History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology


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HISTORICAL OUTLINEOF THE BOLIVIANDERMATOLOGICALSOCIETYFERNANDO CÁRDENAS UZQUIANO, JUAN CARLOS DIEZ DE MEDINAIn order to outline the history <strong>of</strong> the Bolivian Dermatological Society it is necessary todivide it into three stages: Prior to its foundation, From its foundation to late 1985, From1986 to the present.Prior to its foundation■ Prior to its foundationWhen delving into the early stages <strong>of</strong> the history <strong>of</strong> Bolivian dermatology, we have tolook for traces in the history <strong>of</strong> Bolivian medicine itself. Consequently, we have soughtadvice from the Bolivian Society <strong>of</strong> Medical <strong>History</strong>. In this summary we can outline somefeatures which, <strong>of</strong> course, will not be complete, thus incurring, perhaps, in involuntaryomissions.Certainly, nothing is born <strong>of</strong> spontaneous effort, but it is also true that, sometimes,progress occurs “in leaps and bounds,” and this is how it turned out with dermatology inour country.Traditionally, dermatology was taught in classes at the country’s three medicalschools (Sucre, La Paz and Cochabamba). There have been hospitalization services assignedto skin diseases: in La Paz, there were 40 beds available exclusively for that purpose(30 for the male section and 10 for the female). Each <strong>of</strong> these services had paidinterns. However, these interns only served there when there were no vacancies in otherwards. In recent times, these services have been directed by Drs. Jorge Suárez and EnriqueVergara. Dr. Suárez had the merit <strong>of</strong> having made possible the publication <strong>of</strong> aMedical Journal (Revista Médica) over the course <strong>of</strong> more than 10 years, with articles onmycology, leprology and other subjects.In the stage prior to the foundation <strong>of</strong> the Bolivian Dermatological Society, we finddermatological physicians who have maintained the practice <strong>of</strong> this branch; among themwe can mention Drs. Jorge Suárez, Alexandrowich Ferdin Humboldt, E. Vergara, A.Caro, L. Nava, L. Piérola and Hartmann, together with Drs. L. López Ballesteros, NorahSiles, Jaime Brianson, Fernando Cárdenas and Omar Villagómez, and a little later Dr.Fabio Prado.63

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