History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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LUIS VALDIVIA BLONDETthat International Scientifics Societies do not have preeminence over national ones.On September 1, 1999, the wish of having its own premises was attained — a placewhere all dermatologists meet and work under the mission of improving the specializedfield and not carving it up.CILAD-PeruCILAD-Peru is an association established in 1964 by the national delegate of the Ibero-Latin American Association of Dermatology (CILAD, currently called CIDERM, PeruvianDermatology Circle), which appears as such in the Special Registry of Branches of InternationalMedical-Scientific Institutions. It has a duplicating scientific activity to that of thePeruvian Society of Dermatology and publishes the journal Folia Dermatológica.■ EpilogueAlthough there are manifestations of the knowledge of cutaneous pathologies sincepre-Columbian times, the modern history of Peruvian Dermatology starts in the nineteenthcentury — the period when the specialized field began as such in the world — andits historical evolution revolves around two basic hubs: the St. Ferdinand Medical Schoolof the National Higher University of St. Mark and the Peruvian Society of Dermatology. ■September 2005AcknowledgementsDr. Nicolás Tapia Dueñas, who provided us with his photographs of huacos for thiswork.Julio Bonilla Espinoza, Oscar Romero Pridat and Carlos Galarza Manyari, who providedinformation on the history of the Dos de Mayo Hospital.Dr. Gladys Vidarte Orrego, for her collaboration in obtaining information on the historyof the Archbishop Loayza Hospital.Dr. Oscar Tincopa Wong, who cooperated with information on the dermatological historyof Northern Peru.Drs. Víctor Delgado Fernández and Marcial Ríos Flores, for the information on Dermatologyin Southern Peru.And all those who made the writing of this work possible.■ ReferencesArias Schereiber J. La Facultad deMedicina de Arequipa en elsiglo XIX. Lima: EditorialUniversitaria; 1973.Arquiola E. La materia médica enel mundo moderno. Historiadel medicamento. Madrid:Dira; 1985.Bustíos Romaní C. Notas sobre lahistoria de la educaciónmédica en el Perú. PrimeraParte: 1568-1933. ActaMédica Peruana.2003;XX(2):94-108.Cabieses F. Dioses yenfermedades. Lima:Ortegraf; 1974.Castillo Narváez F. BeneméritoHospital Dos de Mayo. Sugénesis y proyecciones. Lima:Gráfica Liz Ana; 1993.Castillo Narváez F. Un pedazo de lahistoria del Hospital Dos deMayo. Lima: Monterrico; 1987.368

Notes on the history of Peruvian DermatologyFlores Cevallos L, Flores CevallosE. Historia de laDermatología en el Perú (200años a.C.-siglo XX). Lima:Hozlo; 1999.Guerra García R. AlbertoHurtado: médico y educador.Lima: Universidad PeruanaCayetano Heredia; 2001.Lastres JB. Historia de laMedicina Peruana. Tomos I, IIy III. Lima: UNMSM; 1951.Morales Landeo E. Daniel AlcidesCarrión García. Lima: Impresodel Colegio Médico del Perú;2000.Nava Carrión C. Historia delHospital Arzobispo Loayzadesde sus orígenes. Lima:Editora Perú; 1999.Rabi Chara M. Del Hospital deSanta Ana al HospitalNacional Arzobispo Loayza(1925-1999). 450 años deprotección de la salud de laspersonas. En: Lastres JB.Historia de la MedicinaPeruana. Tomo II. Lima:UNMSM; 1951.Tapia Dueñas N. Dermatología ycosmetología en el AntiguoPerú. Lima: Schering-Plough;2000.

Notes on the history <strong>of</strong> Peruvian <strong>Dermatology</strong>Flores Cevallos L, Flores CevallosE. Historia de laDermatología en el Perú (200años a.C.-siglo XX). Lima:Hozlo; 1999.Guerra García R. AlbertoHurtado: médico y educador.Lima: Universidad PeruanaCayetano Heredia; 2001.Lastres JB. Historia de laMedicina Peruana. Tomos I, IIy III. Lima: UNMSM; 1951.Morales Landeo E. Daniel AlcidesCarrión García. Lima: Impresodel Colegio Médico del Perú;2000.Nava Carrión C. Historia delHospital Arzobispo Loayzadesde sus orígenes. Lima:Editora Perú; 1999.Rabi Chara M. Del Hospital deSanta Ana al HospitalNacional Arzobispo Loayza(1925-1999). 450 años deprotección de la salud de laspersonas. En: Lastres JB.Historia de la MedicinaPeruana. Tomo II. Lima:UNMSM; 1951.Tapia Dueñas N. Dermatología ycosmetología en el AntiguoPerú. Lima: Schering-Plough;2000.

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