History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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RAÚL VIGNALE“Certificate of Appreciation” for his extraordinary merits in teaching, research and internationalcooperation in the field of Dermatology. For the latter event, Prof. AnaKaminksy traveled expressly from Buenos Aires to Uruguay as delegate of the InternationalCommittee with headquarters in the United States. He was also founder, Secretaryand President of ULACETS (Latin American Union Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases)and President of diverse International Congresses along with other outstandingprofessionals from Uruguay and Latin America.Prof. Dr. Probo Pereira da SilvaIt is an essential duty to mention this illustrious Full Professor of Dermatological ClinicalMedicine, a man of exquisite personality, respectful of his duties and obligations. Hehad the great virtue of continuing to further the growth of Dermatology in Uruguay andneighboring countries. He created the Department of Dermatological Surgery and theContact Dermatitis Section that is currently led by Prof. Dr. Selva Alé. He dedicated hislife to teaching, creating working groups that at the present time are yielding excellentfruit in their treatment and teaching work. Because of his great interest in DermatologicalSurgery he sent numerous young people to Buenos Aires and to Córdoba to specializein that branch of Dermatology. He thought about the future, about what Dermatologyought to be in the years ahead. More than enough merit to reward him with the title ofcreator of the diverse aspects of modern Dermatology. He was on several occasions anULACETS Board member, Secretary and President of the Uruguayan Society of Dermatologyand President of several Congresses in the specialized field.We don’t wish to conclude this brief summary without mentioning numerous physicianswho devoted their lives to our field, rising through open competitions to all ranksup to those of head doctors at the Ministry of Public Health and at the Medical School.We refer to Juan F. Tost, Cándido Prego, Pablo Klestorny Blanco, Héctor Abreu, José M.Infantozzi, Carmen Riveiro, Esther Casella de Vilaboa, Eustaquio Montero, Luis Torres dela Llosa, Ana Cassinelli and so many others who stood out as extraordinary teachers, incareful and methodical semiology and in the arduous daily hospital work, persons of thegreatest delicacy in daily exchanges, respectful of their colleagues’ opinions, whom werecall with enormous affection and respect. It is impossible to name them all, but it isthey who have aided the unfolding of Dermatology, leaving their deep and imperishabletraces for the younger generations to learn from their teachings. Their excellent virtueshad the magnificent and altruistic goal that we all recognize in many colleagues, whomit is necessary to remember as a prior step to eternal rest.We have now already reached the modern era, between 1985 and 2004, with the morerecent generations of dermatologists, who have learned from their elders and who takeon the responsibility of teaching and transmitting the knowledge that passes from generationto generation. They are the Clinical Medicine associates, the assistants, the AdjunctProfessors: Drs. Néstor Macedo, Miguel Martínez and Selva Ale and the current full professor,Dr. Griselda de Anda, a true engine, an indefatigable worker of genius, who day in,day out over the course of very many years has devoted her life to teaching, treatmentand research. Professor and teacher in Clinical Dermatology and in Dermopathology, shealso created sections for specialized treatment such as those for Pediatric Dermatologyand leg ulcers, continuing with Surgery and Contact Dermatitis. She has stood out for hercontinuous travels abroad to carry on learning, mainly at the annual Meetings of theAmerican Academy of Dermatology. Her extensive scientific output encompasses innumerablearticles published in diverse national and foreign journals and an enormousnumber of participations in congresses, symposia and scientific gatherings in Uruguayand diverse Latin American countries, in the United States and in Europe.408

History of Dermatology in UruguayWith extraordinary enthusiasm and devotion, Prof. de Anda has caused Uruguay’scurrent Dermatology to rise to international levels over the last twenty years. The samecan be said of her extraordinary collaborators, Drs. Macedo, Alé and Martínez, as wellas of the younger physicians, who have continuously presented innumerable articles andbooks, obtaining a large number of International Awards. It can be stated with certaintythat an infinite number of disciples have developed at Prof. de Anda’s side. It is the thirdglorious stage of Dermatology in Uruguay.Hospitals with Dermatology services■ Hospitals with Dermatology servicesHospitals dependent from the Ministry of Public Healththat have dermatological polyclinicsMACIEL HOSPITALThe Maciel Hospital has constituted a true glory of Uruguayan Medicine over thecourse of several centuries 1-16 . It operated, from its outset, as a Hospital of the Ministryof Public Health, but its activities were divided. There were the doctors of the MedicalSchool like José Brito Foresti, Bartolomé Vignale, José María Tiscornia Denis, HéctorSantomé, Antonio Blanco and Juan F. Tost (Figures 5, 6). We stress the figure of extraordinaryphysicians of the Medical School and of the Ministry ofPublic Health, like José May, Cándido Prego, Héctor Abreu, EustaquioMontero, Blanco, Esther Casella de Vilaboa and AnaCassinelli. Excellent physicians passed through those services, whichit is a duty to mention: Levy, Rampoldi, Dos Santos, Susana Dorce,Diab, Macedo, Bruno, Mocobocki and Conti.The Maciel is, since a few years ago, one of the main referral hospitalsfor all of Uruguay. Under the leadership of Dr. Ana Cassinelli andDiab it maintains a very free-flowing relationship with the Hemato-oncologyand Bone Marrow Transplant Patients Service, with the ChestSurgery Service and especially with the country’s only Center for GravitationalTherapy and with the Psycho-Social Medicine Unit (the onlyone in Public Health). Its physical facilities were expanded in 1999 andit enjoys all the modern elements for a better treatment for patients.Dr. Cassinelli’s latest and fundamental achievement was to includespecific medications for Dermatology in the hospital’s formulary whichcan only be prescribed by specialists, which allows a relatively stableamount of medication to be maintained. We very particularly wish tostress Cassinelli’s intense, selfless and extraordinary work, which hasplaced her service among the best in the Americas.FERMIN FERREIRA HOSPITALIt was created at the end of the nineteenth century for the interactionand treatment of patients with tuberculosis. Separated fromthe main nucleus of the buildings were two wards for leprosy patients; it was the originalleprosarium led for many years by Ernesto Stirling, a man who devoted his entire life,with affection, enthusiasm and devotion, to the care of his patients. When this hospitalwas closed down the patients came to be treated at a specially designed building on theoutskirts of Montevideo, the Hansenian Institute. It had four wards (two for women andtwo for men), six houses separated from the central nucleus for patients living as a couple,and central and administrative offices. This part was headed by Dr. Víctor Rosen andthe patients’ section by Drs. Moris Margounato and Nieves Varela. It had everythingFigure 5. In thecourtyard of the MacielHospital (1926). Leftto right: Demaestri(superintendent), B.Vignale and BritoForesti; at rear,Santomé, Klestorny,associate physiciansand nurse409

RAÚL VIGNALE“Certificate <strong>of</strong> Appreciation” for his extraordinary merits in teaching, research and internationalcooperation in the field <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>. For the latter event, Pr<strong>of</strong>. AnaKaminksy traveled expressly from Buenos Aires to Uruguay as delegate <strong>of</strong> the InternationalCommittee with headquarters in the United States. He was also founder, Secretaryand President <strong>of</strong> ULACETS (<strong>Latin</strong> <strong>American</strong> Union Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases)and President <strong>of</strong> diverse International Congresses along with other outstandingpr<strong>of</strong>essionals from Uruguay and <strong>Latin</strong> America.Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. Probo Pereira da SilvaIt is an essential duty to mention this illustrious Full Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Dermatological ClinicalMedicine, a man <strong>of</strong> exquisite personality, respectful <strong>of</strong> his duties and obligations. Hehad the great virtue <strong>of</strong> continuing to further the growth <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> in Uruguay andneighboring countries. He created the Department <strong>of</strong> Dermatological Surgery and theContact Dermatitis Section that is currently led by Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. Selva Alé. He dedicated hislife to teaching, creating working groups that at the present time are yielding excellentfruit in their treatment and teaching work. Because <strong>of</strong> his great interest in DermatologicalSurgery he sent numerous young people to Buenos Aires and to Córdoba to specializein that branch <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>. He thought about the future, about what <strong>Dermatology</strong>ought to be in the years ahead. More than enough merit to reward him with the title <strong>of</strong>creator <strong>of</strong> the diverse aspects <strong>of</strong> modern <strong>Dermatology</strong>. He was on several occasions anULACETS Board member, Secretary and President <strong>of</strong> the Uruguayan Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>and President <strong>of</strong> several Congresses in the specialized field.We don’t wish to conclude this brief summary without mentioning numerous physicianswho devoted their lives to our field, rising through open competitions to all ranksup to those <strong>of</strong> head doctors at the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Public Health and at the Medical School.We refer to Juan F. Tost, Cándido Prego, Pablo Klestorny Blanco, Héctor Abreu, José M.Infantozzi, Carmen Riveiro, Esther Casella de Vilaboa, Eustaquio Montero, Luis Torres dela Llosa, Ana Cassinelli and so many others who stood out as extraordinary teachers, incareful and methodical semiology and in the arduous daily hospital work, persons <strong>of</strong> thegreatest delicacy in daily exchanges, respectful <strong>of</strong> their colleagues’ opinions, whom werecall with enormous affection and respect. It is impossible to name them all, but it isthey who have aided the unfolding <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>, leaving their deep and imperishabletraces for the younger generations to learn from their teachings. Their excellent virtueshad the magnificent and altruistic goal that we all recognize in many colleagues, whomit is necessary to remember as a prior step to eternal rest.We have now already reached the modern era, between 1985 and 2004, with the morerecent generations <strong>of</strong> dermatologists, who have learned from their elders and who takeon the responsibility <strong>of</strong> teaching and transmitting the knowledge that passes from generationto generation. They are the Clinical Medicine associates, the assistants, the AdjunctPr<strong>of</strong>essors: Drs. Néstor Macedo, Miguel Martínez and Selva Ale and the current full pr<strong>of</strong>essor,Dr. Griselda de Anda, a true engine, an indefatigable worker <strong>of</strong> genius, who day in,day out over the course <strong>of</strong> very many years has devoted her life to teaching, treatmentand research. Pr<strong>of</strong>essor and teacher in Clinical <strong>Dermatology</strong> and in Dermopathology, shealso created sections for specialized treatment such as those for Pediatric <strong>Dermatology</strong>and leg ulcers, continuing with Surgery and Contact Dermatitis. She has stood out for hercontinuous travels abroad to carry on learning, mainly at the annual Meetings <strong>of</strong> the<strong>American</strong> Academy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>. Her extensive scientific output encompasses innumerablearticles published in diverse national and foreign journals and an enormousnumber <strong>of</strong> participations in congresses, symposia and scientific gatherings in Uruguayand diverse <strong>Latin</strong> <strong>American</strong> countries, in the United States and in Europe.408

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