History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology


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<strong>Dermatology</strong> and dermatologists in Brazildirection <strong>of</strong> Degrais, and, upon returning to Brazil, with Fernando Terra founded the Institute<strong>of</strong> Electroradiology, later included in the <strong>Dermatology</strong> Clinic <strong>of</strong> the National MedicalSchool.4. Adolfo Lutz completed his internships in Switzerland with Paul Gerson Unna (1850-1929), the founder <strong>of</strong> modern <strong>Dermatology</strong>.5. Ney Romitti worked in Munich with Alfred Marchionini.6. Sebastião de Almeida Sampaio completed his medical internships at the MayoClinic, in Rochester, US.7. Newton Guimarães worked in Barcelona with Xavier Vilanova.8. Joaquim Pereira da Mota (1894-1952) worked in Paris with Pautrier.9. Valdir Bandeira (Recife) and René Garrido Neves (Niterói) completed their medicalinternships in Buenos Aires, in the services <strong>of</strong> Julio Borda and Jorge Abulafia.The Brazilian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> (BSD)The founding meeting <strong>of</strong> the Brazilian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> began at ten o’clock onthe morning <strong>of</strong> Sunday, February 4, 1912, at the Miguel Couto Ward <strong>of</strong> Rio de Janeiro’sHoly House <strong>of</strong> Mercy. Eighteen doctors were present, <strong>of</strong> whom only ten were dermatologists.Three <strong>of</strong> them were part <strong>of</strong> the Organizing Commission: Fernando Terra, EduardoRabello and Werneck Machado. The other founders were Drs. Moncorvo Filho, AlfredoPorto, Eduardo Magalhães, Adolfo Lutz, Víctor de Teive, Caetano de Menezes, GasparViana, Leal Júnior, Oscar da Silva Araújo, Juliano Moreira, Paulo Parreiras Horta,Zopyro Goulart, Miguel Salles, Eduardo Jorge and Franco de Carvalho.The BSD is the second largest entity <strong>of</strong> the specialized field in the world, in number<strong>of</strong> members. February 5, 2000, was approved as the date for the annual day <strong>of</strong> commemoration<strong>of</strong> the Dermatologist.Predominant in the first thirteen years <strong>of</strong> activities <strong>of</strong> the BSD, along with the mostearnest scientific debate, was the encouragement <strong>of</strong> research — later extended to thenew generations that studied Medicine —as well as the knowledge and the dissemination<strong>of</strong> dermatological activities in the other regions <strong>of</strong> the country; the welcoming and kindspirit <strong>of</strong> the leaders and the preoccupation with laying the foundations for the construction<strong>of</strong> something definitive for the future.The history <strong>of</strong> the BSD included two lengthy presidencies: that <strong>of</strong> Fernando Terra,which lasted thirteen years, and that <strong>of</strong> Eduardo Rabello, who led it for fifteen yearswithout interruption.The presidents <strong>of</strong> the BSD■ The Brazilian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> (BSD)The dermatologists who held the Presidency <strong>of</strong> the BSD were: Fernando Terra (1912);Eduardo Rabello (1925); Oscar Silva Araújo (1941); Joaquim Mota (1942); João Ramos eSilva (1944); A. F. Da Costa Jr. (1946); Hildebrando Portugal (1948); Francisco EduardoRabello (1950); Demétrio Peryassu (1951); Edgard Drolhe da Costa (1953); Luis CamposMello (1955); Antar Padilha-Gonçalves (1957); Mário Rutowitsch (1959); Rubem DavidAzulay (1961); Glynne Leite Rocha (1963); J. Aguiar Pupo (1964); João Ramos e Silva(1965); Domingos Barbosa da Silva (1966). Antônio Carlos Pereira (1967); Rui NoronhaMiranda (1968); Jorge Lobo (1969); Anuar Auad (1970); Clóvis Bopp (1971); Rubem DavidAzulay (1972); Tancredo Furtado (1973); Sebastião de Almeida Prado Sampaio (1974),Jarbas Anacleto Porto (1975); José Pessoa Mendes (1976); Walter Moura Cantídio (1977);João Batista Gontijo (1978); Newton Guimarães (1980); Raymundo Martins Castro (1981);Márcio Lobo Jardim (1982); José Serrya (1983); Jorge José de Souza Filho (1984); LuizCarlos Cucé (1985); Divino Rassi (1986); René Garrido Neves (1987); César Bernardi85

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