3EN 107 Engineering Graphics ........................... 2ENG 101 Composition I ........................................ 3ENG 102 Composition II ....................................... 3MATH 126 Calculus & Analytic Geometry I ............ 5MATH 224 Calculus & Analytic Geometry II ........... 5PHYS 221/L General Physics I/Lab ........................... 5General Education............................................................. 3__________TOTAL 31Sophomore YearCourses Titles CreditsEN 211 Engineering Mechanics I ...................... 3EN 212 Engineering Mechanics II ..................... 3EN 231/L Circuit Analysis I/Lab ............................ 5EN 260 Basic Electronics .................................. 2EN 263 Electromechanical Devices ................... 3EN 324/L Materials Science andEngineering/Lab.................................... 4MATH 207Matrix & Vector Algebra withApplications .......................................... 2MATH 337 Differential Equations I .......................... 3PHYS 222/L General Physics II/Lab .......................... 5__________TOTAL 30Junior YearCourses Titles CreditsEN 321 Thermodynamics .................................. 3EN 343 Engineering Economy ........................... 3EN 360 Control Systems I ................................. 3EN 361 Digital Electronics ................................. 4EN 362 Introduction to Mechatronics ................. 3EN 363 Virtual Machine Design ......................... 3EN 365 Stochastic Systems Engineering .......... 4EN 441/L Engineering of ManufacturingProcesses/Lab ...................................... 4EN 443 Quality Control and Reliability............... 3SPCOM 103 Speaking and Listening ........................ 3__________TOTAL 33Senior YearCourses Titles CreditsEN 430 Project Planning and Control ................ 3EN 460 Control Systems II ................................ 3EN 462 Industrial Robotics ................................ 3EN 473 Computer Integrated Manufacturing ..... 3EN 486 Senior Seminar ..................................... 2EN 487 Engineering Design .............................. 3Math/Science Electives ..................................................... 3Technical Electives ........................................................... 3General Education .......................................................... 12__________TOTAL 35BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIALENGINEERING (BSIE)The BSIE program has the following educationalobjectives and outcomes, which have been approved andare reviewed regularly by the BSIE Advisory Board.BSIE Program OutcomesThe BSIE program is designed so that students graduatefrom the program with the following abilities andknowledge:An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,science, and engineering;An ability to design and conduct experiments, as wellas to analyze and interpret data;An ability to design a system, component, or processto meet desired needs within realistic constraintssuch as economic, environmental, social, political,ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, andsustainability;An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams;An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineeringproblems;An understanding of professional and ethicalresponsibility;114 | <strong>Colorado</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>-<strong>Pueblo</strong>

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