History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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PABLO A. VIGLIOGLIA, ALBERTO WOSCOFFIn 1760 the first patients were recognized in Buenos Aires; they were removed fromthe city and sent to Lima. In 1792 the protomédico (medical overseer) Manuel Rodríguezcarried out the first recognition of a focus of four leprosy patients in Santa Fe. Owing tothe wars of Independence the focuses spread toward the northeast, northwest and pampasregions. In 1883 the Isolation House was founded (currently Muñiz Hospital) wherethat same year the first leprosy patient was hospitalized. Treatment of these patients washandled by Prof. Aberastury and Dr. Farini. In 1903 the first National Conference on Leprosywas carried out. In 1926 Congress adopted the Anti-leprosy Prophylaxis Law whichhad been drawn up by Prof. Aberastury and perseveringly defended by Prof. P. Baliña.Between 1927 and 1929 the first census of leprosy patients was carried out, revealing atotal of 2,300 patients. In 1930, at the Muñiz Hospital, the Board (Patronato) of the LeprosyPatients of Argentina was founded. In the following years a series of sanatoriumscolonieswere founded in Posadas (Misiones), Cerrito Island (Corrientes) and SanFrancisco del Chañar (Córdoba). In 1941 a sanatorium-colony was created in GeneralRodríguez and in 1948 another in Diamante (Entre Ríos). In 1929 Prof. Fidanza with hisdisciples J. Fernández and S. Schujman organized the Leprology service in Rosario whichin 1946, during the Second Pan-American Conference on Leprosy carried out in Rio deJaneiro, was in charge of preparing the standard lepromine. At a later time EduardoCarboni and Augusto Mercau stood out as important contributors.In August 1954 an Assembly was held at the headquarters of the Argentine MedicalAssociation — in the city of Buenos Aires — by a group of 41 physicians interested in leprosy,to found the Argentine Society of Leprosy (SAL). The first Governing Board,presided by J. M. Fernández, was formed by L. Llano, E. Capurro, G. Basombrío, F.Wilkinson, S. Schujman and L. Argüello Pitt. Among the founders were illustrious leprologistslike P. Arcuri, L. M. Baliña, E. Carboni, J. E. Cardama, C. Consigli, J. C. Gatti, M.Giménez, E. Jonquières, R. Manzi, A. Mercau, H. Sánchez Caballero, J. Scappini, A. Serialand E. Tello, among others.The official organ of the society was the journal Leprología, founded in January 1956and published for twenty years. Afterwards its publication was interrupted for economicreasons. As of May 1988, by a decision of a Special Meeting, the ASL was turned into asection of the Argentine Society of Dermatology.Professors J. C. Gatti and J. E. Cardama published a Tratado de Leprología and L. M.Baliña the book Temas de Leprología.R. Valdez, G. Pizzariello, L. Olivares, A. M. San Martín and N. Vaquero currently standout in this field.Mycology. Studied initially by Pablo Negroni, who published several books on the field,it was brilliantly succeeded by Ricardo Negroni, an international source of reference.Other mycologists with a solid training are Ricardo Galimberti, whose contributions arepublished in foreign journals, Vicente Madeo, Susana Carabelli and Leonardo Amante.Cryosurgery. It had outstanding practitioners like E. Turjansky and G. Stolar, whowrote a book of essential reference. Other pioneers were Alberto Torres Cortijo, CarlosKaminsky and at the present time Luis Sevinsky and Eduardo Rodríguez. The ArgentineSociety of Cryosurgery holds periodic meetings at the headquarters of the ArgentineMedical Association.Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI). For more than twenty years, Latin Americancountries were members of the Latin American Union of Sexually Transmitted Diseases(ULACETS), founded in Brazil and Argentina, which carried out intensive work in thecontrol of diverse linked dermatoses. Among its presidents were the Argentineans AlbertoWoscoff, Juan Carlos Flichman and Mario Ambrona. At the present time the ArgentineUnion Against STI (UACETS) is formed by Ricardo Casco, Alcira Bermejo, MarioOxilia and Luis Belli. UACETS promoted the recognition by the Pan American Health Organizationof congenital syphilis as one of the pathologies demanding priority in the44

History of Argentine DermatologyAmericas. The essential books on the subject are Tratado de Venereología, by Vigliogliaand collaborators, ETS y SIDA, by P. Viglioglia and A. Woscoff and Las ETS en tiemposdel SIDA by M. Marini and M. Oxilia.At present, STI continue to be a serious sanitary problem in the provinces, which havephysicians and services devoted to the problem.Phototherapy. Numerous services include PUVA and UVB apparatus among theirtherapeutical equipment. Among the outstanding pioneers and teachers of the techniqueare Edgardo Chouela, Fernando Stengel, J. Ubogui and Luis Sevinsky.It is impossible, without running the risk of an unforgivable omission, to mention allthe physicians who study and stand out in the diverse pathologies. We shall mention afew like Horacio Cabo, in diabetes and the skin, Esteban Saraceno in Internal Medicineand Skin, and Sergio and Osvaldo Stringa, Patricia Troielli, María Bibiana Leroux andCristina Pascutto in collagenopathies.The Argentine Society of Dermatology and the Skin and Cancer Foundation, presidedby Fernando Stengel, organize annual national campaigns for the control of the disease,the results of which are analyzed and serve as guidance in other countries that undertakethe same task.Journals on the field■ Journals on the fieldThere are four journals which are published periodically in our country (Figures 20-23):• Revista Argentina de Dermatología (Argentine Journal of Dermatology), the officialorgan of the Argentine Association of Dermatology, dates from 1908; its latest editors areP. Magnin, A. Palacios, J. Abulafia, L. Valle, N. Gotlib and A. Palacios.• Archivos Argentinos de Dermatología (Argentine Archives of Dermatology),launched in 1951 and edited successively by Luis Pierini, Dagoberto Pierini, SantiagoMosto, Adrián Pierini, Fernando Stengel and Andrés Politi.• Dermatología Argentina (Argentine Dermatology), official organ of the ArgentineSociety of Dermatology, founded in 1994 and edited by Alberto Woscoff (Honorary Editor)and Liliana Olivares.• Actualizaciones terapéuticas dermatológicas (Dermatological Therapeutical Updates),edited and published by León Jaimovich and Miguel Allevato; it enjoys great prestigein Latin America and covers the therapeutical aspect of the field with an up-to-datecriticism.Figure 20. RevistaArgentina deDermatologíaFigure 21. ArchivosArgentinos deDermatologíaFigure 22.DermatologíaArgentinaFigure 23.ActualizacionesTerapéuticasDermatológicas45

<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> Argentine <strong>Dermatology</strong>Americas. The essential books on the subject are Tratado de Venereología, by Vigliogliaand collaborators, ETS y SIDA, by P. Viglioglia and A. Wosc<strong>of</strong>f and Las ETS en tiemposdel SIDA by M. Marini and M. Oxilia.At present, STI continue to be a serious sanitary problem in the provinces, which havephysicians and services devoted to the problem.Phototherapy. Numerous services include PUVA and UVB apparatus among theirtherapeutical equipment. Among the outstanding pioneers and teachers <strong>of</strong> the techniqueare Edgardo Chouela, Fernando Stengel, J. Ubogui and Luis Sevinsky.It is impossible, without running the risk <strong>of</strong> an unforgivable omission, to mention allthe physicians who study and stand out in the diverse pathologies. We shall mention afew like Horacio Cabo, in diabetes and the skin, Esteban Saraceno in Internal Medicineand Skin, and Sergio and Osvaldo Stringa, Patricia Troielli, María Bibiana Leroux andCristina Pascutto in collagenopathies.The Argentine Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> and the Skin and Cancer Foundation, presidedby Fernando Stengel, organize annual national campaigns for the control <strong>of</strong> the disease,the results <strong>of</strong> which are analyzed and serve as guidance in other countries that undertakethe same task.Journals on the field■ Journals on the fieldThere are four journals which are published periodically in our country (Figures 20-23):• Revista Argentina de Dermatología (Argentine Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>), the <strong>of</strong>ficialorgan <strong>of</strong> the Argentine Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>, dates from 1908; its latest editors areP. Magnin, A. Palacios, J. Abulafia, L. Valle, N. Gotlib and A. Palacios.• Archivos Argentinos de Dermatología (Argentine Archives <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>),launched in 1951 and edited successively by Luis Pierini, Dagoberto Pierini, SantiagoMosto, Adrián Pierini, Fernando Stengel and Andrés Politi.• Dermatología Argentina (Argentine <strong>Dermatology</strong>), <strong>of</strong>ficial organ <strong>of</strong> the ArgentineSociety <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>, founded in 1994 and edited by Alberto Wosc<strong>of</strong>f (Honorary Editor)and Liliana Olivares.• Actualizaciones terapéuticas dermatológicas (Dermatological Therapeutical Updates),edited and published by León Jaimovich and Miguel Allevato; it enjoys great prestigein <strong>Latin</strong> America and covers the therapeutical aspect <strong>of</strong> the field with an up-to-datecriticism.Figure 20. RevistaArgentina deDermatologíaFigure 21. ArchivosArgentinos deDermatologíaFigure 22.DermatologíaArgentinaFigure 23.ActualizacionesTerapéuticasDermatológicas45

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