History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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PAULO R. CUNHADuring the third year of the study program, having to do work on pharmaco-cosmetics,we found someone who would later be a model and source of professional pridefor us, Prof. Rubem David Azulay. Under his happy, useful and competent guidance,which responded to our scientific needs, we would work twenty more years. Our servicetook up half a floor of the old Valonguinho Polyclinic, and at first, they moved usto a three-square-meter space at the Antônio Pedro Hospital... We retain many memoriesof the Polyclinic; it was a simple and peaceful environment where we learnedto teach and to do research. From there, we left for the Fiocruz, where we researchedessential aspects of elastic fiber on a six-year-old patient with the tissues ofa sixty-year-old. We already belonged to the faculty of the course; as was customaryat the time, we worked for the pleasure of learning, with no pay, but honored by whatwe were doing. I think what is lacking at present in our country is recognizing peoplefor the work they are carrying out. Those who have that recognition know howmuch they are capable of doing to overcome difficulties. From the Dermatology Serviceof the Antônio Pedro Hospital came the initiative for the unification of dermatologicalnomenclature, taking Prof. Francisco Eduardo Rabello’s work as the basis. Itwas Prof. Antônio Pedro de Andrade Gaspar, in collaboration with Prof. Neyde KalilGaspar, who gathered and identified the different and numerous synonyms that madeunderstanding in Dermatology difficult. There were around 10,000 terms. These authorsgrouped 7,000 terms in the Dermatological Roster, marking the nomenclaturesuggested by Prof. Rabello. This book represented a fundamental milestone forBrazilian Dermatology, and is used in all the universities and services of the country.Profs. Antônio Pedro and Neyde also offered another five therapeutic updates bookswithin the specialized field, collecting the terms coded by the World Health Organizationin the ICD, in order to facilitate their use in the country. They also guidedtwenty-eight scientific research undertakings that were utilized, defended and approvedtheses at the Master’s and PhD levels 2 .Currently, the Dermatology Service remains as host of the Fluminense Federal Universityundergraduate and graduate teaching activities. For this reason, it is also linkedto the Clinical Medicine Department, formed by 122 professors. The Service is made upof thirteen professors and two doctors responsible for undergraduate course activities,including theoretical and practical aspects, hospitalization, medical internships, specializationand treatment activities. Activities in the research area are channeled throughScientific Initiation projects, coordinated by Profs. Neyde Kalil Gaspar and Jane MarcyNeffá Pinto. Since 1995, Dr. Neyde Kalil Gaspar holds the post of full professor of Dermatology.The administrative part of the service, as well as the coordination of the coursehave, since 2001, once again been fulfilled annually by the different professors, Prof.Jane Marcy Neffá Pinto having been elected for the current administration.The other services certified in Rio de Janeiro are: Holy House of Mercy (Head of Service,Rubem David Azulay), Dermatology and Syphilography Service of the HSE (Head ofService, Márcio Rutowitsch), Pedro Ernesto University Hospital (Head of Service, IsabelSucci), Rio de Janeiro Federal University (Head of Service, Márcia Ramos e Silva), LagoaHospital-Carlos Chagas Graduate Medical Institute (Head of Service, Andrea Gurfinkel),Rio de Janeiro General Polyclinic (Head of Service, Marcius Peryassú), Bonsucesso GeneralHospital (Head of Service, José Anselmo Lofêgo Filho) and the Marcílio Días NavalHospital (Head of Service, Cláudio Lerer).SÃO PAULO DERMATOLOGYSão Paulo Dermatology had its beginnings on May 3, 1907, with the creation in thecapital’s Holy House of Mercy of a Skin Diseases Service under the management ofAdolpho Lindemberg, one of the pioneers of the specialized field in the State, in the countryand at the BSD.98

Dermatology and dermatologists in BrazilOn February 29, 1916, Lindemberg gave the first class as Dermatology lecturer of SãoPaulo’s Medical and Surgery School. He retired in 1929, and was succeeded by Prof. Joãode Aguiar Pupo; he held office up to 1960, giving way upon his retirement to Prof. SebastiãoAlmeida Prado Sampaio, who retired in 1989 and was succeeded by Prof. EvandroRivitti, the current full professor.The Dermatology Service of the Medical School operated at the Holy House. Due tothe high number of patients, it maintained an excellent outpatient service that occupiedone full story of the Lara Ward and two infirmaries, male and female, each with a capacityof 40 beds. In 1945, when the Hospital das Clínicas was set up, the Chair wasmoved there. A series of difficulties practically deactivated Dermatology at the multi-secularinstitution, until, in 1975, when Prof. Nélson Proença succeeded Prof. HumbertoCerruti as head of Dermatology Head at the School of Medical Sciences, an important nucleusof the specialized field then being created in São Paulo.Holy HouseThe basis of the activity of the Dermatology Clinic of São Paulo’s Holy House of Mercyis, according to one of its old managers, “the treatment of the sick, in an efficient andskillful manner, the training of new physicians, and scientific research” 2 . The outpatientoffice treats 200 people daily, 50 of whom are new patients, which means 4,000 patientsper month, and 40,000 per year, with no waiting lines. “The recent inauguration of theSurgical Center linked to the Clinic, with all the necessary devices both to give classesand for treatment at the outpatient office and the unfolding of studies and research, isan innovation in the context of Brazil” 2 . The scientific output follows the tradition establishedby Lindemberg and Pupo. The work of the current team has obtained nationalrecognition and much of it constitutes a reference point in the international arena.The basic structure of the Dermatology Clinic of São Paulo’s Holy House of Mercy wasinitiated in the 1970s, when Prof. Nelson Proença took over the management of theclinic. His initial team had the dermatologists Fausto Alonso and Marcus Maia; over time,Humberto Frucchi, Clarisse Zaitz, Ida Duarte, Sylvia Souto Mayor, Rosana Lazzarini,Thais Proença and Valéria Souza joined. Besides the contracted professors, the medicalservice has many volunteers.The clinic is divided into various sub-specialization areas such as oncology, dermatologicalsurgery, internal medicine, phototherapy, mycology, dermatology and pediatrics.At present, Professor Ida Duarte, ex-resident of the clinic, is responsible for its management,with treatment, teaching and research in Dermatology as the main goal.Hospital das ClínicasThe Dermatology Service of the SPU Hospital das Clínicas was the nucleus of the expansionfor the specialized field in São Paulo. In 1975, by Decree No. 5,837, of March 12,the Institute of Dermatology of the Hospital das Clínicas was created, and on June 24,1986, the Dermatology Department of São Paulo University’s Medical School.The Department has a team of 70 professionals: 23 technical employees, biologists,and administrators, 14 assistant doctors, 3 commissioned doctors, 7 faculty members, 2psychologists, 2 nurses and 19 auxiliaries.In the outpatient office building, inaugurated in 1979, there are thirty rooms to treatpatients and for auxiliary services. In addition to handling general dermatology consultations— seeing patients from Brazil and from all of Latin America — there are groupsdedicated to specific pathologies under the responsibility of the professors of the faculty.Three hundred dermatologists have already graduated at the unit, and it currentlyhas 26 interns. Through 1999, in the graduate program, 30 have graduated from theMaster’s course, 45 from the PhD course and 17 unchaired faculty members. The specializationinternships receive candidates for observer-doctor, collaborator-doctor, and99

PAULO R. CUNHADuring the third year <strong>of</strong> the study program, having to do work on pharmaco-cosmetics,we found someone who would later be a model and source <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional pridefor us, Pr<strong>of</strong>. Rubem David Azulay. Under his happy, useful and competent guidance,which responded to our scientific needs, we would work twenty more years. Our servicetook up half a floor <strong>of</strong> the old Valonguinho Polyclinic, and at first, they moved usto a three-square-meter space at the Antônio Pedro Hospital... We retain many memories<strong>of</strong> the Polyclinic; it was a simple and peaceful environment where we learnedto teach and to do research. From there, we left for the Fiocruz, where we researchedessential aspects <strong>of</strong> elastic fiber on a six-year-old patient with the tissues <strong>of</strong>a sixty-year-old. We already belonged to the faculty <strong>of</strong> the course; as was customaryat the time, we worked for the pleasure <strong>of</strong> learning, with no pay, but honored by whatwe were doing. I think what is lacking at present in our country is recognizing peoplefor the work they are carrying out. Those who have that recognition know howmuch they are capable <strong>of</strong> doing to overcome difficulties. From the <strong>Dermatology</strong> Service<strong>of</strong> the Antônio Pedro Hospital came the initiative for the unification <strong>of</strong> dermatologicalnomenclature, taking Pr<strong>of</strong>. Francisco Eduardo Rabello’s work as the basis. Itwas Pr<strong>of</strong>. Antônio Pedro de Andrade Gaspar, in collaboration with Pr<strong>of</strong>. Neyde KalilGaspar, who gathered and identified the different and numerous synonyms that madeunderstanding in <strong>Dermatology</strong> difficult. There were around 10,000 terms. These authorsgrouped 7,000 terms in the Dermatological Roster, marking the nomenclaturesuggested by Pr<strong>of</strong>. Rabello. This book represented a fundamental milestone forBrazilian <strong>Dermatology</strong>, and is used in all the universities and services <strong>of</strong> the country.Pr<strong>of</strong>s. Antônio Pedro and Neyde also <strong>of</strong>fered another five therapeutic updates bookswithin the specialized field, collecting the terms coded by the World Health Organizationin the ICD, in order to facilitate their use in the country. They also guidedtwenty-eight scientific research undertakings that were utilized, defended and approvedtheses at the Master’s and PhD levels 2 .Currently, the <strong>Dermatology</strong> Service remains as host <strong>of</strong> the Fluminense Federal Universityundergraduate and graduate teaching activities. For this reason, it is also linkedto the Clinical Medicine Department, formed by 122 pr<strong>of</strong>essors. The Service is made up<strong>of</strong> thirteen pr<strong>of</strong>essors and two doctors responsible for undergraduate course activities,including theoretical and practical aspects, hospitalization, medical internships, specializationand treatment activities. Activities in the research area are channeled throughScientific Initiation projects, coordinated by Pr<strong>of</strong>s. Neyde Kalil Gaspar and Jane MarcyNeffá Pinto. Since 1995, Dr. Neyde Kalil Gaspar holds the post <strong>of</strong> full pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>.The administrative part <strong>of</strong> the service, as well as the coordination <strong>of</strong> the coursehave, since 2001, once again been fulfilled annually by the different pr<strong>of</strong>essors, Pr<strong>of</strong>.Jane Marcy Neffá Pinto having been elected for the current administration.The other services certified in Rio de Janeiro are: Holy House <strong>of</strong> Mercy (Head <strong>of</strong> Service,Rubem David Azulay), <strong>Dermatology</strong> and Syphilography Service <strong>of</strong> the HSE (Head <strong>of</strong>Service, Márcio Rutowitsch), Pedro Ernesto University Hospital (Head <strong>of</strong> Service, IsabelSucci), Rio de Janeiro Federal University (Head <strong>of</strong> Service, Márcia Ramos e Silva), LagoaHospital-Carlos Chagas Graduate Medical Institute (Head <strong>of</strong> Service, Andrea Gurfinkel),Rio de Janeiro General Polyclinic (Head <strong>of</strong> Service, Marcius Peryassú), Bonsucesso GeneralHospital (Head <strong>of</strong> Service, José Anselmo L<strong>of</strong>êgo Filho) and the Marcílio Días NavalHospital (Head <strong>of</strong> Service, Cláudio Lerer).SÃO PAULO DERMATOLOGYSão Paulo <strong>Dermatology</strong> had its beginnings on May 3, 1907, with the creation in thecapital’s Holy House <strong>of</strong> Mercy <strong>of</strong> a Skin Diseases Service under the management <strong>of</strong>Adolpho Lindemberg, one <strong>of</strong> the pioneers <strong>of</strong> the specialized field in the State, in the countryand at the BSD.98

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