History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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FERNANDO CÁRDENAS, JUAN CARLOS DIEZ DE MEDINAAt first, scientific activities were undertaken individually, with participation in somenational events together with other societies: Pediatrics, Surgery, Medical Athenaeum,etc. In those times, the role of Dr. P. Sangüeza proved important, since he provided updatesand strengthened the talks or conferences with his participation on skinhistopathology, complementing the presentation of clinical cases with excellent photomicrographs.An important quota for the training of specialists was derived by the dermatologicalschools of Argentina, Brazil and Colombia; the former, particularly, provided effectivelinks abroad and established the bases for the creation of our Society. At this school,three important names stand out: Professors Julio Martín Borda and Jorge Abulafia andDr. Jaime Rubin have contributed to the training of new specialists, and their contribution,in some cases, extends right up to the present, with Prof. Juan Carlos Gatti now included.A stage was reached when the creation of a Bolivian scientific dermatological society,which would bring together the growing number of specialists, was considered an greatnecessity. This is how the Bolivian Dermatological Society came into being.■ From its foundation to 1985 to 1985On the morning of April 20, 1968, at the Dermatology Service, Male Section, of theHospital de Clínicas of La Paz, with the participation of Drs. Jorge Suárez, Enrique Vergara,Fernando Cárdenas, Ferdin Humboldt, Pastor Sangüeza, Apolinar Caro and FabioPrado Barrientos, the Bolivian Dermatological Society was founded. On that same date itwas decided to consider Drs. Omar Villagómez, Luis F. Piérola, Luis Nava, Eduardo Saracho,Jaime Briansonson and Norah Siles as co-founders.The Board of Directors was constituted as follows: President, Dr. Jorge Suárez; Vice-President, Dr. Enrique Vergara; Secretary, Dr. Fernando Cárdenas U.One week later, on April 27, it was decided that a set of bylaws was to be drawn up;in the meantime, the bylaws of the Bolivian Dermatological Federation were adopted. Itwas suggested that a committee be formed in order to draw up the proposed bylaws.During a period of approximately three years, the Society did not actively operate assuch; however, in 1969, a new meeting took place in La Paz, this time with the presenceof Dr. Norah Siles. On this occasion, the Bolivian Leprology Society was founded, the firstBoard of Directors of which was constituted as follows: President, Dr. Norah Siles; Vice-President, Dr. Fernando Cárdenas; Secretary, Dr. Omar Villagómez; Counselor, Dr. JorgeSuárezEven though this Leprology Society did not hold meetings as such, its members playeda significant role in Bolivian Leprology, initially headed by Dr. Suárez. It is important tomake a special mention of Drs. N. Siles and R. Amonzabel for their active participationin congresses, the presentation of works and the direction of leprosariums or Institutosde los Negros at Jorochito and Candúa.In early 1971, the Bolivian Dermatological Society was reorganized and its Board ofDirectors was renewed as follows: President, Dr. Fernando Cárdenas; Vice-President, Dr.Ferdin Humboldt.A few days later, the Society received a letter from Dr. J. Brianson, in which he announcedhis intention to forming a Bolivian Dermatological Association; however, onfinding out about the reorganization of the Society, he gave its his whole-hearted backingto the society. The foundations were then laid for carrying out a Congress, to be precededby Dermatological Meetings. We shall see later that this idea would actually becarried out.In 1973, the Bolivian Dermatological Society held a new meeting in which an64

Historical outline of the Bolivian Dermatological Societyinternational congress was proposed; however, due to the financial difficulties of undertakingsuch a task, other scientific organizations were contacted, such as the ClinicalBiochemistry Society and the Odontological Studies and Research Association; the sponsorshipof the Ibero-Latin American Dermatology Association (CILAD) was also obtained.The congress was held from July 13 to July 17, 1974, at the Universidad Mayor de SanAndrés in La Paz, with the major cooperation of authorities of the university and of otherinstitutions. The event, entitled “First International Symposium on Medical, Odontologicaland Clinical Biochemical Pathology,” was presided by Drs. F. Cárdenas and C. Borjain cooperation with Dr. Juan Guerra Mercado. For that congress, we were visited bygreat figures: Julio Martín Borda, Jorge Abulafia, Sergio Stringa, Luis Belli, GilbertoGonzález Resigno, Juan Carlos Flichman, Leopoldo Eguren, Ramón Baros and JaimeRubin. Prof. David Grinspan (who visited us later) and Dr. Pablo Viglioglia found it impossibleto attend.On that occasion, the current logo of the Bolivian Dermatological Society was createdand was for the first time printed on a de-luxe program. Professors Luis F. Piérola, LuisNava and Jorge Suárez were appointed honorary members. The sessions took place infour halls, and there was also a space dedicated to the exhibition of medical drugs andcosmetics. Talks on scientific cosmetology were also given.After this Symposium, the First National Meeting on Dermatology was organized inthe city of Cochabamba, in 1975. Virtually all the dermatologists in the country attendedthe meeting to present their works. This meeting was presided by Drs. F. Cárdenas andJ. Briansonson. It is worth mentioning the presence of Dr. Phillippe Desjeux, untiring collaboratorright up to the present, who was appointed member of the society. The Sucredelegation was headed by Dr. F. Echeverría. The most outstanding event was the decisionto draw up the Bylaws, a task which was entrusted to the Cochabamba delegation,under the direction of Dr. J. Briansonson and with the close cooperation of Drs. Q.Amaya, N. Trigo and H. Maldonado.The Second Meeting on Dermatology took place the following year (1976) in the cityof Trinidad, at the Universidad Beniana, with the unanimous cooperation of all the doctorsfrom Trinidad and the full backing of Dr. J. Hurtado, to whom we are grateful. Atthis Meeting, the Cochabamba delegation punctually handed in the draft Bylaws.From that date onwards, anatomical and clinical meetings were held with a certainregularity at the Dermatology Service of the Hospital de Clínicas. For this purpose, an officewas initially allocated, and afterwards a small auditorium, which, thanks to the contributionof the members’ fees, was adapted for the projection of slides.In 1978, the Third National Meeting on Dermatology took place, this time in Tarija,with the cooperation of Dr. Luis Michel and the full body of doctors from that city. Thequestion came up whether to call it “Third Meeting” or “First Congress.” The posters,signs and folders were printed with the title “Third Meeting,” but, given the size of theevent, it was finally decided that it should be entitled First Bolivian DermatologyCongress. The event was presided by Drs. F. Cárdenas and L. Michel.Given that this meeting acquired the status of First National Congress, and in accordwith the Bylaws that were being drafted at the time, it was decided that the Board of Directorswas to be renewed. The renewed Board was formed as follows: President, Dr. P.Sangüeza; Vice-President, Dr. F. Humboldt; Secretary, Dr. F. Cárdenas; Treasurer: Dr. L.Valda.Among the main conclusions, we can mention the resolutions to hold anatomical andclinical sessions twice a year in Cochabamba, create branches, and publish monthly journals(up to that date, two informative journals and one newsletter had been issued). Anambitious project for the creation of a Revista Dermatología was also presented.The host city originally chosen for the Second Congress was Sucre but, due to variousunforeseeable circumstances, it was later changed to Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The65

FERNANDO CÁRDENAS, JUAN CARLOS DIEZ DE MEDINAAt first, scientific activities were undertaken individually, with participation in somenational events together with other societies: Pediatrics, Surgery, Medical Athenaeum,etc. In those times, the role <strong>of</strong> Dr. P. Sangüeza proved important, since he provided updatesand strengthened the talks or conferences with his participation on skinhistopathology, complementing the presentation <strong>of</strong> clinical cases with excellent photomicrographs.An important quota for the training <strong>of</strong> specialists was derived by the dermatologicalschools <strong>of</strong> Argentina, Brazil and Colombia; the former, particularly, provided effectivelinks abroad and established the bases for the creation <strong>of</strong> our Society. At this school,three important names stand out: Pr<strong>of</strong>essors Julio Martín Borda and Jorge Abulafia andDr. Jaime Rubin have contributed to the training <strong>of</strong> new specialists, and their contribution,in some cases, extends right up to the present, with Pr<strong>of</strong>. Juan Carlos Gatti now included.A stage was reached when the creation <strong>of</strong> a Bolivian scientific dermatological society,which would bring together the growing number <strong>of</strong> specialists, was considered an greatnecessity. This is how the Bolivian Dermatological Society came into being.■ From its foundation to 1985 to 1985On the morning <strong>of</strong> April 20, 1968, at the <strong>Dermatology</strong> Service, Male Section, <strong>of</strong> theHospital de Clínicas <strong>of</strong> La Paz, with the participation <strong>of</strong> Drs. Jorge Suárez, Enrique Vergara,Fernando Cárdenas, Ferdin Humboldt, Pastor Sangüeza, Apolinar Caro and FabioPrado Barrientos, the Bolivian Dermatological Society was founded. On that same date itwas decided to consider Drs. Omar Villagómez, Luis F. Piérola, Luis Nava, Eduardo Saracho,Jaime Briansonson and Norah Siles as co-founders.The Board <strong>of</strong> Directors was constituted as follows: President, Dr. Jorge Suárez; Vice-President, Dr. Enrique Vergara; Secretary, Dr. Fernando Cárdenas U.One week later, on April 27, it was decided that a set <strong>of</strong> bylaws was to be drawn up;in the meantime, the bylaws <strong>of</strong> the Bolivian Dermatological Federation were adopted. Itwas suggested that a committee be formed in order to draw up the proposed bylaws.During a period <strong>of</strong> approximately three years, the Society did not actively operate assuch; however, in 1969, a new meeting took place in La Paz, this time with the presence<strong>of</strong> Dr. Norah Siles. On this occasion, the Bolivian Leprology Society was founded, the firstBoard <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> which was constituted as follows: President, Dr. Norah Siles; Vice-President, Dr. Fernando Cárdenas; Secretary, Dr. Omar Villagómez; Counselor, Dr. JorgeSuárezEven though this Leprology Society did not hold meetings as such, its members playeda significant role in Bolivian Leprology, initially headed by Dr. Suárez. It is important tomake a special mention <strong>of</strong> Drs. N. Siles and R. Amonzabel for their active participationin congresses, the presentation <strong>of</strong> works and the direction <strong>of</strong> leprosariums or Institutosde los Negros at Jorochito and Candúa.In early 1971, the Bolivian Dermatological Society was reorganized and its Board <strong>of</strong>Directors was renewed as follows: President, Dr. Fernando Cárdenas; Vice-President, Dr.Ferdin Humboldt.A few days later, the Society received a letter from Dr. J. Brianson, in which he announcedhis intention to forming a Bolivian Dermatological Association; however, onfinding out about the reorganization <strong>of</strong> the Society, he gave its his whole-hearted backingto the society. The foundations were then laid for carrying out a Congress, to be precededby Dermatological Meetings. We shall see later that this idea would actually becarried out.In 1973, the Bolivian Dermatological Society held a new meeting in which an64

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