History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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PAULO R. CUNHA(1988); Luiz Henrique C. Paschoal (1989); Orcanda Andrade Patrus(1990); Antonio Carlos Pereira Junior (1991); Jesús RodríguesSantamaría (1992); José Eduardo Costa Martins (1993); ArivalCardoso de Brito (1994); Sarita Martins (1995); Iphis Campbell(1996); Clarisse Zaitz (1997); Alberto Eduardo Cox Cardoso(1998); Maurício Mota de Avelar Alchorne (1999); Bernardo Gontijo(2000); Fernando Augusto de Almeida (2001) (Figure 8) andMárcio Rutowitsch (2003), Sinésio Talhari (2005).In the 1990s, three women presided the Brazilian Society ofDermatology: Orcanda Andrade Patrus (1990-1991), Sarita Martins(1995-1996) and Clarisse Zaitz (1997-1998).Figure 8. GoverningBoard SBD (2000-01):Let to right (seated):María Lourdes Viegas,general secretary;Fernando Augusto deAlmeida, president;Márcio SantosRutowitsch, vicepresident.Standing:Macedo Paschoal,second secretary;Beatriz Moritz Trope,treasurer, and PauloRowilson, secretaryThe BSD’s headquarters. The Brazilian Annals of Dermatology.The library. The first congressIn 1932, the BSD, together with various areas of the Dermatology and SyphilologyClinic, was moved to the St. Michael Ward, where, on October 20, 1933, the library of theClinic was inaugurated. By the mid-twentieth century, this library was already consideredto be the repository of the largest legacy of the specialized field in Latin America. In1987, René Garrido Neves reached the Presidency of the BSD with a mission: to providethe entity with its own premises, which were purchased on Nilo Peçanha Avenue, leavingbehind the old St. Michael Ward location.The first issue of the bimonthly journal Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia (BrazilianAnnals of Dermatology) had Eduardo Rabello as editor in chief, in 1925 (Figure 9).In 1985 the BSD Newsletter reappeared, replaced in 1996 by the Jornal DermatologíaAtual, larger in size, and, finally, by the BSD Journal.From September 26th to 28th, 1944 the first meeting of Brazilian specialists inSyphilographic Dermatosis took place, at the St. Michael Ward, of Rio de Janeiro’s HolyHouse of Mercy; starting in 1969, these meetings were called Congresses (Figure 10).The fiftieth anniversary of the BSDCommemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the BSD in 1962, under the presidency ofRubem David Azulay, a public statement of recognition for the expansion of Dermatologyin all of Brazil took place, and the road was thus left open for physicians from otherStates to occupy the Presidency. Another outstanding event of the decade was the appointmentof Ramos e Silva as a member of the ICD (International Committee of Dermatology).Later, Antar Padilha-Gonçalves, Sebastião Sampaio and Márcia Ramos e Silvawere also appointed members of the ICD.In 1971, during the Brazilian Congress of Dermatology carried out in Porto Alegre,under the presidency of Clóvis Bopp, the scope of action of the BSD became larger, totake care of the ethical, social and economic interests of Brazilians dermatologists. Boppwas also the main organizer of the regional meetings called “Southern Lines of BrazilianDermatology,” currently called “South-Brazilian Sessions,” which gather specialists fromRio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná.The ninetieth anniversary of the BSDThe commemoration of the ninetieth anniversary of the founding of the BSD correspondedto its elected president at that time, Prof. Fernando Augusto de Almeida, outstandingspecialist whose PhD thesis at SPU was on “Hebra’s pruritus,” and is one of the86

Dermatology and dermatologists in Brazilmajor experts on cutaneous tumors, mainly melanoma; he is also one of the founders andthe first president of the Brazilian Melanoma Study Group (MBG). Under his direction,the Pro Memory Project was launched, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Paulo Cunha (Figure 11),the aim of which was to protect the history of Dermatology in Brazil through books, documentsand images. The first completed work was the edition of the History of Dermatologyin Brazil, a beautiful compilation of pictures and texts since the beginnings of thespecialized field in the country.Another aspect that stood out in his administration was the professional manner inwhich the BSD was managed and recieved financial momentum.Figure 9. AnaisBrasileiros deDermatologia.Year 1940Figure 10. Secondannual meeting ofBrazilian DermatosyphilographersinBelo Horizonte. (1945)BSD 2003/2004In the last two years, the Brazilian Society of Dermatology has centralized the institutionaland political activities aiming to increase the prestige of the specialized field. Togetherwith the Brazilian Medical Association, it participated actively in the nationalmovement for the implementation of a new and more equitable list of medical fees whichis being used nationwide. It also participated in the meetings to reject the creation of newmedical schools and in the meetings that dealt with the bill on Medical Practice, and furthermoresent specialists to take part in the Chamber on Beauty Products and Proceduresof the Federal Council of Medicine.Internally, it has worked intensively through its specialized departments in the creationof Handbooks for guidance on procedures used in the specialized field. The specialtycommission established the routine of visiting the services certified for residency,guaranteeing the quality of Dermatology education in the country. Of great importancewas the task undertaken by a working group made up of the heads of certified educationalservices and commissions, scientists and specialists who redefined the minimumeducational program of Brazilian Dermatology. They issued new rules for the certificationof specialized services that had been undertaking these educational programs anddrew up proposals for the improvement in the evaluation criteria for those wishing to obtainthe specialist degree.In order to know the setting in which Brazilian dermatologists work, as well as thereal situation of the specialists in the different Brazilian regions, the Brazilian Society ofDermatology completed an investigation that outlined the profile of dermatologists in87

PAULO R. CUNHA(1988); Luiz Henrique C. Paschoal (1989); Orcanda Andrade Patrus(1990); Antonio Carlos Pereira Junior (1991); Jesús RodríguesSantamaría (1992); José Eduardo Costa Martins (1993); ArivalCardoso de Brito (1994); Sarita Martins (1995); Iphis Campbell(1996); Clarisse Zaitz (1997); Alberto Eduardo Cox Cardoso(1998); Maurício Mota de Avelar Alchorne (1999); Bernardo Gontijo(2000); Fernando Augusto de Almeida (2001) (Figure 8) andMárcio Rutowitsch (2003), Sinésio Talhari (2005).In the 1990s, three women presided the Brazilian Society <strong>of</strong><strong>Dermatology</strong>: Orcanda Andrade Patrus (1990-1991), Sarita Martins(1995-1996) and Clarisse Zaitz (1997-1998).Figure 8. GoverningBoard SBD (2000-01):Let to right (seated):María Lourdes Viegas,general secretary;Fernando Augusto deAlmeida, president;Márcio SantosRutowitsch, vicepresident.Standing:Macedo Paschoal,second secretary;Beatriz Moritz Trope,treasurer, and PauloRowilson, secretaryThe BSD’s headquarters. The Brazilian Annals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>.The library. The first congressIn 1932, the BSD, together with various areas <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Dermatology</strong> and SyphilologyClinic, was moved to the St. Michael Ward, where, on October 20, 1933, the library <strong>of</strong> theClinic was inaugurated. By the mid-twentieth century, this library was already consideredto be the repository <strong>of</strong> the largest legacy <strong>of</strong> the specialized field in <strong>Latin</strong> America. In1987, René Garrido Neves reached the Presidency <strong>of</strong> the BSD with a mission: to providethe entity with its own premises, which were purchased on Nilo Peçanha Avenue, leavingbehind the old St. Michael Ward location.The first issue <strong>of</strong> the bimonthly journal Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia (BrazilianAnnals <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>) had Eduardo Rabello as editor in chief, in 1925 (Figure 9).In 1985 the BSD Newsletter reappeared, replaced in 1996 by the Jornal DermatologíaAtual, larger in size, and, finally, by the BSD Journal.From September 26th to 28th, 1944 the first meeting <strong>of</strong> Brazilian specialists inSyphilographic Dermatosis took place, at the St. Michael Ward, <strong>of</strong> Rio de Janeiro’s HolyHouse <strong>of</strong> Mercy; starting in 1969, these meetings were called Congresses (Figure 10).The fiftieth anniversary <strong>of</strong> the BSDCommemorating the fiftieth anniversary <strong>of</strong> the BSD in 1962, under the presidency <strong>of</strong>Rubem David Azulay, a public statement <strong>of</strong> recognition for the expansion <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>in all <strong>of</strong> Brazil took place, and the road was thus left open for physicians from otherStates to occupy the Presidency. Another outstanding event <strong>of</strong> the decade was the appointment<strong>of</strong> Ramos e Silva as a member <strong>of</strong> the ICD (International Committee <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>).Later, Antar Padilha-Gonçalves, Sebastião Sampaio and Márcia Ramos e Silvawere also appointed members <strong>of</strong> the ICD.In 1971, during the Brazilian Congress <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> carried out in Porto Alegre,under the presidency <strong>of</strong> Clóvis Bopp, the scope <strong>of</strong> action <strong>of</strong> the BSD became larger, totake care <strong>of</strong> the ethical, social and economic interests <strong>of</strong> Brazilians dermatologists. Boppwas also the main organizer <strong>of</strong> the regional meetings called “Southern Lines <strong>of</strong> Brazilian<strong>Dermatology</strong>,” currently called “South-Brazilian Sessions,” which gather specialists fromRio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná.The ninetieth anniversary <strong>of</strong> the BSDThe commemoration <strong>of</strong> the ninetieth anniversary <strong>of</strong> the founding <strong>of</strong> the BSD correspondedto its elected president at that time, Pr<strong>of</strong>. Fernando Augusto de Almeida, outstandingspecialist whose PhD thesis at SPU was on “Hebra’s pruritus,” and is one <strong>of</strong> the86

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