History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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MARTHA MINIÑO, RAFAEL ISA ISAFigure 1. Primatecathedral of theAmericas andMonument toChristopherColumbus.First cathedral builtin the New World,where the remainsof AdmiralColumbus restFigure 2. Ruins ofSt. Nicholas of BariHospital.It was the firsthospital of the NewWorld, built in1509Indigenous medicine was empirical and transmitted orally; it was also traditional andsecret. Since no written records of this civilization exist, except those drawn up by Europeans,many facts are unknown.A very scarce flora existed on the island, but its inhabitants knew how to make the mostof it. In the Cohoba ceremony (in which they employed D. stramonium) the bohutí, or sorcerer,could induce a state of lethargic sleep in his patient. Another practice utilized smokeor aspiration of tobacco, also occasionally used by the Spaniards for the effect of stuporthat it provoked and which permitted them to alleviate the pain caused by ulcers 5-8 .Among the first recorded cutaneous pathologies, apart from buboe — painful ulcerativelesions — lesions known as caracaracol were found, which according to the narrations,could well correspond to ringworm or dermatophytosis of the body 5 . Buboe weretreated with an infusion of guayacán or holy wood; legs with circulatory disorders weresubmerged in an infusion of the jobo fruit that refreshed them and increased tension; thefruit of the little manzanillo tree were used for acute gout attacks, as even Columbushimself got to experience 7 .Yagrumo or yoruba in the form of poultices was applied on wounds, or otherwise nodules,excrescences and humors were sucked; other substances used were the bija (ajiacoor saffron) applied in the form of an oily ointment, with which they painted the body andwhich served them as part of their clothing and to drive mosquitoes away; guao leaves,besides being a powerful poison, were also used as whiteners of the facial skin, and thebalsam was applied as an homeostatic for wounds and ulcers. To combat malaria, theywere not unaware of the use of a plant with byproducts of quinia, which is still employedin certain regions of the mountains of our Central Cordillera 8, 9 .■ Dermatology in colonial in colonial times timesDue to the plagues and the vicissitudes of slavery, the Indian populationrapidly diminished in number; this was also the case, but to alesser degree, with the Spaniards, attacked by ailments unknown tothem, such as the first malaria epidemic which did not spare AdmiralColumbus, who suffered three attacks of the disease 2-4 .In 1493, the settlement of La Isabela was built in the north of theisland, in the current province of Puerto Plata, boasting the first colonialconstruction in the New World: fortress, church, roads, town hall,and hospital. The latter was staffed by Master Juan, a surgeon but notphysician. It was there that the first doctor sent and paid by theCatholic Kings began his practice: Dr. Diego Alvarez Chanca 10 who,arriving on Columbus’ second voyage, treated the first malaria epidemic,and also diagnosed some supposed ulcers of the Indian chiefGuacanagarix, equivalent to what we would call a factitial dermatosis2, 4 .In 1495, the first yellow fever epidemic was recorded 11 ; smallpoxepidemics struck the indigenous population as far back as 1494, sothat by 1518 only fifteen thousand Indians remained on the island,according to historian Ulloa Cisneros 2 .In 1502 the city of Santo Domingo was founded, and along with itthe first cathedral (Figure 1) and the first hospital, St. Nicholas ofBari, which possessed some twenty beds and a leprosarium andfound itself “infected with buboe” 2, 3 (Figure 2). Later, in 1511, theSt. Lazarus Hospital was opened, the first leprosarium in the NewWorld (Figures 3 and 4).378

History of Dermatology in the Dominican RepublicIn the year 1500, the first surgeon arrived, Master Alonso; in 1533, the first autopsyin the New World was carried out, on female Siamese twins, carried out by surgeon JuanCamacho, who in his description placed special emphasis on the skin 4 .In 1519, the first Protomedicato (medical inspection board) in the Americas was setup, to regulate the practice of medicine; in 1562, by the papal bull “Apostolatus Culmine,”the first University of the New World was created, St. Thomas Aquinas, whichtoday is the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD). In 1582, the first Shelterfor Children was inaugurated, which as Dr. Pedro López records, was frequently attackedby epidemics of scabies and rashes 2 .With the arrival of slaves from different parts of Africa, new illnesses arrived; in thisway, the island, according to the chroniclers, was scourged by filariasis, gusarolas, smallpox,leprosy, dysentery, yellow fever, scabies, buboe, chancres, sores and varicose ulcers.In the 18th century, cutaneous illnesses were described such as filaria, frambesia,blennorrhea, black smallpox, measles, gusarola, verola (spot marks), chiggers, ulcersand various types of chancres 9, 11, 12 .Buboe are one of the first pathologies described on the island. In 1730, Damier Chevalierdescribed some skin lesions that could well correspond to leprosy, stating that “theyare a consequence of smallpox (syphilis)”; in 1747, he published a treatise about the ailmentson the island, in which he pointed to leprosy as a common pathology in the blackand white population, considering it a modified syphilis 2, 12 .As with the Indians, the medicine of the black slaves was also animist and empirical,based on the use of poultices and brews together with magic rituals performed by thebokor 12 .In 1804, Emmanuel Chopitre — a French physician who had settled in the Frenchpart of Hispaniola — made one of the first descriptions of leprosy in the Americas, alsoconsidering it a type of syphilis. In Paris, this author described what we today know asfascies leonina, as well as some aftereffects of the disease; he also described frambesiaor buboe in three clinical forms — small yaws, red yaws and large yaws 12, 13 .Another French doctor, Charlevoix, defined leprosy as a pathology that was not indigenousto these lands, but as coming from Europe, one that was common in the citiesand rare in the country 13 .Figure 3. Old St.LazarusHospitalDrawing ofwhat was thefirstleprosarium inthe AmericasFigure 4. OldSt. LazarusHospital.Currentcondition ofthe firstleprosarium ofthe New WorldDermatology under the Republic■ Dermatology under the RepublicSince 1845, an order existed for the confinement of leprosy patients at the Hospital ofSt. Nicholas of Bari. In 1881, the first Medical Association was founded; during theseyears physicians were still general practititoners or surgeons; specialized fields were unknown,as they only began to be conceived in 1852, after the opening of two medicalschools, in Santo Domingo and Santiago 14 .379

<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> in the Dominican RepublicIn the year 1500, the first surgeon arrived, Master Alonso; in 1533, the first autopsyin the New World was carried out, on female Siamese twins, carried out by surgeon JuanCamacho, who in his description placed special emphasis on the skin 4 .In 1519, the first Protomedicato (medical inspection board) in the Americas was setup, to regulate the practice <strong>of</strong> medicine; in 1562, by the papal bull “Apostolatus Culmine,”the first University <strong>of</strong> the New World was created, St. Thomas Aquinas, whichtoday is the Autonomous University <strong>of</strong> Santo Domingo (UASD). In 1582, the first Shelterfor Children was inaugurated, which as Dr. Pedro López records, was frequently attackedby epidemics <strong>of</strong> scabies and rashes 2 .With the arrival <strong>of</strong> slaves from different parts <strong>of</strong> Africa, new illnesses arrived; in thisway, the island, according to the chroniclers, was scourged by filariasis, gusarolas, smallpox,leprosy, dysentery, yellow fever, scabies, buboe, chancres, sores and varicose ulcers.In the 18th century, cutaneous illnesses were described such as filaria, frambesia,blennorrhea, black smallpox, measles, gusarola, verola (spot marks), chiggers, ulcersand various types <strong>of</strong> chancres 9, 11, 12 .Buboe are one <strong>of</strong> the first pathologies described on the island. In 1730, Damier Chevalierdescribed some skin lesions that could well correspond to leprosy, stating that “theyare a consequence <strong>of</strong> smallpox (syphilis)”; in 1747, he published a treatise about the ailmentson the island, in which he pointed to leprosy as a common pathology in the blackand white population, considering it a modified syphilis 2, 12 .As with the Indians, the medicine <strong>of</strong> the black slaves was also animist and empirical,based on the use <strong>of</strong> poultices and brews together with magic rituals performed by thebokor 12 .In 1804, Emmanuel Chopitre — a French physician who had settled in the Frenchpart <strong>of</strong> Hispaniola — made one <strong>of</strong> the first descriptions <strong>of</strong> leprosy in the Americas, alsoconsidering it a type <strong>of</strong> syphilis. In Paris, this author described what we today know asfascies leonina, as well as some aftereffects <strong>of</strong> the disease; he also described frambesiaor buboe in three clinical forms — small yaws, red yaws and large yaws 12, 13 .Another French doctor, Charlevoix, defined leprosy as a pathology that was not indigenousto these lands, but as coming from Europe, one that was common in the citiesand rare in the country 13 .Figure 3. Old St.LazarusHospitalDrawing <strong>of</strong>what was thefirstleprosarium inthe AmericasFigure 4. OldSt. LazarusHospital.Currentcondition <strong>of</strong>the firstleprosarium <strong>of</strong>the New World<strong>Dermatology</strong> under the Republic■ <strong>Dermatology</strong> under the RepublicSince 1845, an order existed for the confinement <strong>of</strong> leprosy patients at the Hospital <strong>of</strong>St. Nicholas <strong>of</strong> Bari. In 1881, the first Medical Association was founded; during theseyears physicians were still general practititoners or surgeons; specialized fields were unknown,as they only began to be conceived in 1852, after the opening <strong>of</strong> two medicalschools, in Santo Domingo and Santiago 14 .379

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