Original Line Cylinders - PW Romex

Original Line Cylinders - PW Romex

Original Line Cylinders - PW Romex


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Air <strong>Cylinders</strong> with Adjustable CushionsCushionEnergyAbsorption<strong>Cylinders</strong> with air cushions provide apossible solution to destructive energies. The air cushiontraps asmall amount of exhaust air at the end of stroke, providing an air pocket thatdecelerates the load. This reduces the potentially destructive energy being transmitted to thecylinder and other components. The following is abrief explanation on how to determine theenergy level of your application and decide if an air cushion can provide adequate energyabsorption. For amore detailed description, consult the factory at 1-800-44-BIMBA.Step 1.Determine the load to be stopped by the cylinder.Standard Air<strong>Cylinders</strong>Three-Position<strong>Cylinders</strong>Cushion<strong>Cylinders</strong>Step 2.Step 3.Example:Determine the velocity at which the load impacts the cylinder endcap.Calculate the energy the cylinder generates. Use the following equation:energy (e) =w(— xv 2 )+(pxk)64w=weight of the load (lbs.)V=velocity of the cylinder as the piston impacts the endcap (feet per second)p=driving pressure (psi)k=bore constantC-316-D at 80 psi with total load of 8lbs.driving pressure (p) =80psitotal load (w) =8lbs.bore constant (k) =.24maximum velocity (v) =6fps=(8/64) x(6 2 )+(80 x.24) =23.7 ft. lbs.MRS®<strong>Cylinders</strong>Non-Rotating<strong>Cylinders</strong>PC<strong>Cylinders</strong>All StainlessNon-RepairableMaximum Energy Calculation DataBore Max Energy k(ft-lbs)04 4.47 0.0309 10.40 0.0517 18.80 0.1131 27.60 0.2450 40.11 0.3770 77.72 0.58CushionLengths0.75"0.75"0.75"0.90"0.90"0.99"All StainlessRepairableZ<strong>Line</strong> Air<strong>Cylinders</strong>Rod Lock<strong>Cylinders</strong>500 Hydraulic<strong>Cylinders</strong>Hole Punch<strong>Cylinders</strong>1.75ForTechnical Assistance: 800-442-4622

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