History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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A. LANDER, J. PIQUERO, A. RONDÓN, O. REYES, B. TRUJILLO, H. VARGASFigure 3. Dr. MartínVegasFigure 4. Dr. JacintoConvitProfessor Dr. José Sánchez Covisa (1881-1944). Dr. Sánchez Covisa was born inHueste, Spain, in 1881, and obtained his doctorate in Medical Sciences at the Universityof Madrid in 1903. There he was full professor of the Chair of Dermatology and Syphilography,dean of the Medical School, member of the National Academy, president of theMedical Association and president of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology. For politicalreasons in 1938, he came to Venezuela, a country he chose as his adopted land. He heldthe post of technical adviser at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare’s VenereologyDivision; he was vice-president of the First Sessions on Dermatology, and was appointedhonorary head of the Chair of Clinical Dermatology and Syphilography at Venezuela’sCentral University. In Spain he published numerous papers and articles on Dermatology,which have been widely disseminated in Venezuela as well 4, 5, 8 .Dr. Martín Vegas (1897-1991) (Figure 3) was born in Caracas on March 23, 1897. Hegraduated as a medical surgeon from Venezuela’s Central University on June 20, 1920.Five years later he obtained his doctorate in Medical Sciences. In 1922, he moved toFrance where he studied Dermatology and Syphilography at Paris’ Saint-Louis Hospital,and Microbiology at the Pasteur Institute. He created the first Dermatological servicewithin Venzuela’s Red Cross, whose director later was Dr. Ildemaro Lovera. Dr. Vegaswas also Head of the Cabo Blanco Leper Colony. He became a member of the NationalAcademy of Medicine, and in 1944 he succeeded Dr. Pablo Guerra as head of the Chairof Dermatology at Venezuela’s Central University and of the corresponding Service at theVargas Hospital.Dr. Vegas published many papers on the specialized field and attended a considerablenumber of scientific meetings and congresses.During the second third of the twentieth centuryhe took the position that had been held by Dr.Pérez Díaz 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 . Dr. Vegas died inthe city of Caracas in 1991. The memory of hiswork remains alive through the creation of the“Dr. Martín Vegas” Award and Conference, at theinitiative of Dr. Francisco Kerdel Vegas when hewas the head of the Venezuelan Society of Dermatologyin 1964.Dr. Jacinto Convit (1913-) (Figure 4). Dr.Convit was born on September 11, 1913. In1937, when he was a medical student, he beganto work at the Cabo Blanco leprosarium and later continued as a resident physician.There he began his lifelong devotion to the benefit of the needy.He pursued graduate studies in Dermatology at the Skin and Cancer Unit, ColumbiaUniversity, New York, and later in Epidemiology at the Western Reserve University,Cleveland, Ohio.In 1948, together with colleagues from Spain and Latin America, he founded theIbero-Latin American College of Dermatology (CILAD).He was a dermatologist at the Vargas Hospital as of 1948, then head of the DermatologyService and of the Chair of Dermatology; he also founded the National Institute ofDermatology (later known as the Biomedical Institute), the Association for DermatologicalResearch and the Biomedical Institute as a center of biomedical research, not limitedto dermatological ailments. He fostered the clinical-hystopathological and immunologicalstudy of dermatological diseases, particularly leprosy and leishmaniasis, as well astheir management and prevention through immunoprophylaxis and immunization therapy.He published over 300 papers and articles in international journals, which are eloquentevidence of Dr. Convit’s dedication to research and to solving Venezuela’s healthproblems.424

History of Dermatology in VenezuelaDr. Jacinto Convit is an outstanding figure within today’s Dermatology inVenezuela 4, 5, 7, 8, 12 .■ Third stage. From 1946 to this day. DevelopmentThird stage. From 1946 to this day. DevelopmentIn 1955, Dr. Carlos Julio Alarcón was appointed full professor and head of the Chairof Dermatology and Syphilography at the Vargas Hospital, joined by Drs. Jacinto Convit,Juan Di Prisco, Luis A. Velutini, Rafael Medina, Imelda Aasen Campos,Dante Borelli, César Lizardo, Armando Salas, Jacobo Obadía Serfaty andOscar Reyes Flores, the latter as an honorary instructor.In 1958, the Dermatology Service and Chair were created at the CaracasUniversity Hospital, which was inaugurated in 1956 at Caracas’ UniversityComplex (Figure 5).Until then, the Dermatology Service and Chair had been successivelyheaded by Manuel Pérez Díaz, Pablo Guerra, Martín Vegas and CarlosJulio Alarcón.At the time of the creation of the Service and Chair at the “Luis Razetti”University Hospital located in the University Complex, Dr. Carlos Julio Alarcón took overas head, with the following collaborators: Juan Di Prisco, Luis A. Velutini, Imelda Campos,César Lizardo, Dante Borelli, Jacobo Obadía, Oscar Reyes Flores, Eduardo Estradaand Luis Gómez Carrasquero.Since their foundation, the Service and Chair of the University Hospital have been successivelyheaded by: Carlos Julio Alarcón, Juan Di Prisco, Oscar Reyes Flores, José RafaelSardi, Homagdy Rodríguez de Arévalo, Adriana Calebotta, Omaira Castellanos deCamejo, Zulay Torres and Francisco González Otero.Drs. Jacinto Convit — as chief physician — Armando Salas, Mariano Medina, FranciscoKerdel Vegas and José Manuel Soto remained at the old Service and Chair at theVargas Hospital. On November 29, 1971, the Service was moved to a new building nextto the Vargas Hospital, under the name of the National Institute of Dermatology, latercalled the Biomedical Institute (October 22, 1984) (Figure 6).This institution was conceived and developed thanks to the efforts and resolve of Drs.Jacinto Convit and Francisco Kerdel Vegas. Under its wing there operate, apart from variousresearch laboratories, the outpatient departments of general and specialized Dermatology(leprology, mycology, pediatric dermatology, leishmaniasis, allergy, vulvarpathology, stomatology, lupus, pathology of the lower limbs, psoriasis, surgical pathology),the laboratories of immunology, histochemistry, dermatopathology, the library, andthe archive, statistics and administration offices.Three graduate university services operate there as well: Dermatology, Dermatopathology,and the Master’s studies in Tropical Epidemiology.Since its inception, the Biomedical Institute has been headed by Dr. Jacinto Convit; theInstitute is attached to the Dermatology Service of Caracas’ Vargas Hospital, which hasbeen successively headed by Jacinto Convit, José Manuel Soto, Antonio Rondón Lugo andJaime Piquero Martín.The Chair of Dermatology at the Medical School has been successively held by JacintoConvit, Eva Koves, Mauricio Goihman and Antonio Rondón Lugo.In 1962, at the initiative of the two Chairs, projects were developed to start graduatecourses in Dermatology. At the Biomedical Institute the heads of graduate studies wereJacinto Convit, José Manuel Soto and Antonio Rondón Lugo. The first course started in1964 with a duration of two years which was later extended to three years.The two initial graduate courses in Caracas (at the Vargas and Luis Razetti Universityhospitals) were later followed by the Dermatology Service of the Caracas Military Hospital,Figure 5. CaracasUniversity HospitalFigure 6. BiomedicalInstitute425

<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> in VenezuelaDr. Jacinto Convit is an outstanding figure within today’s <strong>Dermatology</strong> inVenezuela 4, 5, 7, 8, 12 .■ Third stage. From 1946 to this day. DevelopmentThird stage. From 1946 to this day. DevelopmentIn 1955, Dr. Carlos Julio Alarcón was appointed full pr<strong>of</strong>essor and head <strong>of</strong> the Chair<strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> and Syphilography at the Vargas Hospital, joined by Drs. Jacinto Convit,Juan Di Prisco, Luis A. Velutini, Rafael Medina, Imelda Aasen Campos,Dante Borelli, César Lizardo, Armando Salas, Jacobo Obadía Serfaty andOscar Reyes Flores, the latter as an honorary instructor.In 1958, the <strong>Dermatology</strong> Service and Chair were created at the CaracasUniversity Hospital, which was inaugurated in 1956 at Caracas’ UniversityComplex (Figure 5).Until then, the <strong>Dermatology</strong> Service and Chair had been successivelyheaded by Manuel Pérez Díaz, Pablo Guerra, Martín Vegas and CarlosJulio Alarcón.At the time <strong>of</strong> the creation <strong>of</strong> the Service and Chair at the “Luis Razetti”University Hospital located in the University Complex, Dr. Carlos Julio Alarcón took overas head, with the following collaborators: Juan Di Prisco, Luis A. Velutini, Imelda Campos,César Lizardo, Dante Borelli, Jacobo Obadía, Oscar Reyes Flores, Eduardo Estradaand Luis Gómez Carrasquero.Since their foundation, the Service and Chair <strong>of</strong> the University Hospital have been successivelyheaded by: Carlos Julio Alarcón, Juan Di Prisco, Oscar Reyes Flores, José RafaelSardi, Homagdy Rodríguez de Arévalo, Adriana Calebotta, Omaira Castellanos deCamejo, Zulay Torres and Francisco González Otero.Drs. Jacinto Convit — as chief physician — Armando Salas, Mariano Medina, FranciscoKerdel Vegas and José Manuel Soto remained at the old Service and Chair at theVargas Hospital. On November 29, 1971, the Service was moved to a new building nextto the Vargas Hospital, under the name <strong>of</strong> the National Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>, latercalled the Biomedical Institute (October 22, 1984) (Figure 6).This institution was conceived and developed thanks to the efforts and resolve <strong>of</strong> Drs.Jacinto Convit and Francisco Kerdel Vegas. Under its wing there operate, apart from variousresearch laboratories, the outpatient departments <strong>of</strong> general and specialized <strong>Dermatology</strong>(leprology, mycology, pediatric dermatology, leishmaniasis, allergy, vulvarpathology, stomatology, lupus, pathology <strong>of</strong> the lower limbs, psoriasis, surgical pathology),the laboratories <strong>of</strong> immunology, histochemistry, dermatopathology, the library, andthe archive, statistics and administration <strong>of</strong>fices.Three graduate university services operate there as well: <strong>Dermatology</strong>, Dermatopathology,and the Master’s studies in Tropical Epidemiology.Since its inception, the Biomedical Institute has been headed by Dr. Jacinto Convit; theInstitute is attached to the <strong>Dermatology</strong> Service <strong>of</strong> Caracas’ Vargas Hospital, which hasbeen successively headed by Jacinto Convit, José Manuel Soto, Antonio Rondón Lugo andJaime Piquero Martín.The Chair <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> at the Medical School has been successively held by JacintoConvit, Eva Koves, Mauricio Goihman and Antonio Rondón Lugo.In 1962, at the initiative <strong>of</strong> the two Chairs, projects were developed to start graduatecourses in <strong>Dermatology</strong>. At the Biomedical Institute the heads <strong>of</strong> graduate studies wereJacinto Convit, José Manuel Soto and Antonio Rondón Lugo. The first course started in1964 with a duration <strong>of</strong> two years which was later extended to three years.The two initial graduate courses in Caracas (at the Vargas and Luis Razetti Universityhospitals) were later followed by the <strong>Dermatology</strong> Service <strong>of</strong> the Caracas Military Hospital,Figure 5. CaracasUniversity HospitalFigure 6. BiomedicalInstitute425

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