History of Latin American Dermatology

History of Latin American Dermatology History of Latin American Dermatology

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LUIS VALDIVIA BLONDETThe Children’s Health Institute — Children’s Hospital — was inaugurated on November1, 1929, by Augusto B. Leguía, the President of Peru, with the name “Julia Swaynede Leguía Children’s Hospital.” The first head of the Hospital was Dr. Carlos Krumdieck.In January 1930, the outpatient offices began to operate with seven patients on the firstday, and in April the first 20 hospitalization beds were opened. At present, it is the referralcenter for child pathology. The Pediatric Dermatology Service is headed by Dr. RosalíaBallona Chambergo.The Alberto Sabogal Sologuren Hospital was founded in 1942. In 1974, its name waschanged to Area Hospital No. 1 IPSS. On February 12, 1982, the new hospital location inBellavista was inaugurated, and in 1991, it changed its classification under the denominationof Regional Hospital III.The Dermatology Office was created in 1950 with Dr. Luis Flores-Cevallos, who, in1961, moved to the Dermatology Service of the Edgardo Rebagliati Hospital. In the sameyear, Dr. Juan Meza Balbuena joined, leaving the staff as follows: Dr. Juan Meza Balbuena(head doctor), Dr. Emma Ávila Del Carpio, Dr. Gloria Baquerizo and Dr. RogelioPinto Salas. In 1984, the medical team was made up of Drs. Humberto Gonzáles Garay(head doctor), Gloria Baquerizo, Emma Ávila Del Carpio, Rogelio Pinto Salas, HumbertoCosta Alfaro, Herbert Tirado, Carlos Guerra Carbajal, Daniel Valverde Bejarano and JoséSalazar Zumarán. From 1980 onward, Dr. Gonzáles Garay was head of the service up tohis retirement in 1992, when Dr. Emma Ávila Del Carpio took over that office. In 1994,Dr. Rogelio Pinto Salas accepted the head office, and has held it to date. In June 2000,the Dermatology residency began with the arrival of Dr. Ferdinando de Amat Loza.The Mary Mother of Help Hospital, founded in August 1986, began operating with aDermatology Service headed, from the outset, by Dr. César Pérez del Arca. It is a teachingcenter of the National Higher University of St. Mark in the undergraduate departmentsince 1986 and in the training of residents in Dermatology since May 2000.■ The scientific Scientific Societies societies of the specialized of the fieldspecialized fieldThe Peruvian Medical Association, in the exercise of its role, classifies Scientific Societiesinto: Main, those that hold the representation of the specialized field throughout thecountry, and Special, the branches of International Scientific Societies (Rules for Medical-ScientificSocieties of the Peruvian Medical Association, 1999, Article 7).The Peruvian Society of DermatologyOn February 15, 1951, at the Conference Hall of the Archbishop Loayza Hospital, thePeruvian Society of Dermatology and Syphilology was founded in solemn session headedby Dr. Aurelio Loret de Mola with the attendance of Drs. Ricardo Pazos Varela (MedicalSchool), Gilberto Morey (president of the Peruvian Medical Federation), Oswaldo Hercelles(vice-president of Lima’s Public Welfare Society), Guillermo Basombrío (presidentof the Argentine Society of Dermatology), Juan Machiavello (head of the ArchbishopLoayza Hospital); Víctor Eguiguren (head doctor of the anti-venereal Service). The firsttemporary Board of Directors was made up of: President, Prof. Dr. Aurelio Loret de Mola;Secretary, Dr. Amaro Urrelo; Treasurer, Dr. Marcial Ayaipoma V.; Members, Drs. PedroWeiss, Hugo Pesce, Pablo Arana and Arturo Salas Brouset.The Society was dissolved due to unknown reasons.On September 1, 1964, a group of 22 dermatologists, gathered at the offices of theDaniel Alcides Carrión Medical Association, decided to set up an association called thePeruvian Society of Dermatology; they drafted and signed the Founding Record and appointedthe organizing Commission presided by Dr. Aizic Cotlear.364

Notes on the history of Peruvian DermatologyThe founding members were the following dermatologists: Guillermo Arana Zapatero,Marcial Ayaipoma Vidalón, Zuño Burstein Alva, Antonio Caldas Rodríguez, Elda Canadellde Puertas, Wenceslao Castillo Rivadeneyra, Luis Cavero Ortiz, Aizic Cotlear Dolberg,Carlos Echegaray, Enrique Franciscolo Castagnino, Raúl Gallarday Vásquez, RafaelGonzáles Will, Juan Manrique Ávila, Oswaldo Paredes Reynoso, Carlos Regalado, CésarRojas Miranda, María Elena Ruiz Soto, José San Martín Razzeto, Enrique Sifuentes,Nicolás Tapia Dueñas, Amaro Urrelo Novoa, Alfredo Yong Laos.The Commission called elections two months later. The first Board of Directors of theSociety was headed by Dr. Amaro Urrelo Novoa; he was succeeded in periods of government— which at first lasted one year, and from 1975 onward, two — by fourteen presidentswho, with their respective Boards of Directors led the Society up to 2004.The presidents of the Peruvian Society of Dermatology have been the following:1965-1966: Dr. Amaro Urrelo Novoa (re-elected)1967: Dr. Juan Manrique Ávila1968-1969: Dr. Aizic Cotlear Dolberg (re-elected)1970-1971: Dr. Luis Flores-Cevallos (re-elected)1972-1973: Dr. Wenceslao Castillo Rivadeneyra (re-elected)1974: Dr. Zuño Burstein Alva1975-1976: Dr. Raúl Gallarday Vásquez1977-1978: Dr. Antonio Caldas Rodríguez1979-1980: Dr. Humberto Gonzáles Garay1981-1982: Dr. David Carrizales Ulloa1983-1984: Dr. Manuel Palomino Yamamoto1985-1986: Dr. David Carrizales Ulloa1987-1988: Dr. Luis Valdivia Blondet1989-1990: Dr. José Salazar Zumarán1991-1992: Dr. Julio Saldaña Patiño1993-1994: Dr. David Carrizales Ulloa1995-1996: Dr. Luis Valdivia Blondet1997-1998: Dr. Héctor Cáceres Ríos1999-2000: Dr. Leonardo Sánchez Saldaña2001-2002: Dr. Gadwyn Sánchez Félix2003-2004: Dr. Nicolás Tapia DueñasThe first application to be filed was recorded in the minutes on March 17, 1965, andthe applicant was Dr. José Ruiz Agüero. In 2004, there are 245 members, excluding HonoraryMembers and Corresponding Members. During the administration of the firstBoard of Directors, the symbol of the Society was approved, a huaco portrait of theMochica culture (Figure 18) that represents a nobleman ill with tegumentary leishmaniasis,a disease that is characteristic of our country and that has strong dermatologicalroots; on the same date, the model for the Society Certificate was approved.The first Bylaws were approved on October 1, 1964. Various changes were made inBylaw Assemblies; the last one, which is still in application, took place on November 25,1996.At the outset of the Peruvian Society of Dermatology, the Peruvian Medical Associationwas not yet in existence, and it was the Peruvian Medical Federation that regulated themedical profession in the corporate and ethical aspects at the national level. The Societywas accepted as a base organization on September 19, 1965. The Peruvian Medical Federationcontinues as a national corporate organization, and great leaders of Medicinehave emerged from it, such as Drs. Max Cárdenas, Julio Castro Gómez and the currentNational Dean of the Peruvian Medical Association, Dr. Isaías Peñaloza Rodríguez.The bylaws of the Peruvian Medical Association were approved on July 1, 1969, and,365

LUIS VALDIVIA BLONDETThe Children’s Health Institute — Children’s Hospital — was inaugurated on November1, 1929, by Augusto B. Leguía, the President <strong>of</strong> Peru, with the name “Julia Swaynede Leguía Children’s Hospital.” The first head <strong>of</strong> the Hospital was Dr. Carlos Krumdieck.In January 1930, the outpatient <strong>of</strong>fices began to operate with seven patients on the firstday, and in April the first 20 hospitalization beds were opened. At present, it is the referralcenter for child pathology. The Pediatric <strong>Dermatology</strong> Service is headed by Dr. RosalíaBallona Chambergo.The Alberto Sabogal Sologuren Hospital was founded in 1942. In 1974, its name waschanged to Area Hospital No. 1 IPSS. On February 12, 1982, the new hospital location inBellavista was inaugurated, and in 1991, it changed its classification under the denomination<strong>of</strong> Regional Hospital III.The <strong>Dermatology</strong> Office was created in 1950 with Dr. Luis Flores-Cevallos, who, in1961, moved to the <strong>Dermatology</strong> Service <strong>of</strong> the Edgardo Rebagliati Hospital. In the sameyear, Dr. Juan Meza Balbuena joined, leaving the staff as follows: Dr. Juan Meza Balbuena(head doctor), Dr. Emma Ávila Del Carpio, Dr. Gloria Baquerizo and Dr. RogelioPinto Salas. In 1984, the medical team was made up <strong>of</strong> Drs. Humberto Gonzáles Garay(head doctor), Gloria Baquerizo, Emma Ávila Del Carpio, Rogelio Pinto Salas, HumbertoCosta Alfaro, Herbert Tirado, Carlos Guerra Carbajal, Daniel Valverde Bejarano and JoséSalazar Zumarán. From 1980 onward, Dr. Gonzáles Garay was head <strong>of</strong> the service up tohis retirement in 1992, when Dr. Emma Ávila Del Carpio took over that <strong>of</strong>fice. In 1994,Dr. Rogelio Pinto Salas accepted the head <strong>of</strong>fice, and has held it to date. In June 2000,the <strong>Dermatology</strong> residency began with the arrival <strong>of</strong> Dr. Ferdinando de Amat Loza.The Mary Mother <strong>of</strong> Help Hospital, founded in August 1986, began operating with a<strong>Dermatology</strong> Service headed, from the outset, by Dr. César Pérez del Arca. It is a teachingcenter <strong>of</strong> the National Higher University <strong>of</strong> St. Mark in the undergraduate departmentsince 1986 and in the training <strong>of</strong> residents in <strong>Dermatology</strong> since May 2000.■ The scientific Scientific Societies societies <strong>of</strong> the specialized <strong>of</strong> the fieldspecialized fieldThe Peruvian Medical Association, in the exercise <strong>of</strong> its role, classifies Scientific Societiesinto: Main, those that hold the representation <strong>of</strong> the specialized field throughout thecountry, and Special, the branches <strong>of</strong> International Scientific Societies (Rules for Medical-ScientificSocieties <strong>of</strong> the Peruvian Medical Association, 1999, Article 7).The Peruvian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>On February 15, 1951, at the Conference Hall <strong>of</strong> the Archbishop Loayza Hospital, thePeruvian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong> and Syphilology was founded in solemn session headedby Dr. Aurelio Loret de Mola with the attendance <strong>of</strong> Drs. Ricardo Pazos Varela (MedicalSchool), Gilberto Morey (president <strong>of</strong> the Peruvian Medical Federation), Oswaldo Hercelles(vice-president <strong>of</strong> Lima’s Public Welfare Society), Guillermo Basombrío (president<strong>of</strong> the Argentine Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>), Juan Machiavello (head <strong>of</strong> the ArchbishopLoayza Hospital); Víctor Eguiguren (head doctor <strong>of</strong> the anti-venereal Service). The firsttemporary Board <strong>of</strong> Directors was made up <strong>of</strong>: President, Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. Aurelio Loret de Mola;Secretary, Dr. Amaro Urrelo; Treasurer, Dr. Marcial Ayaipoma V.; Members, Drs. PedroWeiss, Hugo Pesce, Pablo Arana and Arturo Salas Brouset.The Society was dissolved due to unknown reasons.On September 1, 1964, a group <strong>of</strong> 22 dermatologists, gathered at the <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> theDaniel Alcides Carrión Medical Association, decided to set up an association called thePeruvian Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dermatology</strong>; they drafted and signed the Founding Record and appointedthe organizing Commission presided by Dr. Aizic Cotlear.364

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